Re: A New Begining

Rotel: We don't have anything with that sort of power or capability. Screw the Jedi way for now. We're saving lives here.

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Can we get close enough to one of them to fire? we could blast away one of the emitters, and that might reduce the damage and danger to our ships.

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

** Marx comes over to the Comm, and sends out a call to the Leech. **

Marx: (Comm) "This is Rogue IV to Leech... *Fzz* Anyone copy?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: Hey, you, Jedi...we have a transmittion from the fighter that was following us.

Daan: Acknowledge and make contact.

Jasen: Rogue IV, this is Leech transport. We copy your transmittion.


Alek: Revan, the Zabrak team is working on the Shadow Emittor. Are you any closer to finding Ashni and the woman?

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Comes back into view and walks into Vemor's lightsaber)

Thor: Do you really think that you or anybody else can kill me?

Thor: (Pushes Vemor back and takes Vemor's lightsaber out of my gut)

Thor: Nice try jedi.

Thor: (The wound heals and I throw Vemor's lightsaber to him)

Thor: I was a follower of Ajunta Pall himself and you treat me like I was a fallen jedi like yourself.

Thor: (Laughs and walks torwards Vemor unarmed)


Re: A New Begining

Marx: (Looks at Gilo) We have contact.

(Gets back on Comm)

Marx: (Comm) "By order of the council's request, I've been sent here to give aid. Status is pending though. Do you need my ID data and code?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Xvan: They're not dumb enough to leave them where they could be destroyed... and even if we did destroy one the Zabraks are sure to have a Plan B.

...Rogue IV...

(over comm)

Rogue IV this is Republic JAI-0019. Please state your ID and data codes. Once codes are checked you will be given further orders.

...Malachor V, Academy...

Vemor: (chuckles) A follower of Ajunta Pall? You are way behind. I am Ashni's greatest pupil. Irreplaceable.

...Destiny's Pawn, bridge...

Captain: We've got their location, we're just waiting for-

Man: (walks onto the bridge, bowing slightly as he approaches Revan, Alek, and Zorvon)
Your ship is prepared, mi'lady.

Revan: (begins to walk off the bridge)
Let's finish this.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Ashni and laughs)

Thor: This is your best student?

Thor: (Laughs again)

Thor: You must have been scapping the bottum of the barrel when you came across this jedi.

Thor: (Looks back at Vemor)

Thor: I was the 1 and only apprentice to Ajunta Pall and in that time I have learned more things about the Darkside and the Force then you could if you lived forever. I have killed more jedi, sith and mandalorians then everybody combinded in this Academy.

Thor: (Keeps walking torwards Vemor unarmed)


Re: A New Begining

Marx: "Roger that. I'll secure this channel..."

(Picks up data form)

Marx: "My ID is Marx Tharlinas, ID code 90029. I'm with Gilo Porr, ID code 90030. My data code is 4-8-15-16-23-24-42, pending Republic data section zero 532014-1203..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

This is Republic JAI-0019, ID and data codes accepted. All clear. One moment please. Transmitting...

(a hologram of a woman in Jedi robes appears)
(she smiles towards Marx)

Hello, Marx, I am Republic JAI-0019b or Sevana if you prefer. I will be taking over here due to Council Orders and will relay their orders to you from now on. I am sorry that I cannot fully be at your assisstance but I have other duties as well. However, I will stay onboard your ship to do the above and to answer any questions. Your new orders will arrive momentarily.

...Malachor V, Academy...

Vemor: (growls) All bark and no bite.

Re: A New Begining

Alek: Following you, Revan. Let's do this!


Daan: We have to try. *to Jasen* All Shadow technology has a gravatron radiation reading of Mark 3.901. Use our long range scanners and see if you can pick up anything with that radiation signature. that'll lead us to one of the ships.

Jasen: Scanning sector.


I won't be able to destroy the emittor, but I want Daan to try.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

(Revan, Alek, Zorvon, and Daar board Revan's personal ship Prisoner of Hope and begin the journey to Malachor V's surface)

...Republic Leech Transport...

Xvana: You boys better be carefuly. They could pick up on us real quick.

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: There it is. A slight trace of radiation, rotating .35 above the Northern axis.

Daan: Head up there. Get a lock on it!

*Jasen moves the ship in that direction.*

Jasen: There,......that floating debris, that's where it's coming from!

Daan: Scan it and see if you can find an emitor.

Jasen: Scanning....

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

Marx: (Nods) "Pleased to meet you JAI... erh, Sevana." (Walks over to hologram)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Grins evilly)

Thor: The same can be said about you jedi.

Thor: (Keeps walking and stops 3 feet from Vemor)

Thor: Your move jedi.

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: We have a lock! the emittor is on...well, what would be the lower port deck.

Daan: Manuever us into position. Kovasn, get on the guns, let's see if you can hit anything.

*Daan charges up the proton torpedoes*

Jasen: Almost in range..... Wait, I'm reading a massive energy build up around the emittor. It's some kind of ray shielding.

Daan: It's picked us up. The artificial intelligence must detect us a a threat...keep goin, get us where we can fire on it.

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

Gilo: "You fluent with Mandalorian?"

Marx: "I was in a Mandalorian Camp for 5 years, so yeah."

Gilo: "What happened there?"

Marx: "Ah, I'll tell you later - it was rather interesting..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Servana: (in Mando'a) I'm impressed.

...Malachor, surface...

Kilax: (looks at the screen)
What the hell is that?
(points to a blinking red dot)

Zabrak: It seems we have a threat.

Kilax: (looks at him) A threat?!

Zabrak: (tampers with the computer)
Don't worry, I can get rid of it.

...Republic Leech Transport...

Xvana: If you open fire on it you could get us into more trouble than you realize. I advise otherwise.

Rotel: Xvana.

Xvana: Yes?

Rotel: Stow it. (over comm in Mando'a) Xvan, as soon as you get a shot I want that pile of junk to be space dust.

Xvan: (replies in Mando'a) Sir, yes, sir. (in Basic) Get me closer, soldier... almost in range.

Xvana: (puts her hand to her head, listening) Wait a minute... I'm picking up....

(the ship shakes slightly and the sound of metal scrapping against metal is heard)

...Malachor, Academy...

(twirls his lightsabers, entering a battle stance)
(he uses a combination of Force Speed, Force Jump, and Force Push to grab hold of Thor; jump up into the air with him; then slam him back into the floor; one of his lightsabers through each of Thor's arms)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (looks at Vemor and laughs)

Thor: Nice moves jedi.

Thor: Now let me show you something that no Sith Master has shown you before.

Thor: (Pulls his body off the ground so hard that it rips my arms off and I stand up)

Thor: This is what you learn when you learn the true power of the Darkside from a True Sith.

Thor: (Closes eyes and forms a giant ball of Darkside energy around myself and my arms grow back better then new)

Thor: I told you that I could never be killed and your attemps of doing just that are those of a youngling.

Thor: (Laughs evilly)

Thor: I am done with your test because this student of yours is no match for me.

Thor: (Starts walking out of the chamber)

Thor: When you want me Ashni then send your boy to come and get me but for now I will be on the surface.

Thor: (Walks out of site and onto the surface of the planet)


Re: A New Begining

Gilo: (Walks over at window, looking at Leech) "I have a bad feeling about this."

Marx: "I feel it in the force... somethings..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?