Re: Do I Live For Nothing

A voice interupts Sara's thoughts, speaking through the Force. "So you come to find me after all these years, Sara... I figured you'd seek me out, I just thought you'd come sooner."

Sara hesitates. "I- I mean the Masters... they told me-"

A low chuckle. "Told you it was wrong didn't they? Used your trust in them to turn you against me, turn you against your feelings."

"You should have stayed, Rane... or taken me with you."

Rane sighs. "I told you why I couldn't, Sara. Even if they did more harm than good what they taught you may keep you from walking the same path I did years ago."

"Or may make me step exactly into your footsteps," she says under her breath.

Rane is silent for a moment. "You're... you're bringing someone?"

"Yes, they're friends don't worry. They're no threat to you."

Rane's voice feels with an unfamiliar emotion. "I'm not worried about me, Sara."

"I trust them..." another hesitation.

Rane growls. "Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly what I mean."

She closes up, trying to hide but he catches her. "If I taught you how to build your walls don't you think I can get by them."

Sara's voice drips with anger. "I'm not a child anymore, Rane."

"Yet you're falling the same way you did with that smuggler, damn it!"

She holds back and smiles. "Aww, you're too kind, Rane. I mean, jealous? Really?"

He growls.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector turns to leave Yi'shar.

"Wait, master..."

Vector, "Yes?"

"What do you know about her.....her past?"

Vector, "Very little. Who she was and what she's done or been through means nothing to me, except that I want to help her get past that and heal whatever hurts there were. She's been taught not to trust, to hide her emotions, as we all have. But Yi'shar, what kind of life is that? I have thought about it a long time, and she's all that I want. I want to see her happy, like she has never been since I've known her. Whatever it takes on my part."

Yi'shar, "I don't understand those feelings, but if you say so master. If there is anything I can do..."

"Just trust her as I have, and let her know that."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Anger drips on Rane's every word. "Oh just wait till you get here."

Sara smiles. "Oh what are you going to do mi anarde? Smother me with hugs and kisses?"

His voice falters slightly. "If that's what it takes to get him off your back... and quit calling me anarde."

Her smile gets bigger, her face glowing with joy. "Oh, what, too serious for you? How bout I call you mi karta? Better?"

Another falter in his voice. "Quit it."

"I'm not doing anything..."

He growls. "Don't tempt me, Sara."

"Oh you just don't know how to play do you?"

"I thought the Jedi would have gotten this out of you by now."

"Nope, all they did was bottle it all up, shake it a bit, and you just popped the top. Congratulations."

He chuckles. "You haven't changed a bit have you?"

"Wait till you see me in person. You'll rethink that."

Another growl. "That's it. I quit. I'm leaving you to your Jedi friend."

She grins. "Well I'm glad you think I'm a big girl now. Don't worry, I'm sure I can handle him all by myself."

A hesitation. Raging emotions. "Oh, I oughta..." A pause. A flicker in the raging emotions. "See you when you get here... mi karta." And with that he was gone, leaving Sara alone smiling.

But then, it hit her. Something... she had to make a choice...

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Master, one more thing.........what happened at Mustafar?"

Vector sighs, "What do you know about Mustafar?"

Yi'shar, "Only that you came back changed. ...what happened?"

Vector looks at Yi'shar, "We went to stop the terrorists that had made their base there. But they fought against us. We expected this; but I did not expect them to fight with such fury. They're anger and desparation gave them power like nothing I've ever seen in a non-force user. As I saw the Jedi with me struggle to defeat them, I too used my emotions to fight. Then, there it was..."

"I could feel the darkside, Yi'shar. I could sense it, luring me. The easy way, the fast way, the way to defeat the terrorists and save my friends."

"Did you use,.......the darkside?" asks Yi'shar, stunned.

"No, I resisted. But afterwards I was confused, Yi'shar. We killed all of the terrorists,...all of them. We were forced to, but there were those of us who enjoyed it. For all the teachings of the Jedi, in a battle, I found I had nothing with which to fight the darkside except sheer will. I came to the realization that the Sith are right, emotions make us stronger. But how can we resist the darkside? This is what I want to discover, Yi'shar. Peace and mediation are not the answer."

An alert comes over the com unit.

"We're nearing Ziost," says Vector. "I'd better go find Sara. Yi'shar, I told you of Mustafar so that you can understand my reason for coming on this journey. Sara and I are searching for the same thing. I hope we both come to the same answer."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara gently brings Breckneck out of hyperspace not to far from Zoist. She taps the controls, putting the ship in orbit around the planet, but in a larger ring so that anything incoming from the planet wouldn't be a threat. She turns around in her chair just in time to watch Vector walk back into the cockpit.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Hope you didn't miss me too much," says Vector jokingly. "So that's Ziost. Haven't been in this sector before. *begins a planetary data scan* Any idea where your friend might be?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Are you kidding, I was dying of boredom." She smiles and glances back over her shoulder briefly. "There's a lot more to Zoist than meets the eye. A lot of people automatically think Sith but it's been home to numerous species and it's not just a Sith fortress anymore. It's got ties to almost everything from any kind of black market material to slavery." Her voice falters on the last word; fear and pain overwhelm her other emotions. But then another wall.

She looks up at Vector. "To answer your question: yeah, I know where to find him. Here he kinda sticks out like a sore thumb."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector catches her verbal falter. "A sore thumb, huh? Well, maybe even someone like me could find him then. With a little luck of course. *reads scanner data* You're right. Massive life form readings. If you know where he is, we should probably head down...unless of course there are some cultural guidlines we should follow first."

Pauses a moment. "You know a lot about this planet. Do you know about the slave trade from personal experience?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sarlas shifts the main thrusters to the lowest mark, making the ship float. The ship's edges flip out and fires out heat.

Phara,"So what now?" "We wait for a minute..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She frowns. "Yeah." She turns around and starts to tamper with the ship control but pauses. Trust she thinks.

"I- I was... a slave once..." Pain and hate drip from every word.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector frowns. I hope the person that did that to her is dead now. He will be fast if i ever find him.

"Do you need to talk about it? It was a long time ago, but the hurt is still there."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She doesn't look at him. "It's a long story and I'm sure you won't find it interesting... hell, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get through it all."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"No pressure. If you'd rather not talk about it... But we do have time before we can bring this ship in on final approach. Maybe it would help you."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She turns back around but still doesn't look at him. "When my dad died, my mom took it real hard... perhaps it was just the way it happened that upset her. I had to quit school and find work because she sure wasn't paying for anything. I got tired of being poor after a short time... and then I got into, well, let's just call them outlaw activities."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector looks at her intently. "I'm sorry. Were you alone, or did with others?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"At first I worked alone... I always worked better that way. But then one of my friends introduced me to this smuggler." She pauses. Hate.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"And this smuggler, he appeared to be helpful at first and then turned out to be looking out for #1?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

** Sarlas sits in the pilots seat and looks out into space. **

"Where do you want to go when you grow up?" A little girls voice says.

"Travel the universe, most likely... space is so vast!" A little boy replied.

"Where does that leave me?" She asks.

"You can come with me!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"I should have spat the words 'My Daddy told me so' when he asked why I didn't trust him when we first started working together... but I couldn't. I fell right into his arms and for that I paid the price. He- he turned me in for a bounty I had on my head."

She looks down at the floor. "I watched him count the credits as they restrained me, bound me in chains, and then I saw him smile as they dragged me away."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector looks at Sara. "And now when I say you can trust me, see that whole situation replaying over in your mind."

Turns and walks to the window. "You see me as the smuggler, ready to take what I can and then leave you, or worse. You're saying to yourself, 'I got burned once, bad, and I won't let that happen ever again.' Why trust someone when all you have is their word and a few smiles to go on."

Turns back and fixes his gaze on her. "This will sound cliche, but I'm not that smuggler. I'm Vector Farr; I'll lay down my life if you asked. you don't have to be afraid of that happening again with me."

I Am Jedi