Re: A New Begining

Sith Assassin 2: (throws his lightsaber towards Thor)

Sith Assassin 3: (charges towards Thor, attacking him aggressively)

Sith Assassin 1: (uses Force Storm on Thor)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Takes the brunt of the 3 assassians attack and shuggs it off)

Thor: Is that all you got?

Thor: (Uses Death Feild on assassian number 1 killing him where he stands)

Thor: I will feed off your force powers and the Darkside.

Thor: (Uses Force Pull on assassian number 2 pulling him in close and thrusts my right lightsaber throw his chest killing him)

Thor: To easy.

Thor: (Turns off the right lightsaber and the assassian drops to the ground)

Thor: It is just you and me now assassian number 3.

Thor: (Turns lightsaber back on)


Re: A New Begining

Name: Marx Tharlinas

Age: 26

Class: Jedi Knight

Side: Lightside

Background: N/A

Status: Marx is currently heading to the descent of the Mandalorian ship that Daan and Amos were heading by the council. He comes within sight of the ship's glow from the sun.

Stance: His lightsaber stance is based off of a balance control of both light and heavy attacks with the lightsaber.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Sith Assassin 3: (deactivates his lightsaber, a puts his hands together almost as if praying as a darkside shield forms around him)
(he begins reciting something in ancient Sith)

(as he does, the roof above Thor turns black with a faint red glow)
(lightning comes from the hole, striking the ground around the Sith Assassin)

(from the places where the lightning struck more Sith Assassins appear)

Re: A New Begining

*Daan and Jasen pull themselves up through the shaft into a ship*

Daan: It's a special strike transport called a Leech. The technology allows it to dock on the side of a ship, bore thru the hull, and insert an airlock access. This is how Amos and I were able to make our entry to the ship.

Jasen: And what happens when you move the transport away and break the seal?

Daan: Well, you can reseal it, but *grinning* I'm not going to. You Kovasn hurry up! Jasen, take the controls, I got nav.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: I see you have a nice understanding of the Darkside.

Thor: (Puts hands into the air and starts to form a dark force around me)

Thor: I will show you true power!!!!

Thor: (Thursts lightsabers into the ground and as the dark force passes through me body and into the ground the ground begings to shake)

Thor: It is time.

Thor: (Yells and 9 exact Dark Jedi appear that look just like me in everyway even do to how I move and speak)

Thor: Let's end this!!

Thor: (I move into the group of Dark Jedi and we surround the assassians)


Re: A New Begining

** Marx's ship speeds towards the Mandalorian ship, and slowly decreases speed. **

Marx: "I see the Mandalorian ship."

Gilo: "Magnetic force is lowly, and senser are picking up strong signatures coming from the Mando cruiser over there."

Marx: "Leaking?"

Gilo: "Not really, seems like something is releasing."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

(Xvan, Rotel, and Akson board the Leech)

Xvana: Warning: Incoming unidentified aircraft.

Rotel: Shock their systems and run them through.

Xvana: (sarcastically) Aye, aye, captain.

Akson: (looks at Daan) We Mandalorians are smarter than you give us credit for and have more than a few tricks up our sleeves. A human pilot will never be able to get away from the fleet even in a craft like this. Let me take her.

...Marx's ship...

(suddenly his ship loses all power except for its emergency systems like life support, etc.)
(a voice speaks over the ship's comm)

This is Republic JAI-0019. Please remain calm. Your systems are currently disabled until you are cleared. All power to shields. Should you experience contact power will immediately be restored and a hyperspace jump will be initiated immediately. Again, please remain calm.

...Malachor V, surface...

Zabrak: Shouldn't we be going this way?
(points to a left narrow passage)

Kilax: (growls, turning to face the Zabrak)
I have my orders Zabrak, but I am more than capable of completing them alone.
(a small vibroblade slowly slides into his hand, probably from a secret compartment in his arm armor)

...Malachor, Academy...

Vemor: (comes back into the room)
(performs a massive darkside Repulse, pushing everyone ((and I mean everyone)) against the walls of the room)
(uses the Force to pull Thor to him, but keeps him held in mid air, only a few inches from his face)
She'll see you now.
(drops him and walks back into the room he just left)
(as he leaves, he clinches his hands into fists)
(all the Sith Assassins and the Dark Jedi suddenly choke and die)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Stands up and puts lightsabers away)

Thor: Finally.

Thor: (Walks into the chamber where Vemor and the other figure is waiting)

Re: A New Begining

Vemor: (approaches a cloaked figure, meditating in the middle of the room)
He's here, Master.

(a woman speaks and it is certainly clear she is Ashni)

Ashni: (she doesn't move, she remians where she is)
Good, good. Did he pass?

Vemor: (growls, glancing quickly back at Thor)
It depends.

Ashni: Depends? (chcukles slightly) Well how about another one of your tests? I'm sure he doesn't mind the work outs.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Walks closer to Ashni)

Thor: Master, I am up for any test that your student may have.


Re: A New Begining

Gilo: (Looks over at Marx) "Welcoming comittee."

Marx: "Great." (Looks out front visor glass)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: Master Ashni, I am ready.

Re: A New Begining

Waiting for LSM I suppose.

Ashni: Well, Vemor? You seem to have a massive amount of assassins at your deposal.

Vemor: (activates two red lightsabers)
He'll face me.

Re: A New Begining

Daan: "Great, just what we need. No way, Kovasn. You can be on this ship, but Jasen pilots. Alright, the seals closed; breaking docking points. Get us outta here, Jasen."

Jasen: "Right. Let's see what this bird can do!"

*The transport lurches and blasts away from the capital ship.*

Jasen: "Where's that boggie?"

Daan: "Just get her oughta here fast! It's out there, but I don't think we'll need to worry about it now. Revan's headed to the surface; we should probably follow her."

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvan: We've got to. The Council demands that Jedi girl back. They don't want- (he stopped what he was saying as Xvana's speaks up)

Xvana: That information is still classified as of now, Xvan.

Xvan: Right.

...Marx's ship...

This is Republic JAI-0019. You have been cleared and are free to proceed. However, the Jedi Council suggest you follow this ship.

(Marx's navacomputer lights up and shows the location of the small Republic Leech Daan, Jasen, and the Kovasn are on)

...Republic Leech...

Rotel: (grabs hold of the walls as the Leech shakes violently, glaring at Jasen)
I thought you said you could fly this thing, Republic.

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: Hey, no one said it'd be a smooth ride. But we haven't been hit by a Mando cruiser or perimeter mine, so .......... great. I suggest you either strap in or engage your magnetic boots  or what ever it is that you do to keep from falling over, cause i've gotta do some fancy flying.

Daan: What's wrong?

Jasen: Those three cruisers ahead are charging their guns. We're headed for a hail storm boys, hang on!

*Jasen pilots the ship through several evasive manuevers as the Mandalorian ships open fire. The transport takes minimal hits, and the shields hold up strong*

Jasen: Mando gunners.......... through out enough lasers and hope to hit something........ sheesh. That's good for us.

Daan: Gotta read on that ship. She's republic; i'll keep an eye on her, but i think it's alright.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

(the Kovasn engage a locking mechanism in their boots, locking their feet to the floor of the Leech)

Xvan: I told that idiot not to put rookie gunners up... good thing he's hard-headed.

Rotel: Yeah, he's gonna be no-headed as soon as Maks gets a hold of him.

Re: A New Begining

Daan: *rolls his eyes* I'm glad that Mandalorians don't listen to Kovasn's either. *lurches with the ship* you know, getting hit by those blasters doesn't sound so bad!

Jasen: Funny Jedi. You just hold onto your saber hilt, we ain't gettin hit by those Mando's

*The ship blasts through the last of the blaster fire and heads to the planet. Jasen fires rear flares*

Jasen: That should give us some cover. the worst is over now.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvana: Don't count on it. We've got incoming. Missles. Counting... three and they're not falling for the flares.

Rotel: Mandalorian missles don't seek heat.

Akson: Damn it, move over, Republic.
(picks Jasen clear out of the pilot's seat and sits down before anyone can protest)
Hold on!
(begins to perform an all out spiral)

Xvan: (grabs hold of Daan)

Rotel: (grabs hold of Jasen)