Re: Is It Only Me?

That's cool.

Re: Is It Only Me?

You listen to him?

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Is It Only Me?

wrote a new song last night Jest. It's pretty tight, just a trio song tho, we're missing our regular drummer.

I Am Jedi

Re: Is It Only Me?

Cool, man. Nice work.

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Is It Only Me?

yeah, it was a lot of fun. we had practice again today, but it's weird not having our drummer. one of our guitarists subs for him, and it sounds strange not having two guitars.

I Am Jedi

Re: Is It Only Me?

Realy? Where's he at?
In the meantime, I wrote two new chapters.

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Is It Only Me?

sweet dude.

well, he keeps goin on vacation with his fam. this weekend they were in New Orleans........and he has soccer also <_<

I Am Jedi

Re: Is It Only Me?

Guess what sport I&#39;m starting come May. You&#39;ll never guess, hehehe....

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Is It Only Me?

hmmm.............Rugby? lol

I Am Jedi

Re: Is It Only Me?

Nope. Swordfighting. B)  :ph34r:

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Is It Only Me?

That&#39;s pretty cool Drake.  big_smile  B)

LSM, You will have to find a new drummer or your music and band will start to suffer.

Re: Is It Only Me?

>>or mayby it&#39;s becouse of LSM it&#39;s suffering<<<
hehehe, what was it, oh yeah..... jk, pal, jk.

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Is It Only Me?

oooh, bad Drake, bad&#33; lol nice about the sword fighting tho

yeah, we&#39;re lookin into it, Jest. me and two of the guys are doing a trio show Friday. we&#39;ll see how it goes. I&#39;m gonna try to video it and then post it here from youtube.. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Is It Only Me?

Sounds cool LSM and good luck.  big_smile  B)

Re: Is It Only Me?

Yeah, may Freyja, the goddess of luck, smile upon you.

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Is It Only Me?

dude, we had soooooooo much fun. that was a blast&#33; missed the trio cause of rain, but my band played for a youth group wednesday and that was awesome. everyone really had a lot of fun, and i think they were really surprised by us B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Is It Only Me?

Nice, man, glad ya did.

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Is It Only Me?

awesome lsm

Re: Is It Only Me?

Hey, Atrox, what kind of music dso ya listen to?

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Is It Only Me?

yeah man, it was awesome. i&#39;m gonna try to get a vid up soon.

I Am Jedi