Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here


Jester: (Sits up and looks at Kale)

Jester: Yes, We will have to pay that rat alittle visit.

Jester: (Smiles and stands up)

Jester: It is also great that Hovoth is going to be on this mission because that is another hand and we can use all the help on this mission.

Jester: (Walks and sits down where Kale is at and looks over the mission reports)

Jester: Kale, We will need to take care of this rat before our target because he is the only 1 on the station that knows who we are.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Kale: Agreed. We'll have to make it fast too. Let's see, ........tonight he won't be on assignment at the docks, fortunately. Hmmm.......he is scheduled to give the environmental control system a check approximately 1 and a half hours after we arrive. Any ideas?

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Thinks)

Jester: We will be able to go almost all over the station but I believe that part is closed off to us so we could get there through the vents.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Alright, let's get this running again.

Hovoth: I wonder what's taking Kale and Jest' so long...

(Looks at the time)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

"Probably stuck in traffic"

( Hovoth looks around spooked)

" Dont worry i am on your side, i joined while you were on leave"

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Com to Hovoth and Atrox) We are about to land on the station on platform 3.

(The transport lands on platform 3 and Jester and Kale walk off the ship)

Jester: We need to meet Hovoth and Atrox before we enter the main hall.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

(Looks at Atrox)

Hovoth: Woah, surprised me there. (Laughs)

(Looks up)

Hovoth: Okay. Let's head to the 3rd Platform mark and meet up with Kale and Jester.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Kale: Alright. Let's see if this bucket of bolts will hold together one more time. Good things it's not an atmospheric re-entry.

*The ship begins final approach to the station.*

Kale: I've sent our ID information and they've given us a docking pass.

Kale: Once we land, we'd better get out of sight until we've had a chance to deal with "Hubber" Juma. Better let Hovoth and Atrox know about him as well.

*The ship lands at Platform 3 with a jolt*

Kale *regaining his balance*: Hmmmph, I knew it! I bet half the engine fell of the ship after that landing! hahaha

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: (Walks through entry) There they are!

(Waves, and walks over to them)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Walks around to the back of the transport to check out the damage)

Jester: Kale, We may need to find another ship because half the engine did dropped off but it dropped when we were comming in for the landing.

Jester: (Walks back around and joins the others)

Jester: We have 5 hours before the turnament starts so we can find our old friend the hutt and take care of him before we carry out this mission.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Kale: well, guess we won't be going home in that. Unless Hovoth can work miracles with a hydrospanner. *whispers* If we can find a security panel, we should be able to find Hubber without any problems.

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: Yeah, his data file that contains his current location is most likely stored in there.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Moves closer to Kale and Hovoth)

Jester: When we remove the pannel make sure not to hit anything that you don't need to touch because more then likely it will have alarms on them.

(All of a sudden a big noise can be heard on the left side of the transport)

Jester: (Runs over to the left side of the transport)

Jester: Now we really need to find a new ship because the left wing just fell off.

Jester: (Walks back over to Kale's side)

Jester: I'm glad the wing did not fall in hyperspace or when we were comming in for a landing.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

(Gang heres, atroxs screams, and turn around to see no one)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Kale: What happened to Atrox? hmmm.......

Kale: I'll look for a security panel. Back in a flash.

*drops over the side of the platform down to the next ledge and disappears through a window.*

Kale: Just like gang initiation all over again. *grins*

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Pulls out a layout of the station)

Jester: The hutt is 2 levels up over the room where they are having the turnament.

Jester: (Studies the layout more closely)

Jester: I see that there is a vent connects the room next to his to his room so that can be our way in and out.

Jester: (Hands it to Hovoth)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

(Takes it)

Hovoth: Yeah - yeah, nice schematics.

(Something catches his eye)

Hovoth: There seems to be a crawl space one the floors also, that's an optional passage.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Steps and stands next to Hovoth to see the crawl space)

Jester: We can use the crawl space to get to the room next to his and use the crawl space on the way back and that way it will cut down on the people that will see us up their.

Jester: (Takes a closer look at the layout)

Jester: It looks like they have added 2 turrets outside the door of his room too.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

(wakes up strapped to a chair, his wepons and clothes stripped from him)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: We need to find what happened to Atrox too.