Re: The Return

hehe, sounds like my week. with band and work thrown in. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: The Return

I've ben kinda lazy lately... need to do more stuff... but noone wants to do anything. tongue

We went to Myrtel (Sp?) Beach last year... tis was fun. Didn't send LSM a postcard. ;P

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Return

shame on you Hovoth! lol jk i've only been there a few times.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Return

Lightside Master,Apr 10 2009, 11:24 AM wrote:

hehe, sounds like my week. with band and work thrown in. B)

ew... that sucks. the work part, anyway.

Re: The Return

yeah, work wasn't too bad this week tho. it mean money too, so that's always good! B)

I Am Jedi

Re: The Return

there are ways to make money without working. i'm doing it as we speak.

Re: The Return

nice. well, as of right now, i like workin for it, so that's what i'll be stickin with.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Return

Me and LSM live in the real world so we work for our money and not wait till our mom and dad give us money.

Re: The Return

you seek to insult and anger me. you will not succeed, so i will simply tell you that your arrogance has made you ignorant.

it's called having your money work for you. money making money. investments, jester (yes, i'm calling you out since you seem to want to insult me). buying precious metals, buying into companies, buying foreign money that is worth more than the american dollar. how do you think people like donald trump got to where they are today? they didn't have to work for money. why? because money worked, and still works, for them!

Re: The Return

Did you see you name in my post, No you did not so JOG ON!!!

Re: The Return

so what? we all know who you were talking about, seeing as how there are only 3 of us here. you already ruled 2 out: yourself and lsm.

do not take me for a fool.

Re: The Return

comon dude. unless you have enough money invested where you are making thousands just off of interest, you're eventually going to have to work for a living. and even so, to have enough money to invest that much, a person has to work to start with. i get what you're sayin about havin your money work for you, but in order to do that you have to get the money from somewhere first, and that usually means work.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Return

of course...

but that other... person acts like i'm in la-la land and not in the real world. i don't intend on working for the rest of my life... as i'm sure you don't, lsm.

but jester... now that's a different story.

Re: The Return

well, i really don't know what i'll do. i'll be working on something. i had an uncle that set a goal of being able to retire when he was 50. he made it, sold his business and retired well, now he's out cruisin the world, but he still does some consulting work. so who know's. I'm going into the ministry so i'll probably be working for a long time.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Return

I work not just for the money but because I like working. I already own my house, 2 cars and I own about 66 acers of farm land. If I wanted to I could retire today and live the rest of my life as a farmer but I am going to work until I am 45 and travel the world. Prince I do not care what you do with your money and I hope you make bank.

Re: The Return

Nice Jest, that's pretty awesome! B)

I Am Jedi

Re: The Return

Darth Jester,Apr 14 2009, 01:21 AM wrote:

I work not just for the money but because I like working. I already own my house, 2 cars and I own about 66 acers of farm land. If I wanted to I could retire today and live the rest of my life as a farmer but I am going to work until I am 45 and travel the world. Prince I do not care what you do with your money and I hope you make bank.

but you can never have enough money... (call me greedy)

Re: The Return

There are more important things then money and one day you may learn that but for now I hope you make all the money that you are after.

Re: The Return

I agree. If money is the highest pursuit a person has, they will eventually find out they missed out on a lot and have a wasted life to think back on.

"There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth. "For whom am I toiling," he asked, "and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?" This too is meaningless

I Am Jedi

Re: The Return

There was another man that was out for nothing but money and he was the guy who turned in jesus and look what happened to the guy.