Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: look: your people are more than capable of slaughtering these guys single-handedly... as are mine. if we split, verto on one side, divine beast on the other... it will be double the slaughter in half the time.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: (growls)

Ardeo: The Recro makes a strong point, Rector. Besides, I can go with him.

Rector: We cannot afford to lose both you and the Recro in a single sweep, Ardeo. Surely you know-

Ardeo: I know more than you think I do. I can handle myself.

Peopeius: Your power is untamed, Ardeo... should even the slightest infestation happen you would be lost.

Velox: And should you become lost nothing would stand in the Morsus' way.

Ardeo: Then teach him, Rector... teach him how to tame it, how to control it.

Fortis: He's not ready-

Ardeo: (growls at Fortis) That is not for you to decide, brother.
(looks back at Rector)

Rector: (growls) (in Kilsih) What happens if it's too much? If in trying to tame what's within you he unleashes what is within himself? His fall could led to your own destruction.

Ardeo: (sighs) We do not have time to argue over this! We have more important things-

Rector: This is important, Ardeo! Right here, right now we could be deciding the fate of everyone... every living being! Do you rush such things?!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

sonia: if you would take this threat head on, i will be by your side as your apprentice to the death.

logan: wouldn't have it any other way. so, all in favor of dividing our forces...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Ardeo: (stands beside Logan)

Rector: (sneers) You would go against me, Ardeo?

Proprius: Do you realize what you are doing, brother?

Ardeo: (growls) While we sit here agruing over petty things our brothers and sisters are dying on the front lines. I plan to finish this... I don't have time to wait for your kyries to quit cowering in fear.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(a massive fleet of unknown warships and dragons drops out of hyperspace)

man (over com): this is Shipmaster Maroon Chillar of the capital class cruiser Shadow of Revenge to Wingmaster Logan; do you read?

logan: loud and clear, shipmaster. good to have you with us.

maroon: good to be with you maximillian. holding position above you and your friends...

logan: divide your forces in half. take the front half with you and assist the front lines. i'll have one of the verto let them know they have reinforcements on the way.

maroon: will do. see you on the other side, max.

logan: you too. (to rector) you have more than enough forces to divide. let's get to it.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: (glares at Logan)
For thousnds of years I have lead my people into battle... both for your kind and against it. I have dealt with Ardeo's forefathers and have saved my race from extinction countless times. I will not see it fall now because of someone like you.

(leans down so his face is even with Logan's)
(quietly) You don't know what you're dealing with here, Recro... Ardeo is untamed, disobedient, careless, and above all stubborn. If you don't know how to control him, you don't know how to control his power... and if you can't control his power when the time comes- (pauses)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: fine... you come with me.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: I am the only one that keeps Ardeo under command... if it were not for my own power this war would have ended millenia ago. However, my power over him seems to faulter at distances... and I cannot ask that he approach the front lines just yet. (pauses) But perhaps I should consider your words more than I have before...

(looks at Ardeo)
You will move with Annuo... (frowns) Try to remember what she taught you.

Ardeo: (growls, frowning) Very well, (his tone turns bitter) Rlor.
(crosses one of his arms over his chest)

Rector: (worried look) Proprius.

Proprius: (approaches Rector) Yes, sir?

Rector: I will escort the Recro... (quietly) If Ardeo gets out of control, you know what to do.

Proprius: (somber look) As you command, Rector.

Rector: And Velox.

Velox: (looks at Rector) Sir?

Rector: Make sure Proprius doesn't get carried away.

Velox: (sighs) And now I've got babysitting duties.

Proprius: (growls) Oh, you're just asking for it.

Rector: (looks back at Logan)
I will follow you Recro but I am in no way subject to your command. If your life becomes threatened I have a right to follow commanding orders... at all costs.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: no... you are not my dragon; you do not answer to me, but you collaborate with me. now where is starr so we may assist her?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: No matter what we throw at the Morsus's army they seem to come back in stronger numbers.

Fortis: Like cockroaches, I believe the saying is.

Rector: (nods) We cannot assist the Regina just yet... our task lies elsewhere. But do not worry. Validus and his (he says the word with total disgust) aasen will protect her.

(he glances at Ardeo and then back at Logan) But if we are to win this war, stop the Morsus for a time... our only hope is you and Ardeo.

(looks at Velox) You are in charge, dear friend. Once the way is clear move up in our path.

Velox: (slautes)
Yes, sir.

Rector: (looks back at Logan)
On your command, Recro.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: lead me to them, then i'll devise a strategy.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: (sighs) You and the Regina are more alike than you realize... I and Maioribus could never get her to listen to anything she didn't want to listen to.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: tip number one: female humans are like wookies. once they have their minds made up, arguing with them will prove futile and sometimes painful.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: (chuckles) Oh, I understand more than you think.
(his looks becomes somber again) We should move. Keep up if you can, Recro.
(transforms into a Blackbird and shoots off, creating a massive shock wave behind him)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(dragon roars, follows)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Fortis: (chuckles)
Show offs!
(he looks at Velox)
So what now? We just sit on our asses and wait?

Proprius: That's the idea.

Velox: The Morsus's soldiers know what they're doing. It won't take them long to intercept Rector and the Recro... and it certainly won't take them long to find us with Ardeo just sitting around giving off signals like he is.

Ardeo: (sniffs his shoulder)
Hey, I don't stink.

Fortis: (snickers)

Proprius: (shakes his head, looking at Velox)
And I'm related to those geniuses?

Velox: Well, hey, look at me... I'm related to a pyschotic cut throat.

Proprius: (growls)
I'll take that as a compliment.

Velox: (smiles slightly, looking back at Fortis)
It isn't going to be all fun and games. They're gonna come after Ardeo in force... and we all know why.

Fortis: (chuckles, activating his six large canons)
I call that fun and games.

Proprius: Well why you're having fun don't forget to keep them off Ardeo.

Ardeo: Yeah. You forgot that last time and the Pantema chewed me up real good.

Fortis: (shurgs, deactivating his canons)
Velox saved ya, didn't he? No big.

Proprius: We almost lost him.

Fortis: (backs up defensively)
Hey, I had just got off the belt after ten years. What did you expect?


Rector: (through the Force to Logan)
We've got a blockade up ahead. Counting... over ten thousand.
(he preps two missles)
I'll clear a few. Then what do you say we land dead center and finish this... em, Proprius style. (he chuckles)
(he fires one of the missles at a large group of unknown forces just coming into view)
(he performs a flip over Logan and his dragon and fires the other missle)
Aw, Fortis would have loved this.
(he begins to transform somewhat, but still maintains most of the Blackbird's form)
Prepare for contact.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan and his dragon: (transform ((so to speak)) from an organic "fleshling form" to a matter of dust and cloud like whisp, but maintain their appearance)

logan: now i'm ready...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: Let's hit dirt.
(as he nears what remains of the blockade, he transforms completely back into a Verto and lands dead center in the group, creating a small cratar)
(stands up, activating six lightsabers)
(he chuckles, narrowing his eyes)
Oh, I'm gonna enjoy kicking y'alls asses again.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(logans dragon mutates into a fleshling form again and feasts oneveryone inside the ships, making it grow larger)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

A short time later

Rector: (deactivates his lightsabers along with four of his arms)
(dusts his hands off, looking towards Logan)
Well that was fun.