Re: A New Begining

*sits down with popcorn* Really? What happened? *eats popcorn*

Re: A New Begining

haha, he told me about that and i was like, "OOOKAY, that's a little weird!" lol roll  B)

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

well your avatar was in it and you were just kickin some major a#@ is it hahaha!!! it was ballin.

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it's just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Oh come on give me those ass kicking details. *eats more popcorn* You can PM if you don&#39;t want to share your dreams with the world. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Sorry I have not been on here but I have been working overtime but I am back to normal hours so we can start off where we left off or start a new one.

Re: A New Begining

We were just waiting for you to post... didn&#39;t want to leave you behind. Go back and read our posts then get us going again Jester.

Re: A New Begining

i don&#39;t really remember the dream anymore. sorry starr. but it was brutal. and yes we have missed you greatly jest.

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

yeah, ready when you are Jest. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Starr,Apr 4 2009, 12:31 PM wrote:

Will do... last post will be edited for different character contact purposes. And let&#39;s say Kilax is the one that betrayed the Jedi... he&#39;s the really bad one anyway. It just sounds like something he&#39;d do.

Also you may notice a significent change in Xvan&#39;s AI&#39;s personality (a.k.a. Xvana). This is just due to the fact that she is a updated version of his previous AI.... a Jedi version shall we say.... long story, too many details... might tell it later.

Xvana: Tracking... tracking... found &#39;em. They&#39;re headed to the lower decks.

Xvan: (stands in the doorway that leads to the bridge) Why there? They can&#39;t possibly get out.

Xvana: It doesn&#39;t matter, you&#39;ve got to get to them before they do.

Xvan: Well, I guess I better get my tail moving.

Xvana: Copy cat.

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Revan: I have a feeling Nur-Jii Daan wants no part of our operations now. Something seems to have scared him off. (glances towards Kilax)

Kilax: (low growl)

Revan: (looks at Atrian)
We need as many we can get when we face Kreia and her students. Your services will be greatly appreciated when we fight her on her own turf. I fear we should have killed her here... when we had a much easier chance. But let us leave at once. The more time we spend talking the more dangerous this war becomes.
(walks onto the ship)

...Destiny&#39;s Pawn, bridge...

Man: Sir, Revan sends orders to go ahead and send down the Zabrak squad. It seems a Kovasn will not be able to escort the group to the planet, but will indeed met them once they hit surface.

Destiny&#39;s Pawn&#39;s Captain: Very well, Boeh. Drop them.

Boeh: At once, sir.
(leaves the bridge)


(the Mandalorian ships move into assault formations quickly, giving the Republic no time to react)

...Kyra, bridge...

Maks: I will not see us defeated by a woman&#33; Tell all ships to open fire on the Republic fleet. I want them all space dust.

Communicator: Yes, sir. At once, sir.
(begins sending orders)

Maks: (stands up, looking out the bridge&#39;s windows)
Order Kyra, Ora, and Jatne to open fire on Apollyon.

Communicator: But, sir, there are still Mand-

Maks: They will die to save all the rest of us&#33; Now I gave you an order... kill that b**ch&#33;

...Malachor V, unknown location...

Ashni&#39;s student: This way, boy. Don&#39;t let it all get to you too soon or you may end up just another corpse on this graveyard planet.
(walks off towards the Academy)

Excuse the language, no offense meant... gives the line a good tone sorta.

Thor: (Looks at Ashni&#39;s student)

Thor: The reason I do not strike you down at this moment is because my Master has plans for me but when that time is over so will be your life.

Thor: (Follows Ashni&#39;s student towards the Academy)

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: why are we going this way?&#33; the hanger is in the opposite direction&#33;

Daan: Just follow. I know what I&#39;m doing. There&#39;s a way out, trust me; plus i&#39;m going to rig a little surprise for the rest of the Mandalorians in this fleet.

*Daan and Jasen continue down the hall towards the engine housing.*

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

(suddenly Apollyon shakes violently as Kyra, Ora, and Jatne open fire on it, however, its shields take most of the damage)

Zorvon: (growls, walking up the loading ramp behind Revan)
(touches her shoulder lightly)
We must move quickly, mi&#39;lady. Apollyon is well shielded but she can only stand so much from Mandalorian guns.

Kilax: (walks up the ramp, following Zorvon)
Let me have her sticks.
(walks into the Prisoner of Hope&#39;s cockpit)

Revan: (looks back at Alek, Daar, and Atrian)
You heard the man. Let&#39;s go.
(walks aboard the ship)

Daar: (walks up the ramp, standing beside Zorvon)
What about Xvan and them? We can&#39;t just leave them.

Zorvon: You still have a lot to learn about the way we&#39;re made. Have no fear for our brothers... (pushes him on up the ramp)

Daar: (enters the ship)

...Apollyon, Engine Housing...

Xvan: Xvana-

Xvana: Wait for them.

...Malachor V, surface...

Ashni&#39;s student: (chuckles) Such brave words for a coward.
(faces Thor) If we ever get to face each other you will be surprised at the outcome. (smiles)
(walks up the pathway towards the Academy)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Uses Force Push on Ashni&#39;s student and knocks him to the ground)

Thor: You call yourself a student of the force and you trusted me enough to turn your back on me.

Thor: (Laughs evilly)

Thor: Ashni could have picked a better student but I guess she saw something in you.

Thor: (Faces the student and walks beside the student)

Re: A New Begining

*The capitol ship lurches from a laser blast*

Daan: She&#39;s not going to last much longer. Quick, through here.

*Daan and Jasen decend the last flight of stairs into the main engine housing. they walk down between the two giant turbo shafts that power the afterburners. Daan walks to a control panel*

Daan: *begins working on the panel* I&#39;m recalibrating the engines. By reroutine the circuits and main balast framework, I can change these from purpulsion engines to massive tractor beams. They will literally s**k the Mandalorian fleet into a hypernet. It will be caos&#33;

Jasen: Wait, won&#39;t that make getting away a little tricky?&#33;

Daan: *continues working* These engines take time to build pressure. In space bay they have to warm for two hours before they are ready for travel. We&#39;ll have time to get away.

*Daan moves to another panel*

Jasen: Now what?&#33;

Daan: I&#39;m plotting a course. The port thrusters will engage to move the ship towards the planet, and away from our fleet. The engine reversal will drag the Mandalorian vessels after it. We might even get lucky and have the whole fleet crash into the planet.

Jasen: where in the world did you learn this?

Daan: *grins* It&#39;s called Shadow technology. Something I&#39;ve been studying for a long time. It takes Mandalorian technology and turns it against them. Revan&#39;s ship is equipped with a new weapon made from the same research. It was made as a last resort, and I believe the space battle we had a while ago proved that we have finally reached that point.


Alek: Atrian, quickly, on board&#33; we&#39;ll need you with us&#33;

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Walks and enters the Academy)

Thor: (Force to Ashni) Master, I am in the Academy and I will kill your student if he dose not stop acting like a jedi.

Thor: (Waits for Ashni&#39;s student to enter the Academy)

Re: A New Begining

(Daan and Jasen hear a deep voice behind them as the panel Daan&#39;s working with suddenly flickers and goes blank)
(in place of the lit up screen a 3D AI appears, a woman, dressed in clothing that resembles a Jedi robe)

Xvan: (approaches them from behind, the outline of a shield around his armor clearly visible) Nice work, Xvana.

Xvana: Wow, I&#39;ll have to write that down. A compliment coming from you.

Xvan: (growls, looking at Daan)
(he holds his empty hands up to show that he means no harm)
Look here Jedi...


(Prisoner of Hope flies out of Apollyon&#39;s security hanger at breakneck speed)

...Prisoner of Hope, cockpit...

Zorvon: (grabs each side of the cockpit&#39;s dorrway will all his might in order to keep his balance)
Damnit, Kilax, if those Mandalorian guns don&#39;t get us your fancy flying will sure enough kill us all&#33;

Kilax: (laughing)
Relax, boss, I know what I&#39;m doing.

Zorvon: (growls)
I doubt it&#33;

Kilax: (still laughing)

...Apollyon, unknown location...

Rotel: Where the- engine housing?&#33;

Akson: You&#39;re kidding right?

Rotel&#39;s AI: I am not the kind to joke about my work, Kovasn. I told you where he was and that&#39;s where he will be. But you must take warning that he is not alone.

Rotel: Of course.

(he and Akson head towards Apollyon&#39;s engine housing)

...Kyra, bridge...

Maks: (cursing in Mando&#39;a) Why don&#39;t I see a burning Mandalorian capital ship?&#33;

Pilot: It&#39;s a little complicated, sir. She&#39;s very heavily shielded and it seems Mandalore resently had new shields installed that prevent much damage from Mandalorian guns... (he trails off)

Pilot 2: Guess he suspected betrayal a long time ago.

... Malachor V, surface...

Ashni: (through the Force to Thor) Do not mistake Vemor&#39;s hate for compassion. He is one of my best students... but he is a bit slow to strike. He lets his anger boil inside him, but oh, what a glorious slaughter he performs when he lets it all out in one devestating blow.

Vemor: (walks past Thor, deeper into the Academy)

Re: A New Begining

*Daan turns, squaring his shoulders*

Daan: What do you want, Kovasn? I&#39;ve had about enough of you and your kind. Treachery runs in the blood, and I find it very convenient that you and your fellow Kovasn fled the Jedi, only to be found together on Mandalore&#39;s warship. Care to explain that?

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Follows Vemor deeper into the Academy)

Re: A New Begining

Xvan: (growls)
You blame our kind for what one of us did, Jedi. What if I blamed all of your kind for what two of you did to me?

Xvana: Easy, Xvan. Remember why we&#39;re here.

Xvan: (he seems even more angered at Xvana&#39;s attempt to calm him down but does as she asks)
(he speaks but his voice drips in anger)
I don&#39;t have to explain anything to you, Jedi, even if we had the time-

Xvana: Tell him, Xvan.

Xvan: (glares at Xvana, growling)
(says something in Mando&#39;a in a very threatening tone)

Xvana: (frowns, but doesn&#39;t reply)

Xvan: (looks back at Daan)
I have my orders, Jedi, and I&#39;m going to follow them. You&#39;re coming with me... back to Coruscant.

...Destiny&#39;s Pawn, bridge...

Revan: (walks onto the bridge, followed by Alek and Zorvon)
Try to get the Mandalorian fire off Mandalore&#39;s ship. We&#39;ve still got men on there.

Pilots: At once, ma&#39;am.

Captain: (as Revan approaches, he bows slightly)

Revan: They hit yet?

Boeh: (looks up from a screen)
Just did, ma&#39;am.

Revan: Good.
(looks back at Zorvon)
Send one of your men to the docking bay. I&#39;m sure my crew will know what to do with him.

Zorvon: (hesitates and growls faintly)
(bows slightly as he backs away)
At once, mi&#39;lady.
(leaves the bridge)

...Malachor V, surface...

Vemor: (looks back at Thor)
Wait here.
(opens a pair of doors leading into the Academy core)
(the doors close behind him as he approaches a cloaked figure meditating in the center of the room)


(a Zabrak exits the crashed pod, frowning)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Waits outside of the doors)

Thor: I can feel the darkside around me and in everything in and on this planet.

(((Mean While)))

Carth: Sir, We have taken damage to the right engine.

Saul: Get a crew down there to fix it.

Carth: Yes Sir.

Carth: (Com) Crew to the right engine room and fix the it right away.

Saul: How bad is the engine Carth?

Carth: Are engines are at 75%.

Saul: 75% is still good but we need to man every gun to give our crew time to fix them.

(The crew work on the engines and the soldiers man the guns and start firing at everything that is not a republic ship)

Crew Cheif: (Com) Sir, We have fixed the engines the best we can but we could fix them better if we had the right tools.

Carth: (Com) Very good Crew Cheif.

Carth: Sir, The engines are fix the best they could and we are at 94%.

Saul: That will have to do and now keep firing and move us closer to the mandalorian fleet.

(Carth moves the ship closer to the mandalorian fleet with all guns blazing)

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Two of you were with the Jedi. One openly betrayed them, and now the other is here on Mandalore&#39;s ship. What would you have me think?


Daan: Alright, Xvan. I&#39;ll follow you to the council. But we&#39;ll do it may way. First, we&#39;ll finish this Shadow engine reversal, then we&#39;ll take My ship to Coruscunt.

I Am Jedi