Re: A New Begining

Daan: The creation of the Kovasn has given some reason to hope that force sensitive androids can be manufactured. But the process of bonding the droids to the force has been nearly impossible up to this point.

*Daan opens a compartment*

Daan: The data I was just reading is a systimatic procedure and analysis for constructing just such a droid. There are several log entries with various prototype models, some more successful than others. And, as you can see, many of the key components for constructing the droid are in this compartment. But the last log entry has been removed. Apparently the prototype was successful and the information too important to be left here.

Jasen: Is that why Ashni wanted Lori, to use her Jedi connection to experiment for a droid?

Daan: I doubt it. In fact I doubt that Ashni is even behind this concept. Lori was brought to the ship for other reasons, but it does appear that some of her DNA was used in the final test. Ashni may not have even known what was going on with her prisoner until the final test reports were complete. I'd like to know what her reaction was.

Daan: Here, take the parts, i'll retreive the data. If the Mandalorians can successfully create a force sensitive droid, it would mean the end of the galaxy as we know it. They could manufacture an army Jedi-like droids; they would have hundreds of thousands of dark Jedi while we would only have a handful of true Jedi to combat them.

Wow... I can so use this! ^_^ Prepare for another twist!

Xvan: Fine, but what do I do about the Jedi?

Xvana: I think it'd be best if you tried to explain the situation to him in person.

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Revan: We cannot allow Ashni to reopen Lori's connection. If she does... well, let's not talk about ifs. Come, Kovasns, and you too Atrian. We will go to my ship and from there we will plan our next move.

Rotel: But mi'lady, Xvan is still on the ship. We cannot leave him.

Revan: Find him and then wait in the upper hanger. I will have a ship come for you.

Rotel: Thank you.
(begins to leave)

Akson: (grabs his shoulder)
I'm coming with you. According to reports Moravn's not dead... and I've got a score to settle with him before I leave.
(looks back at Revan)

Revan: (nods)

Rotel: As you wish, Akson.

(Rotel and Akson leave the security hanger)

(Prisoner of Hope's loading ramp opens and Revan walks onto the ship)

...Destiny's Pawn, bridge...

Man: Sir, Revan is preparing to return.

Destiny's Pawn's Captain: Then the end of the war approaches.

...Jedi Temple, Coruscant...

Vrook: It seems your contact has failed, Kavar. Revan and Alek draw more upon the darkside every moment.

Kavar: He did not fail, Vrook... at least not completely. Their are others who will come to him. Plus he knows how to get Lori back.

Atris: And how exactly does he expect to do that might I ask Kavar? He doesn't even have a ship.

Kavar: Revan believes he is still on her side... Jedi or Sith. We could use this to our advantage.

Re: A New Begining

Carth: Sir, The mandalorian ship is damaged but it is still in the fight.


Carth: Understood Commander.

(The ship keeps firing on the mandalorian battle ship until it is dead in the water)

Carth: The ship is dead in the water, Sir.

Saul: Good, Now begin firing on the next mandalorian battle ship.

Carth: Yes Sir.

(As the first mandalorian battle ship becomes dead in the water the republic ship moves to their next target and opens fire.)

(((Mean While)))

Thor: (Walks off the ship and looks around)

Thor: I can feel the Darkside on this planet.

Re: A New Begining

cool Starr. can't leave all the twists up to you! lol. since Xvan is working for the council, we oughta bring the characters into contact so Daan can discover this.


*Daan and Jasen leave the bridge*

Jasen: Where now?

Daan: The engine housing.

Jasen: There's no way to get off the ship from there!

Daan: Just give me some time, soldier. I know what I'm doing. *grins*

Jasen: How do you know so much about these, .....what'd you call them.....Kovasn?

Daan: it's a long story. i met them once on a planetary moon in the outter rim. those weren't as strong as these, tho. more recently, the Jedi council has been in contact with two Kovasn tho. they believed that the Kovasn could be turned to work agains the Mandalorians. But one of them betrayed the Jedi, and two of my close friends were killed as a result. I don't know about the other one, but his presence on this ship would seem to indicate that he too has played the role of double agent.


Alek: Revan, I think that Atrian should go to find the Jedi Nur-Jii Daan. He is still on the ship with the Republic soldier, but he seems to be wondering aimlessly.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Atrian: Well that is alright with me Alek. It is just up to Revan to decide. I need a good challenge.

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it's just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Will do... last post will be edited for different character contact purposes. And let&#39;s say Kilax is the one that betrayed the Jedi... he&#39;s the really bad one anyway. It just sounds like something he&#39;d do.

Also you may notice a significent change in Xvan&#39;s AI&#39;s personality (a.k.a. Xvana). This is just due to the fact that she is a updated version of his previous AI.... a Jedi version shall we say.... long story, too many details... might tell it later.

Xvana: Tracking... tracking... found &#39;em. They&#39;re headed to the lower decks.

Xvan: (stands in the doorway that leads to the bridge) Why there? They can&#39;t possibly get out.

Xvana: It doesn&#39;t matter, you&#39;ve got to get to them before they do.

Xvan: Well, I guess I better get my tail moving.

Xvana: Copy cat.

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Revan: I have a feeling Nur-Jii Daan wants no part of our operations now. Something seems to have scared him off. (glances towards Kilax)

Kilax: (low growl)

Revan: (looks at Atrian)
We need as many we can get when we face Kreia and her students. Your services will be greatly appreciated when we fight her on her own turf. I fear we should have killed her here... when we had a much easier chance. But let us leave at once. The more time we spend talking the more dangerous this war becomes.
(walks onto the ship)

...Destiny&#39;s Pawn, bridge...

Man: Sir, Revan sends orders to go ahead and send down the Zabrak squad. It seems a Kovasn will not be able to escort the group to the planet, but will indeed met them once they hit surface.

Destiny&#39;s Pawn&#39;s Captain: Very well, Boeh. Drop them.

Boeh: At once, sir.
(leaves the bridge)


(the Mandalorian ships move into assault formations quickly, giving the Republic no time to react)

...Kyra, bridge...

Maks: I will not see us defeated by a woman&#33; Tell all ships to open fire on the Republic fleet. I want them all space dust.

Communicator: Yes, sir. At once, sir.
(begins sending orders)

Maks: (stands up, looking out the bridge&#39;s windows)
Order Kyra, Ora, and Jatne to open fire on Apollyon.

Communicator: But, sir, there are still Mand-

Maks: They will die to save all the rest of us&#33; Now I gave you an order... kill that b**ch&#33;

...Malachor V, unknown location...

Ashni&#39;s student: This way, boy. Don&#39;t let it all get to you too soon or you may end up just another corpse on this graveyard planet.
(walks off towards the Academy)

Excuse the language, no offense meant... gives the line a good tone sorta.

Re: A New Begining

Eliik: Thank you Revan. I&#39;m glad that I can be of assistance. (Follows Revan onto ship)

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

I&#39;ll wait for Jester. He hasn&#39;t been on in a while.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

(singing) Oh where, oh where could Jester be? Oh where, oh where could he be?  tongue

Re: A New Begining

haha, poor guy must be working like crazy.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Poor Jester.  -_-

Re: A New Begining

[size=8]"Oh Boba, have you lied to me? I&#39;ve searched for the answer I seek. Naas, the wise creature, she said there was another. Have you betrayed my trust in you trusting me? Does that make sense? I know you can&#39;t hear me through the force, but maybe the celestial skies will allow for a being&#39;s actions to be voiced in your domain."[/size]

[size=8]"Good friend, you must seek answers from this world, not the deceased&#39;s." Cratus told the man. He withdrew a lightsaber hilt from his robe and looked at it. "I&#39;m afraid I must change my weaponry, for this reminds me too much of our misfortunes."[/size]

[size=8]Kanasa paced in front of the conversation. "We must not waste time with conversation. We need to find this other Mandalore so I can get back to my master&#33;" He said as he savagely growled at the two.[/size]

[size=8]"Patience. We must track him and it will not be easy if we can&#39;t focus. We don&#39;t even know what we&#39;re to do with him, unless you two have come up with something?" Cratus said.[/size]

They traveled on, meeting an odd happening with Revan.

Re: A New Begining

Wow, that&#39;s from a long, long time ago in a totally different setting... shall we say a glaxay far, far away?  tongue We restarted again Cratus for reasons I&#39;ve long forgotten now. You&#39;re welcome to join in this new crusade though. We&#39;re doing the fall of Revan and all that good stuff they left out for us fans to have fun with. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

You bringing that up got me interested in going back and reading all that good old stuff though. Really got good here with Naas, Ora, and Kanasa. We were doing mighty fine, weren&#39;t we? ^_^

Re: A New Begining

That&#39;s okay. I can just integrate the characters if that&#39;s okay. We could probably do an RPG for something like the forest beasts and stuff.

Re: A New Begining

do you need a run down for the story here, Cratus?

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Sure. I&#39;d love to bring some of those characters into this. That is if LSM and Jester don&#39;t mind. ^_^ We can also bring the Ado&#39;mas into it even... since they are ageless. Or like you said create an entirely different RPG for &#39;em. Up to you, Cratus, I suppose.

Re: A New Begining

anything is fine with me pal. oh oh oh dude starr i had a dream about you. IT WAS CRAZY&#33;&#33;&#33;

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Let&#39;s just integrate them in here. A lot easier than having everyone restart.

Re: A New Begining

:ph34r:  I&#39;m kinda scarred to ask about it.   tongue

Re: A New Begining

haha it&#39;s not bad at all. you were a total bad a@# in it though hahaha

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo