Re: The Revanchist

*The lone transport guarded by Master Vandar appears intact as the smoke clears.*

Master Vandar: Typical.

*Master Vrook and the Jedi arrive at the council chamber, discovering only mangled bodies. Meanwhile Carth and Master Yi'shar search the living quarters*

Carth: Bodies everywhere. These dark Jedi are very thorough.

Master Yi'shar: *whispers* I sense life, within that hold. It's a Jedi, but not one of the fallen.

Carth: Should we get them out?

Master Yi'shar: Wait a moment. We should make sure the hallway is secure, otherwise we may only bring them to their deaths.


*Daan finally reaches the summit of the mountain. a shallow opening in the side of the mountain appears, glowing and humming with force energy*

Daan: Stronger than anything I've ever felt, even the power of Revan or the council.

*Daan enters the hollow and discovers a growth of force crystals. carefully removing one, he examines it*

Daan: Interesting. The council will want to know about this; there is more power to one of these crystal than an entire mine of the best the Jedi have. I wonder why no one ever discovered this before. It seems easy enough to set a transport down on the mountain.

*At the mere utterance of those words, a bank of clouds cover the sky, hurricane force winds whip the side of the mountain, and bolt of lightening charged with force energy flash all around*

Daan: *quietly* that's why. the only way to get here is up the mountain; the force keeps anyone who is unworthy from approaching.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Atrox, We should meet these jedi head on because I am tired of waiting for them to come to us.

Re: The Revanchist

** Hovoth walks up to the console... **

Hovoth: *Cough* This ship has enough power to get me to... yes!

** He pushes several buttons, and the large transport slowly turns toward another direction, and travels... **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Captain: (Com) Mi Lord, The jedi are heading for your location.

Jester: (Com) Very good, Make sure you take out any soldiers that they leave behind and seal off all the exits.

Captain: (Com) As you command, Mi Lord.

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: They are heading this way.

Re: The Revanchist

"When they get here, kill the jedi, we were using as bait"

(walks with jester)

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: The jedi are stupid because they just walk into a trap.

Jester: (Keeps walking to meet the jedi in head to head battle)

Re: The Revanchist


" How shall we kill them? Slow or fast?"

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (A grin comes across my face)

Jester: They will die very slow and very painfull.

Jester: (Starts laughing)

Re: The Revanchist

Master Vandar: The Sith are close, but they are cloaking their presence with the darkside, I can't findout exactly where they are. It's a trap, sabers out all!


Master Yi'shar: Carth, the Sith are waiting for us to make the first move before springing their trap.

Carth: *shrugs* Ok, let's not keep them waiting!

*pulls out a thermal det and rolls it into a doorway. it explodes in a shower of debris, and two younglings are seen hiding in the corner of a room*

*Yi'shar force jumps to the children*

Yi'shar: It's alright, I'm here to help you. Carth, watch the hall.


*Daan returns to the base of the mountain and boards the ship back to the Jedi Temple*

Daan: I feel that the Jedi Hovoth has survived! Excellent. he will be a strong ally against the dark Jedi.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: I can feel they found a youngling that our soldiers missed.

Re: The Revanchist

** Hovoth, in his transport, continues to float towards a nearby Planet **

Hovoth: Hmm... a jungle terrained planet, from the looks of it. This one... I can't recall the name, and of course my on-screen planet information indicator is...

Console: *DZZT!* (Sparks)

Hovoth: ...Busted. Now then, let me try and flow near a landing spot on this planet... (Pushes buttons that releases flight sticks) Here we go.

(Meanwhile, on Tatooine's surface...)

Soldier: (Walks around) *Cough* Where's...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Force to the youngling) You will die along with those jedi that help you unless you attack them first.

Jester: (Keeps walking to meet the jedi head on)

Re: The Revanchist

Yi'shar: It's alright child, we'll get you out of here. remain silent. Carth, take him.

*Carth picks up the boy and the three make their way out of the rubble*

Yi'shar: There are others, in hiding. We'll have to be careful, the Dark Jedi are close.


Master Vandar: The Sith made a grave error coming here. They are without Revan, they cannot take this Temple.


*Daan is aboard a ship enroute to Coruscunt. Meditating, he feels what is happening on Dantooine, and to Hovoth*

Daan *rushes to the cockpit* : Reset our course! Head to Quadrant Zetta, the Relysh sector. Hovoth's ship is badly damaged, we have to find him.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

** The ship comes into orbit, and lands across a large creek brushing onto land, and starts smoking... **

Hovoth: ...And Krim said I have terrible landing. (Get's out side) Alright, it's best to try and keep it easy for a while, until I can reach someone.

(Starts to meditate on the ground)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Daan: Comon, get it, pilot, Hovoth might be in trouble. He's on the planet's surface now, who knows what's down there!

Pilot: I think she's got a little more in her, sir. ,...........we're at 0.7 past hyperspace.

*The ship continues rocketing towards Hovoth's position.*

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

(Brushes in the marsh jungle)

Hovoth: (Still meditating) Yes?

(A woman comes out, in a black robe)

Woman: You truly are unique in senses.

Hovoth: (Opens eyes) What's a stranger like you doing on a remote planet like this?

Woman: Let's just say I'm a refuge of... the darkside.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Force to Vandar) Welcome, I hope you are having a great time seeing all your beloved jedi dead on the ground.

Jester: (Stops and draws lightsabers)

Jester: The battle draws near.

Jester: (Starts walking again)

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: "Refuge? What'cha hiding from?"

Woman: (Laughs) "Nothing important."

Hovoth: (Gets up) "I'm Hovoth."

** Hovoth notices that she's gone... **

Hovoth: "Hm?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Stops because he sees the jedi in the hallway straight ahead)

Jester: I see you!!!

Jester: (Points lightsaber at the jedi)

Re: The Revanchist

** Still meditates. **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?