Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Walks up the ramp and into the ship)

Thor: (Force to Ashni) Master, I am on the ship and ready to follow your orders.

Thor: (Sits down in a chair)

Re: A New Begining

Xvan: (to Daan) The girl was never in our care. The witch didn't trust us that much... perhaps the weaker of us could not block our thoughts well enough... it matters not now. The witch has taken her to the surface of Malachor... it is there where she might unleash something far beyond our imagining. Thus, I have my orders from Revan... whether you like them or not, you're going to obey them.

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Rotel: We waste precious time here, Revan.

Zorvon: Kill the Mandalorian and let's get on with our life... the battle is far from over here.

Revan: (looks at Mandalore)

Mandalore: (looks back at Revan)
Well, Jedi... what's it gonna be?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Force to Ashni) Master, Where am I going?

Thor: (Looks to Ashni's student)

Thor: I am ready to go when you are.

Re: A New Begining

Ashni's student: Want to be space dust? We're in the center of a Mandalorian fleet. Luckily they're switching postions.

Ashni: (to Thor) Patience is a virtue, child. You will come to to me, at Malachor, for a time. It is there where you shall have your chance to kill the Jedi... and a few others perhaps.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Force to Ashni) I understand, Master.

Thor: (Stands up and walks and sits down beside the student)

Thor: The battle grows but the mandalorians and the republic are leaving their six undeffened. If I had a fleet I would split them into 2 groups and destroy both sides from behind them.

Re: A New Begining

Ashni's student: You don't understand what we're trying to do here... not yet at least. Just sit back and let me do my job.

(the Assailer's engines fire up and it leave the main hanger, headed for Malachor V)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: Okay, I was just saying what I would do.

Re: A New Begining

We await the return of the Lightside Master.... *bows head*

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Kovasn, you sicken me. As if I could ever be on the same side as you. If Revan has recruited you to her side, I am no longer her follower. I don't compromise as she might. And I promise you, I will finish your kind when this is over, once and for all.

Daan: Jasen, Lori isn't here, she's on the surface. But Ashni's servant is trying to direct us to the surface, away from this bridge. I sense there is something here that we are not meant to find. Let's continue looking

Jasen: You Jedi amaze me. How can you be sure?

Daan: *grins* call it a hunch.


Alek: Atrian, come stand with us.

Alek: Kovasn, you remember your place! We have a deal, and Revan is in charge of this operation.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Ashni's student)

Thor: I can't wait till my saber cuts through the flesh of the jedi.

Thor: (Starts laughing)

(((Mean While)))

Nihilus: Move the ship along side of Revan's ship.

Saul: Yes Sir.

(Nihilus's ship moves along side Revan's ship to help against the mandalorians)

Nihilus: (Com) Revan, We are here to help.

Sion: Nihilus, All weapons are online.

Nihilus: Good, Good.

(((Mean While)))

Thor: (Force to Ashni) Master, Will there be jedi, republic and mandalorians there for me to kill?

Re: A New Begining

Xvan: (growls) You call yourself a Jedi and yet you stray from the path set before you. You turn against your leader in the mist of war because she brings others before her... would kill those who only seek to help. You are no better than the witch, you Sith!

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Revan: Yet he speaks the truth, Alek. Let us be done with this murderer.
(activates her lightsaber, holding it very close to Mandalore's neck)

Kilax: Would you not removed his helmet? Would you not watch the fear in his eyes as he mets his death?

Mandalore: (growls, looking at Kilax) Take it off. I want you to see I'm not afraid of any of you or afraid to met my end. (looks back at Revan) Perhaps you could learn from my example, Jedi.


(The Assailer enters Malachor V's atmosphere)

...Assailer, cockpit...

Ashni's student: (smiles) Nor can I.

Ashni: (to Thor) We shall see. As for now none of them are our problem... we shall wait out this battle for a time and watch. At their weakest moment... we shall strike. The Sith shall again drive fear into the galaxy.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Force to Ashni) Master, When that day comes I will once again thust my saber deep into the heart of the jedi order.

Thor: (Stands up and walks back to the center of the ship)

Thor: (Force to Ashni) Master, There is a Academy here so should I wait inside?

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Jasen, Ashni's personal quarters are thru that door. we may find something interesting there.

Daan: *To Xvan* When what is good aligns itself with what is evil to gain victory, it has shown itself unworthy of any respect or allegiance I have to offer. Revan's good intentions have now become filled with evil, and this will have dire consequences. What Revan sought to accomplish in this agreement is all to clear to me now, and I can see the Council's wisdom in refusing to authorize her leading a movement against the Mandalorians.

Daan: I will finish what I have begun, and help bring about the end of this war. But I will no longer follow the orders of Revan or the scum which now followers her. Beware Kovasn. For if we ever meet again, I will destroy you. And the same goes for any that follow you or lead you.

Jasen: Here, there's no security code or input interface, but the door won't open.

Daan: Of course. Ashni would never leave a way for a common Mandalorian to infiltrate her quarters. The door is sealed through a series of force activated safe guards. Knowing her as I do, I believe that I can get through them

*Daan begins concentrating hard, and after a while the sound of locks opening can be heard*

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Not time for Sion and Nihilus yet Jester. Remember, the Republic (even Revan and Alek) don't know about them until way later on. I'll get Ashni to bring them in a bit though, just to her.

Xvan: You seek to test yourself against me, do you now? Enough blood has been spilt this day, but it seems yours shall soon also stain this ghost ship's walls.

...Apollyon, near the bridge...

Xvan's AI: You have your orders Xvan.

Xvan: (growls) He is a traitor to our cause and is not worthy of my time. If he wants to go against my orders then he forces me also to go against them.

Xvan's AI: He does not know who sent you. You never told him your true orders. Thus, he is no traitor...

Xvan: His is zealous, but should they choose him to go against her-

Xvan's AI: It is not your decision to make, Xvan!

Xvan: And he is not my problem! He is the Council's! (sighs) My time has passed, Xvana. Their fall has already begun and I can do nothing to stop it. I have failed the Council... as soon as they set foot on Malachor V the darkness within them will consume what light is left.

Xvana: Then it is your job to save those who are left, as are your orders.

Xvan: Don't you see? If the Jedi won't listen to me why would they? Their sense of duty outweighs their sense of honor.

Xvana: Then make the tables turn.

...Apollyon, bridge...

(as the doors open black smoke slips through the opening and a quiet, eerie hissing can be heard)

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Akson: I ask you to leave him be, mi'lady Revan. To remove his helmet would disgrace all Mandalorians... even those to come.

Revan: Perhpas disgrace is fit for such a race as yours.

Rotel: (growls) We are not the only murderers in this assembly.

Revan: I guess that would depend on your point of view wouldn't it?

Darr and Kilax: (looks at each other, then back at Revan)

Zorvon: Enough!
(steps forward, using the Force to pull Revan's lightsaber from her hand)
(cuts off Mandalore's head with it)

(Mandalore's helmed head falls to the ground in front of Revan as his body slumps over and falls down, dead)

Zorvon: (looks at Revan)
We are done here... both with this traitor and this conversation. Leave his body where it lays and let us leave this ghost ship.

Revan: (growls) You try me, Kovasn?

Zorvon: And you try my patience. We had an agreement, Jedi, and I want it carried out as soon as possible. I do not have time to argue over how to kill a traitor.

:blink:  Another twist! Xvan is actually following orders given to him by the Jedi Council?! And a Kovasn kills Mandalore instead of Revan?! yikes Where is this going?! Well, you'll just hve to find out won't you? ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Atrain: *follows Alek and stands next to him* Well..this should be interesting. *snickering at Alek while taking saber of belt*

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it's just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Alek: Yes, Atrian, so it would seem. Kovasn, the death of Mandalore should have come by a Jedi&#39;s hand. but it is done. Revan, shall we pursue the Mandalorians and Ashni to the surface?


*Daan and Jasen search Ashni&#39;s quarters*

Daan: Here it is. It is as I feared

Jasen: What?

Daan: The Kovasn that we encountered are a highly developed Mandalorian variant, sensitive to the force. But they are still living organisms, and their connection to the force is not always predictable.



I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Atrain: *to Alek* Well..i&#39;m ready for anything that has a blaster and is ready to open fire on me.

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Daan: The creation of the Kovasn has given some reason to hope that force sensitive androids can be manufactured. But the process of bonding the droids to the force has been nearly impossible up to this point.

*Daan opens a compartment*

Daan: The data I was just reading is a systimatic procedure and analysis for constructing just such a droid. There are several log entries with various prototype models, some more successful than others. And, as you can see, many of the key components for constructing the droid are in this compartment. But the last log entry has been removed. Apparently the prototype was successful and the information too important to be left here.

Jasen: Is that why Ashni wanted Lori, to use her Jedi connection to experiment for a droid?

Daan: I doubt it. In fact I doubt that Ashni is even behind this concept. Lori was brought to the ship for other reasons, but it does appear that some of her DNA was used in the final test. Ashni may not have even known what was going on with her prisoner until the final test reports were complete. I&#39;d like to know what her reaction was.

Daan: Here, take the parts, i&#39;ll retreive the data. If the Mandalorians can successfully create a force sensitive droid, it would mean the end of the galaxy as we know it. They could manufacture an army Jedi-like droids; they would have hundreds of thousands of dark Jedi while we would only have a handful of true Jedi to combat them.

Jasen: Wouldn&#39;t the droids be inferior to the Jedi though?

Daan: You&#39;ve already seen what the Kovasn are capable of. This is a very real and dangerous threat.

*Jasen and Daan gather the components and data and head back to the main section of the ship*

Jasen: Hope you have a way of getting us off here

Daan: I&#39;ve kept that in mind, Commander, and I beleive you will approve of my solution.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Atrian: Alek..Will this be difficult for me? Or do you think I can handle something this big? I don&#39;t know what exactly is going on so please converse with me and explain this to me.

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Okay Starr, I forgot but I will keep Saul and Carth in it while I am waiting for the time to bring in Nihilus and Sion.

Saul: Carth, Bring the ship in range of the mandalorian fleet and open fire.

Carth: Yes Sir.

(Carth brings the battle ship in range and all the guns open fire on the nearest mandalorian ship)

Carth: Sir, All weapons are locked on and are firing at 100%.

Saul: Good but keep a eye out for incomming fighters.

Carth: I understand Sir.

(((Mean While)))

Thor: (Looks at Ashni&#39;s student)

Thor: Have you ever been here before?