Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

LSM: *whispers* lets have some fun with this.

LSM: Hey, bounty hunter. I wouldn't mess with that Atrox, dude, he is a killer when he's sober. Just think what he can do when he's drunk!

*LSM uses the force to release the clip from the Bounty hunter's gun without him knowing*

I Am Jedi

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

Bounty Hunter: (Looks at Atrox)

Atrox: (Laughs like a maniac, then burps)

Bounty Hunter: This blote is not'in but a shoveler! (Reaches for pistol)

Hovoth: (Uses force to make several chairs float)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

Jester: (Opens eyes and starts to laugh)

Jester: You really think that a weak drink like this will pass me out.

Jester: (Stands up and keeps laughing)

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

LSM *looks at Hovoth* He may not pass out from that juice, but he won't be able to do much if he keeps laughing like that! haha.

LSM: I'm telling you, man, you don't wanna mess with Atrox. One burp in your face and you'll be headed for the ER. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

Bounty Hunter: Oy! He's gawt lots'ah cash oh' his head - ans I's gonsta collect!

Hovoth: Who paid you?

** A dark figure enters into the Cantina. It's a Rodian, with dark red marble eyes, and scaled green skin, and smoke coming out of his nose. **

Hovoth: Great Scotts, he's huge.

De'ek: I am De'ek - the fiercest man on this planet!

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

LSM: Oh, gosh! you might wanna lay off the cigarrettes, there, pal! it's not doing anything for your appearence!

I Am Jedi

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

(runs around in circles screaming)

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

LSM: Watch out, hunter, he's gettin mad at you!! he's dangerous !!!!

I Am Jedi

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

Jester: (Turns around and stands up)

Jester: I am tired of this.

Jester: (Uses Force Lightning on the Hunter killing him)

Jester: There!

Jester: (Turns back around and sits down)

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

( throws up all over the hunters dead body)

" ahh i feel better now"

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: You look better too.

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

Hovoth: Gross! (Laughs)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

Jester: (Stands up and uses Force pull to pull the dead body off the floor and uses Force Push to throw it against the wall and mounts it like a trophy)

Jester: That looks good there.

Jester: (Smiles and sits back down and starts back drinking)

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

(sits down at the bar,and eats some peanuts)

(looks up at the hunter)

" you might want to wash em"

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

** A dancing Fool known as "The Dancing Fool" gets on the dancefloor and beckons Atrox to challenge him... **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

Jester: (Turns around and looks at the fool dancing on the floor)

Jester: Look, It is a jedi.

Jester: (Starts laughing)

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

LSM: Hey, I know him from somewhere!...........wait, did i just admit that?! :huh:

I Am Jedi

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

** The Dancing Fool now beckons LSM onto the dance floor... **

Hovoth: Uh-Oh, looks like someone wants to own you in some freestyle.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

LSM: Well, normally I'd decline, but since it is this guy....

*LSM walks up and immediately begins an insane break dance routine.*

I Am Jedi

Re: Dark Lord Of The Sith!

** The dancing fool follows this, with some insaner dancing crazes. **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?