Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Finishes reading the wall and turns around)

Jester: It is a history of the True Sith and it tells of the day that the Exiled Jedi came to Korriban with the force of light. I gos on to tell that it was the True Sith that knew how to use the power of the Darkside and in time the Exiled Jedi learned it from them.

Jester: (Looks around)

Jester: Each of this walls throughout this Temple has a part of the True Sith History on it. But in the middle of the Temple is where we must go and there we can learn the True power of the Darkside from the teachings of the True Sith.

Jester: (Starts to walk to the middle of the Temple)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

*The ship lands at Coruscunt and docks at the Jedi Temple. Daan, Hovoth, and Visas make their way to the Jedi Council Chamber*

Daan: Masters, again I come before you with evil news. The Sith have once again risen. A Jedi named Jester now leads them, along with his Sith companion Darth Atrox. They have destroyed the Academy on Taris and now also the former Academy of Atris on Telos. Also, they have killed Master Skai.

Master #1: We heard of the Academy on Taris. That outcast Skai should never have been allowed to enter there.

Daan: No, it was partly through his influence that the Sith were finally driven off. There was a stronghold of dark power there, and Master Skai cleansed it.

Master #2: Indeed? Perhaps we were misinformed. Tell us of this Jester and Atrox.

*Daan relates all of the events up until the battle in the Academy on Telos*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Atrox, The jedi have reached Coruscont and the master are aware of us now.

Jester: (Laughs)

Jester: I am glad that they know about us and now they will have to fear us even more because the Sith has once again has risen to controll the galaxy.

Jester: (Force) Master #1, We will meet soon as the Sith grow stronger you and your order grow weaker.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(laughs with jester)

"lets take it to em"

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: First we will go to the center of this Temple to learn the TRUE POWER OF THE DARKSIDE.

Jester: (Walks to the center of the Temple and Atrox follows)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(After Daan is done with his update...)

Hovoth: So what's the plan now? The longer we wait, the more those two s**k the darkside power from emmitting force... (Looks into sky) I can feel great Dark Power emerge from Space...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Master #1: I'm unsure. These Sith are strong, if they could withstand both Master Daan, Hovoth, and the Outcast. We are still rebuilding the Jedi Order after the civil war, and very few of the new Jedi could stand against them for long. We must meditate on this before we decide any course of action.

Daan: Yes, but remember to come to a decision. Unlike with the Mandalorian wars, when the Masters only meditated and never acted. This threat cannot be ignored.

Visas: The Sith have gathered on Korriban, and are growing stronger and more knowledgeable in the darkside with every passing moment. Wisdom is needed, but also speed.

Master #2: We agree with you. We will consider what you have said. Please await outside while we hold council.

*Daan and Visas turn to leave*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(As Jester and Atrox stand in the center of the Temple a red glow starts floating down from the roof to the floor. It surrounds Jester and Atrox and their power over the DARKSIDE grows by a 100 fold.)

Jester: This power is stronger then I could even dream of but I want more.

Spirit: Who has come to this Temple after all these years?

Jester: I have came for the True power of the Darkside.

Spirit: I see that you are off the Darkside but growing stronger by the power and knowlege of the True Sith.

Jester: Yes, That is why I searched this place out.

Spirit: Before I give you the knowlege of the True Sith and the power of the True Darkside, I want to know if there are still jedi in the galaxy?

Jester: Yes but we are killing everyone that we can find so that the Sith once again rule this galaxy.

Spirit: Goooood, From this point on you will no longer be known as Sith but as True Sith. As you stand inside the feild your DNA is transformed into that of a True Sith and Korriban is your Home NOW.

(The Spirit disappears as Jester's and Atrox's DNA is transformed into True Sith and their names are added to the walls of the Temples)

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Our power over the Darkside has become stronger then anybody else in history and we have become the first 2 and last 2 True Sith in the Galaxy.

(The red glow disappears and the Temple comes to life only when Jester or Atrox is present)

Jester: It is time to rain down on the jedi and the republic for destroing our people and ending our race.

Jester: (Starts to walk to the exit of the temple)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

okay, so starr, where did we leave off?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Starr is not in this rpg but LSM, Atrox and I are but you can join if you want too.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jest, sorry i haven't posted in this for a while. i'm having trouble coming up with something other than just flying out after you guys again.

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

yea i think were all thinking about what to do.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

hey hold up. wasn't she in this RPG that I started before i left?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

whos she?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Starr, and yes, she was in it.

ok, I got it.


*The council summons Daan and Visas back to the chambers*

Master #1: Daan, the news you have brought is very disturbing. Only recently, we have discovered that a remant of the Mandalorian clan has been gathering and arming for another war. But these Mandalorians are different that the ones that attacked the Republic before. They are out for revenge, not glory or honor. Their sole purpose is to destroy the Jedi Order that caused their defeat.

Master #2: They are particularly interested in finding Revan and the Exile. They intend to destroy those two first and foremost.

Master #1: These Mandalorians may even form an alliance with these new Sith for the purpose of defeating the Jedi. That cannot be allowed. You and Visas must stop the Mandalorians from joining the Sith at all costs.

Master #2: They have built a space station and have it in orbit around the outter rim planet of Kamino. We shall assemble a team of Jedi for you; you shall go to Kamino and end this threat. Then we will know better how to deal with the Sith.

Daan: As you wish, masters.

Master #1: Daan, for this quest we are going to reunite you with a former teacher and friend. He's waiting for you outside.

Daan: Thank you, Masters.

Master #2: May the Force be with you both.

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project


Re: Taris Restoration Project

Prince, 1 word posts are against the site rules so this is your first warning but if you keep doing it I will give you a 10% warning.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

i'm beginning to wonder if coming back was a mistake.

what lies has atrox told you all since i've left, pray tell?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

........ <_< Atrox is hardly the one to blame for anything

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

"still think i&#39;m to blame?"

-Jedi Exile, KOTOR2: TSL