Re: The Revanchist

very well, move the fleet to the location and wait for my signal"

looks at jester, with anger in his face) " We must kill all of them"


Re: The Revanchist

Carth: We're appoarching the Dantooine system, Masters. We'll be at the Academy shortly.

Master Vrook: I sense a disturbance in the force. There is much death ahead of us. Many of the Jedi have fallen this day.

Master Vandar: They will not be alone. The dark ones will soon join them.


*Daan struggles up the mountain. The climb is steep and slippery, and only a little light makes it's way through the clouds above.*

Daan: *to himself* This can't be the only difficulty to the mountain. Surely the other Jedi were not stopped just by the climb.

*suddenly there is a screach behind him. Turning, he sees a huge bird swooping down at him, talons outstretched. Daan instinctively rolls slightly to the side, then force pulls the bird into the side of the mountain. It's neck is broken*

Daan: Well, so there's some of the danger. *sees more of the birds circling above him* Better keep an eye on them while I'm climbing.

*Daan continues his ascent. Several more bird attack him, but each time he evades their attack. Eventually he reaches a ledge in the side of the mountain, and stops to rest.*

*Looking around, he sees the remains of a body. Examining it, he discovers a lightsaber clutched in it's hand.*

Daan: *taking the lightsaber* One of the other Jedi. I wonder........

*at that instant several dark shapes surround Daan*

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Force) Vrook, I will be seeing you very soon.

Jester: Atrox, The jedi are entering the system.

Captian: (Com) Master Jester, The fleet is into position and waiting for the signal.

Jester: (Com) Very good and it will not be long.

Jester: (Sits down and starts to meditate)

Re: The Revanchist

*the dark figures close in on Daan*

Shade: You are not welcome, Jedi. You will pay for this trespass!

*Daan draws his saber, but stops..........with a quick motion, rather than swinging it at one of the shades he slams the saber into the ground, and thru the force creates a temendous shockwave. The shades are hurled back*

Shade: You learned the lesson your predecessor did not! Your weapon cannot hurt us!

*Daan concentrates hard, bowing his head and clenching his fists in front of him. The shades begin to tremble and shake, becoming more visible. Suddenly with a violent blast, they all three explode and disappear in a cloud of smoke.*

Daan: I always wondered what happened to a force ghost when you channeled the force into them. Like blowing up a ballon until it bursts........haha, they won't be bothering me for a while.

*Daan climbs around the ledge and continues up the mountain*

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Stands up)

Sargeant: Mi Lord, All soldiers are at there stations and postioned all around the academy.

Jester: Great, Now go to your postion.

Sargeant: (Bows head and runs off)

Jester: (Sits dack down and waits)

Re: The Revanchist

Soldier: Uh-Oh...

Hovoth: What is it?

Soldier: We've got... a VERY large ship closing in...

Hovoth: Is it flashing?

Soldier: No... (Looks up) It's an enemy!

Hovoth: Man your stations, soldiers!

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist


If Hovoth is leaving, what are we gonna do with his character here and in the Assassin RPG?


I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Either his character dies or some one can take over his character.

Re: The Revanchist

I was going to kill them both.

** The large vessel fires missiles and lasers at the shield, knocking it down. **

Soldier: What do we do?! THat vessel is TOO large!

Hovoth: (Slams fist on console, then looks up) Abandon ship.

Soldier: What if they shoot us when we...?

Hovoth: -No... I'll stay and try to ram them.

Soldier: But you'll--

Soldier #2: (Stops soldier #1) He knows what he's doing... ABANDON SHIP ALL PERSONEL ABANDON SHIP!

Hovoth: Tatooine is below - drop off there and try to contact any allies.

Soldier #2: Aye, sir!

Hovoth: What's your name soldier?

Soldier #2: Captain Smaloff Calgove!

Hovoth: Alright, Calgove - Carry on.

Calgove: Aye Aye, Sir!

** The Ship personel exit the ship onto the excape pods and Hovoth takes control... **

Hovoth: A small sacrifice to pay... (Steers ship towards enemy vessel)

(In one of the Escape pods, Calgove looks up at Ship... A large explosian errupts into Space - both ships explode into debris...)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Captain: runs over to atrox) "weve lost a ship above tatooine, appears the was a collision of one of our ships and a ship still loyal to the republic"

Atrox:" Have you searched for escape pods"


Atrox:"Contact revan have him send garrisons to search the planet"

Captain: "Yes My Lord "

Re: The Revanchist

Carth: Masters, we've arrived and the ship is beginning final approach. The rest of the fleet will remain in orbit and keep any rebel forces from landing here.

Vrook: Set the ship down as close to the academy as possible.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Captain: (Com) Mi Lord, A ship is heading for the academy.

Jester: (Com) Let them land and do not attack until you get the order.

Captian: (Com) Understood Mi Lord.

Jester: Atrox, They are heading for the academy and the time has come.

Re: The Revanchist

(breaks the ritual)

" It is time"

(gets into position with jester)

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Do any of your soldiers have a rocket launcher? If so when the jedi leave their ship and enter the academy you can send in a rocket team and take out their ship so they will have no escape.

Jester: (Pulls out lightsaber)

Re: The Revanchist

*The Jedi team exits the ship*

Master Vrook: Vandar, stay with the ship along with two Jedi. The Sith minds are open to me, I can see them hiding. They will not wait long before striking; be wary.

Master Vandar: Through Force Sight I will sense them coming. You need not fear for the ship.

Carth: Masters, where first?

Master Vrook: I shall take my Jedi to the council chamber first. It is the most defensible place and if any Jedi are left alive, they will be hiding there. Take Master Yi'shar with you and search the living quarters.


*Daan continues up the mountain. Suddenly there is a scream of fury; a shade appears above him, and the noise from the scream creates and avalanche and sends rocks hurling down at Daan*

Daan: Blast.

*through the force, Daan jumps away to another ledge and then force blocks the rocks coming at him. The ledge begins to crack, but as it breaks away Daan controls it and uses it as a floating platform. He continues up, and the shade disappears*

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist


"Archadian, get over here, bring the rest of your group and await jesters orders"

(the men rush to the position)

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Com) Archadian, When you have a open shot take it and destroy that ship.

Jester: (Walks over to Atrox)

Jester: This is going to be fun.

Re: The Revanchist

Alive again...

** A barren ship orbits Tatooine, with a small ammount of power, life still sparks inside the vessel... Hovoth, the Jedi Knight is lying beside the main console, still alive... **

Hovoth: (Wakes up and looks around) Augh... (Holds head, and spits on floor) I'm never doing that again... amazing I survived... the force... must have activated my force heal and aura at the last minute... (Stands up) ... Now I'm in a ship, I wonder if I have anymore power in it...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

( small sith fleet apenters the space near tatoonine)

(approaches the  remnants republic ship)

Gneral Foldin:" search the ship "

Re: The Revanchist

Captian: (Com) Master Jester, The jedi have left the transport.

Jester: (Com) DESTROY THAT SHIP!!!!!!

Captain: (Com) As you command Master.

(The Sith soldiers destroy the jedi transports and kill 6 soldiers that where standing near them)

Captian: (Com) Master, The transports are destroyed and along with 6 republic soldiers.

Jester: (Com) Great job Captian, Now return to your postions.

Captain: (Com) Yes Sir.

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: The jedi transports and 6 republic soldiers have been destroyed.