Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Watches Jasen's back)

Thor: I will make sure nobody trys to sneak up behind you.

.....Mean While.....

(A ship drops out of hyperspace and joins the republic fleet)

Sion: Nihilus, We have joined the rest of the fleet.

Nihilus: Good.

Nihilus: (Com) Revan, We have come to join you against the councils wishes and what are our orders?

.....Mean While.....

Thor: (Looks at the lightsaber that Jasen is using)

Thor: Jasen, I know that lightsaber.

Re: A New Begining

Jester, Sion and Nihilus are Ashni's (Kreia's) back up in case things go wrong. Revan doesn't know anything even after her fall.

Re: A New Begining

*Daan looks at Zorvan with distain in his eyes*


Jasen: Got it! now through!! *Jasen jumps through the hole he cut and continues down the hall*

Jasen: Here it is! *pulls out a security over-ride governor and bypasses the entrance code. the security cell door opens*

Jasen: Lori?


Starr, I'll let you decide if she's there or not, or if someone's with her or whatever. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

(suddenly the security hanger door opens)
(Kilax, Akson, Revan, and Alek walk into the hanger)

Zorvon: (looks at Ashni)
They are here.

Ashni: (walks past Daan down the ship's ramp into the open security hanger)

Rotel: (follows, glancing at Daan as he leaves)

Zorvon: (watches Ashni and Rotel before looking back at Daan)
Time to join the party.

Kilax and Akson: (kneel slightly as they approach Ashni)
We have brought the Jedi as you commanded, Ashni.

Ashni: (looks at Revan and Alek)
You risk the entire Republic fleet to save her. Such fools.

Revan: (growls) This is between me and you, Kreia. Let Daan and Alek leave.

Ashni: It is not my choice to make. If they do not wish to leave you behind then they must suffer the same fate.

...Apollyon, prison corridors...

(suddenly everything becomes quiet)
(Xvan seems to disappear and his AI no longer speaks over the prison comm)

Lori: (looks up at Jasen)
Who are you?

Re: A New Begining

I understand Starr.

Thor: (Enters the room)

Thor: Lori, I told you that we would find you.

Thor: (Uses Force Pull to close the whole that Jasen made with the lightsaber)

Thor: We need to find another way out.

Re: A New Begining

*Daan walks down the ramp to the left of Ashni and Revan*

Daan: Revan, I am at your command. If you wish me to leave, I will

*looks at Zorvon and Rotel*

Daan: But I will gladly stay here and fight by your side.


Jasen: Sergeant Loir Mysta, I'm Lt. Commander Jasen Antilles. This is Sergeant Thor, I believe you know him. We saw your capture and came to rescue you. We had a heck of time finding you, and practically the whole ship is in chaos. We need to leave quickly.


Lt. : Sir, we have entered the Malachor system. All ships have exited hyperspace and taken up attack formations at the designated coordinates as ordered.

Col. Norad: Excellent. What is the situation of the Mandalorian fleet?

Lt. : we are still gathering that information, sir. The ships seem rather disorganized, and the command ship does not seem to be communicating.

Col. Norad: I hope that's a good sign for the strike team.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Jasen)

Thor: They may have brain washed her so she may not know us.

Re: A New Begining

LSM, I'll let you chose if Daan suffers the same fate as Revan and Alek (a.k.a. falling to the darkside). Right now everyone believes Ashni is planning to kill the two Commanders. She kinda is... she kinda isn't.

Lori: I can't leave...

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Ashni: (glances at Daan)
Such weakness... not even willing to disobey and try to save your life.

Revan: That is not weakness, Kreia. The darkside has twisted your mind.

Ashni: You do not know the true path, Revan. You speak of sympathy and serenity. You will find none here.
(in Mando'a) I have no time to play games with pawns that don't want to move. Let's finish this.

Zorvon: With pleasure.
(activates two Kovasn blades)

Rotel, Kilax, Akson: (do the same)

Ashni: (evil grin)

Revan: (smiles) Your Kovasn will be of no help to you here, Kreia.

Rotel: (faces Ashni)
(twirls his blades)
Your time has come, witch.

Ashni: What?! Traitors! Weak minded fools!

Zorvon: (faces Ashni) We are not weak, Ashni. We know your ways. After we kill the Mandalorian leader, it would only be a time until we were no use of you.

Kilax: (growls) Then you would get rid of us like you did our predecessors!

Ashni: (activates a red lightsaber)
Lies! She has tainted your minds!

Akson: She offered us freedom from your bondage. Our skills will be put to use for the building of a Republic; not the destruction of two alliances.

Ashni: And what do you think she will do when she has no more use of you?! When she has wiped out the Mandalorians?! Your own kind?!

Zorvon: (low growl)
(steps towards her)

Ashni: I could have made you greater than any, but now you have doomed yourselves.

(this all happens in a few seconds: suddenly a medium sized, freighter-like ship enters the security bay, however it doesn't land)
(it comes to a fast stop, opening it's loading bay as it does)

Zorvon and Rotel: (stumble back from the shock wave the ship sent through the hanger by coming in too fast)

Ashni: (jumps on the ramp and it quickly closes after her)

(the ship disappears out of the bay almost as soon as it had appeared, heading for the surface of Malachor V)

...Apollyon, bridge...

Daar: (pulls his blade from Lasn's body)
(looks at Mandalore who is still knocked out)
(picks Mandalore up, slinging Mandalore's body over his shoulder)
(begins to head down towards the security hanger)

Like my twist?

Re: A New Begining

Nice. very nice, did not see that coming. B) My character will stay lightside, but it'll take me a while to figure out how to get him out of there.


Alek: Shall we pursue her, Revan?

Daan: She will flee to the Sith temple at Malachor. I visited it while I was searching for her some time ago. She has already spent much time there, and it is the most likely place for her to retreat. Revan, with your permission I will go find the other two soldiers who came to this ship. I sense they are still alive and have found Lori Mysta. Unless of course the Kovasn still wish to stop me. Then I will have to deal with them first.


Jasen: Why not? what's wrong Sergeant?


Col. Norad: Wait for the command from Revan's flagship before beginning the attack. Have all ships stand in on full alert.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Revan: We follow her... to the depths of Malachor.

Rotel: (looks at Daan) The enemy of my enemy is a friend, no?

Revan: (listens through the Force)
(looks at Daan)
Find the two you speak of. They are in more danger than they realize.

...Apollyon, prison corridors...

Lori: (stands, hiding a small Echani vibrosword behind her back)
Because I can't.

Apollyon, security hanger...

Zorvon: (looks at Revan)
We are at your command Jedi. Your wills be done.

Revan: No more twists Kovasn?

Zorvon: You keep your word, we'll keep ours.

(Xvan enters the security hanger)

Revan: You are not exactly trustworthy. The Sith always betray.

Xvan: (growls, looking at Revan) We are only forced to be Sith, Jedi, but no. We are Mandalorians. Purely and fully.

Kilax: We are loyal to the right cause.

Revan: Yet you will wipe out your own people and slaughter your own leader?

Zorvon: Only to start over again, Jedi. The Mandalorians have long since forgotten the great traditions our race once followed. Which is exactly why we were created... 

Xvan: And we hope no sentient ever has to go suffer what we have... that is why we sought you.

Akson: We need to rebuild. As do you.

Zorvon: We seek the same cause.

Rotel: And perhaps in seeking the same cause we can find peace with each other once more.

They will all return to Revan's ship. Revan, Malak, the Kovasns, and a few others will go to rescue the "real" Lori (spoiler warning) from Kreia and come back changed. Malachor V's shadow generator will be activated (still working on how that part works out). After a while Daan realizes what happened on Malachor (Revan and Alek turning to the darkside) and so Revan sends him along with Lori to report to the Jedi Council since they ultimately decide to stay on the path of righteousness. Sound good?

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Yes, Revan. *thru the force* But if that is the only allegiance that binds you, I'd say watch your back,.....closely

*Daan leaves the hanger and heads towards the security sector*


Jasen: *looks intently at Lori* Thor, look at her eyes............the color. The pupils are almost shut completely! Something's not right.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Zorvon: (watches Daan leave)
(through the Force to Daan) You may be strong but even she could not keep her thoughts away from one such as me.

...Apollyon, security sector...

Daar: (bumps into Daan, pushing him to the floor)
(looks at the Jedi growling)
(walks on into the security hanger)

...Apollyon, prison corridor...

Lori: (low growl)
(she smiles and they can see fangs)

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Zorvon: (watches as Daar walks in)
I knew you would not fail me.

Daar: (walks past Revan, dropping Mandalore at her feet)

(he seems to be starting to wake up)

Rotel: (grabs Daar's shoulder as he moves to stand next to Zorvon)
Well done.

Daar: (nods, watching Revan and Alek closely)

Re: A New Begining

*Daan turns and glares at Daar*

Daan: *thinks to himself* This isn't the end. She doesn't know what she's getting into with those Kovasn.

*begins to run through the hallways towards Thor and Jasen, who are still a long ways off*


Jasen: Thor, Kill it!!!!!

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Of course my character will fall to the darkside.

Thor: (Looks at Lori then to Jasen)

Thor: Jasen, Why should I listen to you?

Thor: (Walks over to the right side of the room)

Thor: I am tired of listening to the republic and the jedi.

Thor: (Force) Ashni, I want to join you because I am feed up with all the orders and rules of the republic and jedi.

Thor: (Keeps eyes on Jasen and slides a sword to Lori with my foot)

Thor: (Anger) If you want Lori dead then you do it yourself.

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: You fool! THAT'S NOT LORI!!! And don't ever talk to an officer like that again. I'll deal with Lori, then you!

*blasts the sword in two, then draws a saber and stabs the one that looks like Lori*


Daan: Revan is close to falling, but so is one of the soldiers. Blast, why can't Tarren or Skai be here when I need them?! I can't be in two places at once!!! Well, Mysta is a priority, if she falls too we are lost. I'll find her.

*enters an elevator and begins ascending to the security floor.*

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

(the elevator comes to an abrupt stop)
(he can hear the sounds of a man straining as the doors to the elevator begin to open)

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Revan: (looks at Mandalore)
What is this?

Zorvon: We lay Mandalore at your feet... think of it as a sign of the many more that will come lie at them.

Kilax: We would have killed him ourselves but what glory could we possibly gain?

Zorvon: (nods) You are the leader of the Repulblic's vast armada... to kill the leader of those you fight against would strengthen those who follow you beyond measure.

...Apollyon, prison corridors...

Ashni: (through the Force to Thor) I have learned not to give my trust lightly. Kill this Republican and I may consider training you.

Lori: (as Jasen stabs her, her faces pales and she transforms back into a changellian ((or however you spell that darned word)))

...Apollyon, elevator...

Xvan: (finally manages to open the elevator doors but sighs as he sees Daan)
If I got my orders right I don't have to kill you.


(the Mandalorian fleet begins to move closer to Malachor V)


Destiny's Pawn Captain: (over Republic comm)
All Republic ships are to remain as they are. No new formations are to be made; weapons and defense statuses are to remain normal. Awaitting further orders from high command.

I know y'all can't kill each other so just fight it out and I'm gonna make some cool way that you both survive.  big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Ok, yeah, i was just thinking that. Daan needs to be able to kill any Kovasn that try to stop him after this, not like whipe them all out, but be able to defeat any that get between him and his objective.


I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

You won't need to kill any. I've got a few more twists that are coming.  big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Force to Ashni) I understand.

Thor: (Uses Force Pull on the lightsaber that Jasen has and pulls it into my hand)


Thor: (Ignites lightsaber and points it at Jasen)

Thor: I have been looking forward to this ever since you showed up on board acting like you are better then everybody else.

Thor: (Starts to walk to Jasen while swinging the lightsaber at him)

Re: A New Begining

*Jasen blocks with his vibroblade.*

Jasen: Thor, I'll kill you for this.

*continues fighting*

Jasen: You should have spent more time in training. Your technique is sloppy and your balance is off by a good three inches. If I were you, I would have waited until I were a better fighter before taking on a Lt. Commander, even one in the Space Fleet!


Daan: That can't be good.

*opens a hatch on the top of the elevator module and climbs out. Daan then force levetates up, gaining speed and headed for the security level.*

I Am Jedi