Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

So....................I think I'll start us back off on this one, since no one else is messin with it. Ya'll jump in when you're ready.


Character: Kale Valkery

Age: 30

Race: Devarian

History: Born a slave, Kale endured the humiliation of having his horns removed at birth (the horns of a male Devarian are important to their honor). He escaped slavery at age 12 and made his way to Taris. He was taken in by the Hidden Bek gang, and learned to survive on the streets. As an adult he became a bounty hunter, but held himself to an extreme code of honor. Kale became such a good bounty hunter that his competition eventually sought to kill him. Kale fled to Tatooine, where he was recruited to the Brotherhood of Assassins by Y'mire Hassuin, an assistant to the head master.

Special Abilities: Some basic knowledge of the force, enabling him to manipulate small to medium objects. Prefers knives and vibroblades and is considered a deadly combatant in hand-to-hand or throwing; but also an excellent marksman with a blaster rifle when the need arises. One of the few assassins to continue using projectile sniper rifles rather than laser sniper rifles.


*Kale enters the headmaster's office*

Kale: Well, you sent for me?

Headmaster: Indeed Kale. I have a job that I need you for. A man from Peragus contacted me last week. It seems that the established mining colony is being harassed by a new group of competitors. This new group is led by Jorgan Ka'mora, a Trandosian who got wealthy through the slave trade. He's looking to expand his business, but the problem is he's causing trouble for the Peragus mining colony. He's not willing to buy his own equipment, so he's hoping to drive off the mining colony and use their equipment.

Kale: Sounds like a lovely personality.

Headmaster: Yes, rather. The man from the colony on Peragus was commissioned to hire someone to discretely remove Ka'mora from any future interference in their work. They've made us a very handsome offer, so I've accepted it. I want you to be on the team that does the job.

Kale: I see. What exactly are we allowed to do on this job?

Headmaster: Your objective is, of course, to remove Ka'mora. But the colony also wants us to remove any of his men that could possibly take his place and continue his business. I'm not looking to kill everyone that follows him, but you are permitted to eliminate anyone you feel is a threat. Here is all the information we have on Ka'mora and his organization.

*Hands Kale a datapad*

Headmaster: Take it and study it. I'll be putting together a team for you, perhaps two or three other men. I'll let you know when the mission will take place.

Kale: Sounds good. I'll look over this in my quarters.

*Leaves the headmaster's office and begins studying the datapad.*

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Name: Jester

Age: 26

Race: Human

Jester: (Walks into the headmaster's chambers)

Jester: Any work you need me to do?

Headmaster: Jester, I just gave Kale info on the next job so go and find him and he will fill you in.

Jester: Good.

Jester: (Leaves the headmaster's chamber and finds Kale siting down reading a datapad)

Jester: Kale, It seems that we are working together again.

Jester: (Sits down and looks at Kale)

Jester: So what's the job?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Kale: We're supposed to take out this guy named Jorgan Ka'mora, a Trandosian who's trying to horn in on the gas mining colony on Peragus. They want us to get rid of him and anyone in his organization that could become a threat to the colony. Here's the datapad with all the info on it.

*hands the datapad to Jester*

Kale: He spends a lot of his time at the gaming cantinas of Nar Shadda, but since he started this move to Peragus he's been keeping to his own private space station. He will probably stay there until he gets control of the colony, which will complicate any attempt to find him. We'll need a good pilot; I think we should find Hovoth, he's the best pilot in the Brotherhood.

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Name: Hovoth

Age: 23

Race: Human


(Sitting on Crate in Hanger, and recieves a Message on his data-pad about the mission. He opens the message and reads it through.)

Hovoth: Interesting. (Stands up)

Hovoth: So Kale and Jester... where are...

(Sees Kale and Jester walk in)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Walks over to Hovoth)

Jester: It is good to see you again Hovoth.

Jester: (Looks at Kale)

Jester: We need a plan to get in to see Jorgan and I think I have it because he is holding a Pazak turnment at his station in 3 days. He has invited 15 of the best players from the galaxy to be in it.

Jester: (Pulls out a datapad)

Jester: I have the pass codes to the sheilds because I played and beat 1 of the Pazak players when I was on Maanan 2 days ago. This code is only good for 2 more days so we should get going.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Kale: Good idea Jester. It'll have to be you or Hovoth at the Pazaak table tho; I have absolutely no luck or skill at that game. I'll go along under the guise of your personal body guard. If there are other gamers there, tho, we will have to choose our timing wisely so as not to place them in danger. We don't want half the underworld of the galaxy coming after us for killing their high rolling leaders.

*thinks a moment*

Kale: Most likely only the gamers will be allowed in the room. I could use the time to sneak into the station's core and disguise myself as a mechanic or technician or something.

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Looks at Kale)

Jester: It will have to be Hovoth because I cheated we I won this and there is no cheating in this turnment. So I too will dress as a guard and stay with Hovoth while you find the location of Jorgan.

Jester: (Looks over at Hovoth)

Jester: Do you feel up to it?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: Well, I guess it's up to me to best the players. Sure, I'll go undercover as a Pazaak player. I won a few rounds against the Headmaster, so I should last for a while.

(Puts finger on chin)

Hovoth: I'm not a pro, so I can only stall them for so long.

(Looks around)

Hovoth: Where's my Pazaak deck I wonder...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Kale: Alright. Let's find a ship. Hovoth do you have one that we could use, or should we contact the Headmaster for one? Also, we'll need weapons. I think we'll be involved in mostly close quarters fighting this time, so short range weapons should suffice.

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: I saw we go with swords because if and when we kill people they will not make any noise not like a blaster.

Jester: (Looks at the datapad)

Jester: Jorgan has sent a shuttle for each player and it is in hanger bay 4 and has room for us all. This way when we show up there is no alarms going to go off when they see this ship and not one that is not in their data bases.

Jester: (Hands the datapad to Kale)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: What's wrong? We use basic Assassin weapons remember. Hidden Blade, Laser Sniper, and Vibro-blade. As for the ship...

(Looks back...)

Hovoth: Skipper has one I can use.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Kale: Sounds good. Remember to pack a shield, tho. We may draw some blaster fire, and even those swords aren't as good as a lightsaber at deflecting blaster bolts. I'll get my gear and meet you at the ship at 1000 hours.

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: I will stick with my lightsaber.

Jester: (Looks at Hovoth)

Jester: I will wait here until Kale returns.

Jester: (Sits down)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: Okay then.

(Walks over to Skipper)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Kale returns dressed in a make-shift merc uniform carrying two bags of equipment*

Kale: Was the best I could come up with for a body guard. Apparently you don't require uniforms for your men. haha. and the rest of the stuff, security spikes, night vision equipment, shields, computer over-ride governors, remote detonators....etc. and of course my knives. Let's go.

*walks to the ship*

I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Stands up)

Jester: Okay Hovoth, Let's get this rust bucket off the ground.

Jester: (Walks into the ship and sits down)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

haha, nice Jester


I Am Jedi

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here


Jester: (Looks around)

Jester: I hope this junk pile gets us there before it falls apart.

Jester: (Looks at Kale)

Jester: We need to be suited up before we get close to the station so there is no delay in finding the target.

Jester: (Puts on mandalorain armor and sits helment beside the chair)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: Alright, let's go.

(Pilots ship to fly off to destination)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Jester: (Walks to Hovoth's postion)

Jester: We have a day and a half before the turnament starts but we need to get there day.

Jester: (Walks back and sits down)