Re: A New Begining

Ashni: For years I have held it in my hands and for years it has done my bidding. I shall not make the same mistake as the weaklings before me did... focusing on pure raw power. (smiles) No, Jedi... what I have is different and much more... powerful than raw strength.

(feels Revan through the Force)
(says something in Mando'a to Rotel and Zorvon)

(they deactivate their blades and kneel)

Ashni: But I need not explain it to you. You will soon understand the true power of the darkside... my power... and that I control it. It is a beast and I have tamed it. A force... that I have conquered.

...Apollyon, bridge...

Daar: (burst through the bridge door)

Mandalore: (takes out two vibroblades)

Daar: (growls)
We meet again Mandalore.

Mandalore: You... I should have killed you the first time you betrayed me. Now my people must suffer for it?! I'll put your head on a plate and send it to your mother!
(battle stance)

Daar: I'm not here to kill you, mi Manda'lor, though I would certainly like to. I have my orders.

...Apollyon, security sector...

Xvan: (feels Revan's presence on the ship)
(sighs) They had to come right before I was about to get a kill.

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: Good idea, shall we try it?

*throws an adhesive grenade at the Kovasn's legs.*

Jasen: Enjoy that, Mando. *detonates the wall behind him* Good luck following us!

*Ducks through the hole and out into the next corridor.*

Jasen: Now, to find Lori.


Daan: Each of us thinks that we know the force. But in the end the force is greater than either of us. Can a mere human such as you or I really say that we have tamed and controlled the force? How arrogant! If you really believe that, you are more of a fool than I gave you credit for.

((Meanwhile aboard Revan's transport))

Alek: Our herald has held his own against Ashni. You were wise in your choice of him, Revan. But what of these Kovasn? I sense that they are strong; can we really expect to defeat Ashni and her Kovasn?

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Revan: (walks down the ramp) Ashni means us no harm, Alek. If she decides not to play this game in the end... I'm sure they are not as strong as they seem. You, Daan, and myself should be able to handle them and Ashni with ease.

(suddenly the doors to the hanger bay open and Akson and Kilax walk in)
(they stand over seven feet tall, towering above Revan and Alek)

Revan: (to herself) Let us hope.

Akson: (growls)
(in Mando'a to Kilax) Let's be smart about this-

Kilax: (ignores Akson) Why I must say it's a pleasure to meet the commanders of the Republics armada.... you know you two are really smart. Boarding Mandalore's ship in an attempt to save one soldier... and with literally no back up forces. Very wise.

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Ashni: (uses the Force to pull Rotel's blade from his hand) This is control, Jedi. The Force... tamed. It is meant to be like this... it is meant to bend; to be used for one's own will, one's own gain.  Perhaps we cannot control all of it... it's deepest streams remain even a mystery to me... but it can be controlled nonetheless.

...Apollyon, security sector...

Xvan: (wipes his boots off)

Xvan's AI: Sometimes I wonder about your kind. You seem so fast at points and so sluggish at others.

Xvan: (squeezes through the hole)
Oh shut up. We've got orders.
(begins to walk down the corridor)

Xvan's AI: They went that way.

Xvan: I know a shortcut.

Re: A New Begining

Hey Starr, lets add a little background story here and show how Alek (Malak) lost his jaw. B)


Alek: *to Kilax* What do you mean, no back up? Revan decided to come, and I am her back up. What more do we need than that?


Daan: You are fooling yourself, Ashni. The force allows itself to be used by some, in many ways if the person is gifted. But you are not controlling it. You may use the force to control other things, but you are not controlling the force. The darkside of the force will allow you to think that you are controlling, surrendering to your will for a time. But very soon, it will be controlling you instead, and in such a way that you don't even realize it is happening.


Jasen: Thor, comon, Lori's security sector is this way. *heads cautiously down the hallway.*

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

I was actually planning something along that line... but not till after their fall. Like Malak attacks Telos without Revan's approval and so in return he gets his jaw cut off.

Kilax: (chuckles, looking at Alek) I admire your pride, Jedi... but even you two cannot hope to stand against all of us and Ashni. We have been improved since the last time we met... (glares towards Revan) and I will not make the same mistake twice. But we have more important issues to see to. Ashni awaits. Come Jedi... it is time to face your fate.

Akson: (growls)
(in Mando'a) Let us hope our plan works.

Kilax: Do not fear, brother. In the end, all turns in our favor.
(looks at Revan and Alek)
(begins to leave the hanger, followed by Akson)

...Apollyon, bridge...

Daar: How much longer until we exit hyperspace?

Lasn: (looks at Mandalore who for the moment is knocked out)
Less than half an hour.

Daar: Good. Our negotiations should be finished by then.

...Apollyon; lower decks, Security Sector Control Center...

Xvan: Let's give those Republicans a little start shall we.
(touches the console)

(his AI moves from inside his suit to inside the console)

Xvan's AI: With pleasure.

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Ashni: (growls) Only those as weak as you could allow such a primitave force to control you. I know more than you know, Jedi, and soon you shall see my true power at work.

(Rotel and Zorvon stand)

Zorvon: Kilax and Akson lead them here, Ashni. They will arrive momentarily.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: Jasen, I have a strange feeling that there is something ahead of us.

Thor: (Drops to my knees and eyes close)

Thor: (Force) Ashni, What is this I feel inside of me and how do I know how to contact you with it?

Re: A New Begining

Cool, sounds good Starr B)


Jasen: Thor, comon, now is not the time for navel gazing! We have to find Lori before that Mando, droid, whatever finds us!!!


Alek: *thru the force to Revan* You lead ahead. I'll walk behind and keep my eyes on these Kovasn


Daan: *smiles* So you believe. We will soon enlighten you. Revan and Alek have arrived.

*closes his hand over the crystal, and when he opens it again the crystal is gone*

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Ashni: (through the Force to Thor)
Be silent. Your time has not yet come... but soon. Very soon you will be able to embrace what you feel, control power like you've never seen before. The Jedi have shieled you eyes. But I? I shall open them.

...Apollyon, hanger bay...

Revan: (follows Kilax and Akson)
(through the Force to Alek)
Be careful. We don't know what they're capable of.

...Apollyon, prison corridor...

(a wall panel near Thor and Jasen begins to spark before quickly exploding)


(the Mandalorian fleet exits hyperspace, not to far from Malachor V)

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Ashni: (quietly) So it begins.

Re: A New Begining

*Daan senses the force communication between Thor and Ashni*

Daan: Disappointing, but not surprising, Ashni. Thor was a strong soldier, but a weak personality. 

*thru the force*

Daan: Jasen, beware of Thor. He is not entirely loyal to the Jedi and the cause. He may be swayed against you

Daan: *turning to Ashni again* Turning the soldier will gain you nothing, even if you can. You had much better turn your attention to Revan and Alek.


Alek Exactly. I'll be watching them; I don't trust them as far as I could kick one fo them. There's sure to be more waiting with Ashni

*continues thru the hanger towards Ashni's location*


Jasen: Blast, get out of the way, comon run!!!

*begins running down the hallway toward Lori's sector*

Jasen: We're getting close. Should be the sector ahead on the right!

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Ashni: If you think I wish to turn the boy you are entirely mistaken. I simply wish to use him for the time... certain people are disposable.

...Apollyon, elevator...

Akson: (enters the elevator)

Kilax: (motions for Revan and Alek to enter the elevator)
In you go, Jedi.

...Apollyon, prison corridor...

(they can hear evil laughter echoing down the corridor)
(another wall panel nearby sparks and then explodes)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: Jasen, We must be carefull up here because I believe we have not seen the half of what they have done to their soldiers.

Thor: (Keeps running down the hallway and stops right outside the sector 13 doors)

Thor: You go high and I will go low.

Re: A New Begining

Xvan's AI: (over prison comm) You cannot run from me, schuttas.

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: *pauses* Did that thing just call me what I thought it did?! ok, that's it!!! Listen, Mando, where ever you are!!! I'm getting Lori out of here, then I'm coming back for you!!! you hear me?!

*to Thor*

Jasen: Let's go!!! *jumps high firing his blaster. as he lands, he pulls a flashbang grenade out and throws it*

Jasen: NOW!!! That hallway!!! Room 6690


Daan: Using that one could be dangerous, for you and us. He is strong, but unpredictable and uncontrolable. If you seek to turn him, you may create a new enemy for yourself.


Lt. : Col. Norad, we are approaching the Malachor system. Recommend taking preventive measures.

Col. Norad: No, Lt. Have the fleet enter aggressive attack formation Delta-4 as soon as we exit hyperspace.

Lt. : ............aye sir. ETA is 0647 hours galatic time.


Alek: After you, Master.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Follows Jasen down the hallway)

Thor: We are getting close to Lori because I can feel her but she is not alone. I sence a stronger presence with her and these blasters will not be enough.

Thor: (Puts blaster away and pulls out Sword)

Thor: This may become close combat.

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: *continues running* I picked this up from Amos. It's a lightsaber. don't know where he got it, but it may come in useful!

*explosions and noises of pursuit behind them*

Jasen: Never thought I'd be glad for that endurance training, now I'm wondering if it was enough!!! .............there, the 6600 section!!!

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Hey, Jester, you can start bringing Sion and Nihluis (or however you spell his name) into this, however, they won't really need to be appearing as main characters until a little later.

Xvan's AI: I welcome the chance to look into your eyes as he crushed your throats!

(the prison doors begin to bend towards Jasen and Thor)

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Ashni: Please, he is just a boy, and there is more to me then you think. How can he possibly threaten me?

...Apollyon, elevator...

Revan: (walks into the elevator)

Kilax: (looks back at Alek)
After you.

...Apollyon, bridge...

Daar: Good. Now move towards Malachor V.

Lasn: Yessir.

Daar: (watches through the bridge window)
Soon this shall all be finished.

Re: A New Begining

Daan: I have followed Thor's career for sometime. you under estimate his potential, as you under estimate Revan, and me.


Jasen: Oh crap! *jumps, rolls, and slides past a set of bending doors* Blast them!!! ok, there's 6673. Just a few more!!!

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

(suddenly the floor in front of the bends upward, creating a wall in front of them)

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Ashni: A Jedi who does not follow his own wisdom. (slight chuckle)

...Apollyon, elevator...

Kilax: (growls)
I will pick you up and carry you myself if I have to.

Re: A New Begining

Alek: No, I prefer to carry myself, thank you. *follows Revan into the elevator*


Jasen: *slides to a stop* Figures. Well, guess I was right, this lightsaber will prover useful!

*ignites saber and begins cutting thru the raised floor section in front of him*

Jasen: Thor, keep my back, this will just take a second!


Daan: Your arrogance offends, Ashni. You will learn soon.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Kilax: (enters the elevator)
(presses a button and the elevator begins its descent to the lower decks)

Sometime later

(it stops and the door open)
(they're not far from the security hanger now)

Kilax: (steps out and faces Revan and Alek)

...Apollyon, prison corridor...

Xvan: (they can hear him coming down the corridor)
You're mine now!

(they can hear a weapons system activating)

...Apollyon, security hanger...

Zorvon: (looks up at Daan, growling)

Ashni: We shall see, Jedi.