Topic: Very Strange

I was playing KOTOR 1 and I was on Mannan underwater getting ready to go out of the air lock. It went to the loading screen and it froze on me so I turned off my x-box and turned it back on. At this point I had 31 hours played already and when I loaded my game from where I saved last it showed that I had 1,915,662 hours played. Has anybody else have this happen to them or am I the first to come across this?

Re: Very Strange

HAHA, dude, over a million hours  of playing time?! haha, that's insane. I've never seen that anywhere before. That's a funny glitch right there!!! lol  lol  lol  lol

I Am Jedi

Re: Very Strange

I know but all my years and times playing this game that has never happened to me before.

Re: Very Strange

me either. i've seen other stuff, but not that. one time my cousin was playing Third Age, and he beat the game and played darkside and everything, i mean he covered every possible thing you could think of, but he only got a 99% completion on the status screen. weird

I Am Jedi

Re: Very Strange

That's just crazy.

Re: Very Strange

haha- I know that Glitch Jester. You can find it somewhere on gamefaqs. It's quite strang and funny at the same time.  lol

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Very Strange

At least I am not the only person that has happened too and thanks for the ref. Hovoth.  big_smile  B)

Re: Very Strange

interesting. I wonder what causes that. :huh:

I Am Jedi

Re: Very Strange

never happend to me.

Re: Very Strange

I don't know but it is cool.

Re: Very Strange

It's all about turning your Xbox off at a certain part, which in terms triggers the glitch people like to call "Hour Jump" glitch... or something like that.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Very Strange

hmmm.......that's funny. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Very Strange

It is 1 crazy glitch.

Re: Very Strange

sounds like it. that's one of the funny ones. some glitches are frustrating tho. like when the people get stuck or something.

I Am Jedi

Re: Very Strange

In KotOR II I would sometimes get stuck places. Like on Telos I got stuck in a tree... don't ask how, I just did. I couldn't get out no matter what I did. Had to restart my Xbox.

Re: Very Strange

In KOTOR 1 on Tatoonie I got stuck on stage with the band and could not get off so I had to we load my game.

Re: Very Strange

HAAH i've gotten stuck in several places but not there!!! haah, that's funny

actually, the PC version isn't that bad, not a huge amount of glitches.

I Am Jedi

Re: Very Strange

I know KOTOR 2 has a lot of glitches.

Re: Very Strange

yeah, there were a lot of weird things with that one. like people showing up in the wrong places and such.

I Am Jedi

Re: Very Strange

I have got stuck in walls and the floor on 4 different planets in KOTOR 2.