Re: The Revanchist


Hovoth: (Comes into prison cell and looks at guard) The ships on lock-down - who came to see the prisoner besides me?

Guard: No-one, except the group who tossed him in.

Hovoth: Hmm... alright. (Walks over to cell)

** Hovoth comes to cell door, and looks in and sees the prisoner, a human in orange and yellow uniform on the cell bed **

Prisoner: Just let me go... (Laughs) --and maybe I'll show some mercy on you when Lord Revan let's me deal with your death!

Hovoth: I'm sure someone's offered you some money... or power... in exchange for their allegence.

Prisoner: The latter - power is simply the best you can manage in this universe!

Hovoth: Then what? You die and regret what you've done.

Prisoner: (Plants both hands on ears and squints eyes) Don't talk to me with your silly jedi babble - jedi!

Hovoth: ...

Prisoner: (Stands up) If your going to kill me - then kill me!

Hovoth: No, I don't kill my prisoners. (Walks down to door and looks at guard) Give him food and drink if he's hungry. (Walks out)

Prisoner: (Opens eyes and looks down)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Soldier: He's a dangerous man, Master Hovoth. From what we could tell, he was the leader of the mutiny, the one who initially convinced some of the other soldiers to switch sides. He may be able to give us some information on who recruited him and help us get to the bottom of this mess.


*Daan and Carth kill the remaining dark Jedi and Sith, securing the bridge*

Daan: Seal the bridge, I don't want any surprise visitors. Navigator, set our course for Coruscunt, we have to make a full report to the Jedi Council.

Carth: I'll check the security console and find out what the status is on the rest of the ship.

Crew Member #1: Sir, we've lost contact with all the other ships; even our hyperspace scanners can't pick them up. It's possible they collided enruite, or that they were commandeered and taken back to Taris.

Daan: Thank you, we'll deal with that later. Fortunately that means they won't be able to stop us from getting to the Jedi.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: (Thinks for a minute) I'll speak to him some more later, let's not be hasty. Training dictates that information should be possessed by the will on a person... the force can do terrible things to a mind... it can even wipe your memory clean from what I've heard... I'm going to wait before I think about "Interrigating him".


Mandalorian Tech: Sir - I see debris out around the Astroid field to our right... should we investigate?

Mandalorian Leader: We shall! (Laughs) Let us find any sirvivors...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: Commander, Take the men and post up on the hills over looking the Academy and wait until the battle begins before you fire.

Commander: I understand, Mi Lord.

(All of my troopers head for the hills surrounding the Academy and take aim at the Academy)

Jester: (Com) Commander, When the battle starts fire on anybody tring to escape.

Commander: Understood.

Jester: (Walks over to Atrox)

Jester: Atrox, All the soldiers are in positions and now it is time for the blood to flow.

Jester: (Starts laughing evilly)

Re: The Revanchist

(gives the signal)

(troops close in from all sides)

(starts walking)

"They have no idea, theyll think we on there side"

(looks over to one of his officers, and orders him to cut off communications )

(comunications are terminated between the academy and the outside world)

(fires the force he was saving up during his meditation, and uses it to trap force inside, theyll be trapt)

( walks toward the entrance)

Jedi:" Master atrox, it is good you and jester have made it back"

"yes it is" says atrox as he walks in.

(enters the academy)

Atrox: "take me to the masters"

Padawan:"yes master"

(walks and enters the counsel room)

Atrox: "Masters the republic is in shambles"

Jedi master:"yes we have heard, it is very fortunate you have made it back"

Atrox:"many jedi have fallen"

Jedi:"yes we felt the disturbece in the force"

(gives a hidden signal for his soldiers to storm the academy)

(Masters turn toward the windows to see what is happen)

(Dark jedi join up with atrox and jester and they charge the jedi masters killing most of them")

Re: The Revanchist

Master: Why would you turn on your brothers?

Jester: (Walks up to the jedi master)

Jester: I am not your brother and I AM SITH!!!!

Jester: (Ignites lightsaber and kills the jedi master)

Jester: I know their are more jedi and masters here then what we have seen.

Jester: (Turns around and faces a padawan that is hurt but not close to death)

Jester: Where are the rest?

Padawan: They are in the lower levels, Just don't kill me.

Jester: Thanks for the info and the Sith do not show mercy.

Jester: (Uses Force Lightning on the Padawan kills him)

Jester: Atrox, The rest of the masters and knights are in the lower levels.

Re: The Revanchist

This post will be long, but I have to set up for the story, and catch up to Jester and Atrox, lol


*Daan and Carth arrive at Coruscunt, and land at the Jedi Temple. The ship is taken under control by the Republic forces, and Daan and Carth make their way to the Jedi Council Chamber*

Daan: Masters, I will make this as brief as possible. We have been betrayed by Revan. After the battle above Taris, Revan and many of the other Jedi turned and began attacking the Republic fleet. The Republic soldiers were turned in part, but there were many that remained loyal to the Republic. This soldier, Carth Onasi, is one of them; it was greatly because of his skill and courage that I survived to come tell you.

Jedi Master #1: What of your master, Tarren Al Zar?

Daan: He was taken by Atrox and Revan in a trap. He used the stop the fleet that turned to Revan's side. But in that attempt, I felt him become one with the force. I feel that Master Tarren is dead.

Jedi Master #2: Daan, what you have told us is indeed grim news. Our worst fears have come true. This is why we warned against following Revan.

Daan: Master, I am not here to defend Revan's actions or my own. We were wrong to trust Revan as the leader; he was weak and fell in the heat of battle. But now, we have a powerful enemy with many Jedi on his side, and we need to alert the Jedi and gather the forces that we have left to defeat him.

*The council ordered the two out and held a conference. After some time the council summoned them back in*

Master #1: Daan, we appreciate that you have returned from following Revan and not given in to the lure of the darkside. But following Revan has caused you to have a brush with the darkside, and you now need to be tested to ensure that you will remain loyal. We are sending you to Dagobaa, to the mountain Verrack. It is a hard test, but if you can overcome, you will have proven yourself to be a great Jedi.

Master #2: In the mean time, we will find Revan. He must be stopped; we will send a strike team to find Revan and confront him. Hopefully we will be able to strike the leader and scatter the followers, and bring this to a speedy end.

Master #1: Carth, you have proven yourself to be a reliable soldier. We are placing you as the captain of the Harbinger. Take it and find the Jedi Knight Hovoth. I feel that he has not yet fallen, and will prove a useful ally in this conflict.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

(walks down the ramp to the lower levals with a smile on his face.)

(looks the jest)

"they still don't sence it, they are truley weak"

youngling:" Master atrox, what are we gona do there over running the enclave"

(atrox smiles, and throws the padawan against the wall, breaking his neck)

(ignites his lightsaber)

(meanwhile on the surface)

(sith troops are destroying everything)

(there is noone left alive in and around the enclave)

(through the force to his dark jedi)

"raid the town now"

( sith troops storm the village, looting and killing everyone they can find.)

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: It is time for the jedi to feel the power of the Darkside.

Jedi Knight: Master Jester, What is going on?

Jester: (Walks up to him and cuts off his head)

Jester: Not much.

Jester: (Kick's his head down the hallway)

Jester: It is like leading lambs to the slaughter.

Jester: (Laughs evilly)

Re: The Revanchist

lol, Jester.


Mandalorian Leader: (Looking around) I see nothing of use here...

Mando. Tech: Sir! (Looks up) I spotted several fighters, and a large vessel heading towards our location! Their arrive time is... 10 minutes!

Mando. Leader: (Laughs) If it is their death-wish, then so be it!


** Hovoth's vessel is headed straight for Coruscunt, Hovoth makes his way back to the Bridge command room... **

Hovoth: (Walking and stops...) AUGH! (Holds head)

Voice: Would you take the life of a friend? A fellow soldier? What if he was pure evil?

Hovoth: (Gets on one knee, holding head)

Voice: Can the circle of Death bread sickness and poverty? Can it breed worry and star callapse? Come into my domain!

Hovoth: (Opens eyes, and activates Force Heal - pulsing blue beams arond body)

Voice: Dant-ooo-inneee.....

Hovoth: (Gets up) ... (Walks down hall)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

*a messenger enters the council chamber*

Messenger: Masters, we have received a distress signal from the Academy on Dantooine. They are under attack, apparently from their fellow Jedi.

Master #1: Have Master Vrook and Master Vandar assemble a team and go to Dantooine to deal with that. Hopefully they will arrive in time.

Carth: Sirs, if I may, I wish to go with you to Dantooine.

Master #1: Very well, go with Master Vrook. May the force be with you.

*Masters Vrook and Vandar assemble a team and leave for the Academy*

Master #2: Now, Daan, I will accompany you to Dagobaa. Prepare yourself.

Daan: I'm ready now. We need to hurry.

*Daan and Master #2 (Tyman Y'ishar) exit and board a ship, heading for Dagobaa*

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Soldier: (Com) Master Jester, 1 of the jedi have sent out a communition before we got there but he will not be making anymore.

Jester: (Com) Make sure you take out the towlers for good.

Soldier: (Com) Understood.

(The soldiers bow all towlers and now no messages can go out or come in)

Jester: Atrox, The jedi now that we are here and that the Academy is under attack and they will be sending a attack squard soon.

Jester: (Heads for the last chamber that has not been searched)

Jester: I sence that there are many jedi and masters in here but not for long.

Jester: (Stands outside of the chamber)

Re: The Revanchist

Atrox: this is the last of the, i can feel it

(door opens)

Atrox: throws his lightsaber cutting down 4 masters before it comes back to em

(through to his fleet)

"they jedi are on there way, execute strat 9"

"radio in more ships"

Sith troops leader:"iyes mi lord."

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Uses Force Lightning on 2 masters and 5 jedi knights killing them)

Jester: These are weak jedi and that's why the jedi order is ending.

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Their ships will be here soon so we should be ready.

Re: The Revanchist

"Its not like there gona stop us"

(laughs evilly)

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: It will be funny to see them try.

Jester: (Laughs)

Re: The Revanchist

*Carth and Masters Vrook and Vandar assemble a team and head for Dantooine aboard the Harbinger*

*Daan and Master Tyman Y'ishar enter the Dagobaa system and land near Mt. Verrack.*

Master Y'ishar: Here we are Daan. Mt. Verrack. The test is to reach it to the top. For a long time the Jedi knew that there was a secret force energy there, strong and more powerful than anything anyone has ever known. But more than two hundred Jedi have attempted to reach the summit, and none of them ever made it or even returned from the venture.

Daan: Why did the council give me this test?

Master Y'ishar: You will need all the power of the lightside to reach the summit. The council and i will be following your movements, watching and feeling your actions. If you succeed, the council will know that you have not been tainted by the darkside in Revan. Also, the power there may hold the key to defeating Revan and ending this conflict before it turns into an all out galatic civil war.

*Daan nods, then draws his lightsaber and begins the trek up the side of the mountain*


Soldier: Master Hovoth? Are you alright? you seem, strained. did you encounter another traitor?

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

(atrox through the force to hovorth)

"J......O....i...N us"

"Kill the jedi"

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: Atrox, We should hide the fleet behind the moon and hide the soldiers throughout the ground and academy. So when the jedi arrive they only see us and nobody else until it is to late.

Jester: (Walks to the dead jedi that I killed and collect their lightsabers)

Jester: My collection is growing with every jedi I kill.

Jester: (Grin crosses face)

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: (Looks at soldier) No... I'm fine.

(Walks over to map)

Hovoth: ... How far away is Dantooine?

Soldier #2: If we leave now - we can make it in an hour!

Hovoth: Okay... let's do it - send cords. to Dantooine.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?