Re: The Revanchist

(occ, u read what i wrote)

Re: The Revanchist

Yes I read what you wrote.

Jester: Revan, We have 3 Republic ships comming out of hyperspace but they are not with us.

Jester: (Walks over to the sensors)

Jester: Revan, They are heading for the Mandalorian ships and we can use them to take the pressure off of us.

Jester: (Walks over to Atrox)

Jester: It is finally time to teach the jedi and the republic to fear and respect the SITH!!!!

Re: The Revanchist

(gets up, rage is in his face)

(turns to revan,)

"they killed my brother!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they will all die"

" I will go to the jedi temple on currosant and kill them all"

"give me a fleet"

revan: Yes go, avenge bring death to the jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Atrox, I will go with you because I have a score to settle with a few jedi masters there.

Jester: (Looks at Revan)

Jester: Revan, I will return as soon as the jedi temple is destroyed and all jedi their are made 1 with the force.

Jester: (Walks over to the com station)

Jester: Revan, We have reports comming in that we have taken 13 more republic ships and the soldiers that have not joined us has been taken care of.

Jester: (Walks back over to Revan and Atrox)

Jester: Revan, That makes 36 republic ships under our controll and 1,000's of new Sith soldiers to go along with the ships.

Re: The Revanchist

Atrox: " Transport, fly us to our flagships"

( atrox gets dropped off and then jester)

Atrox: " Devenger...." (shouts out the names of the ships he wants in there fleet, tottaling 12 sith interdictors, and destoryers)

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Walks to the bridge of the " Ajunta Pal")

Jester: (Com) Atrox, We need to take out Dantoonie first or they will relay a message to the Temple that we are comming.

Jester: (Walks and sits on the thorne chair on the bridge)

Jester: Men, We all once fought for the republic but that time is over as will there rain over the galaxy. WE ARE SITH NOW AND IT IS OUR TIME TO RULE THE GALAXY AND WIPE THE JEDI AND REPUBLIC FROM THE FACE OF THIS GALAXY!!!!


Jester: We will not hide in the shadows anymore and now we will take the fight to them.

Captain: Mi Lord, We are ready and all systems are a go.

Jester: Very good Captain, Be ready to embark on my orders.

Captain: As you command Mi Lord. (Bows and walks to his position)

Jester: (Com) Atrox, I am ready when you are.

Re: The Revanchist

Ok, I'll try to fall back in. If I remember right, my character's were Tarren (now dead) and Daan, Carth and a Republic soldier on Hovoth's ship. Daan and Carth are in the last remaining Republic ship from that fleet on their way to the Jedi Temple.

Daan: We have to make it to the bridge before these rebels send us somewhere we don't wanna be!

Carth: Right behind you.

*The two make their way cautiously to the bridge. Upon arrival, they discover the rebel troops already in possession of the bridge*

Daan: *whispering* No sign of the captain. That's not good.

Carth: I think we can take these. There aren't that many and the ones I've met haven't been that great at handling their weapons.

Daan: Alright, I'll force jump in and try to free those technicians they are holding. You take the ones here and on the left. Watch out for others comin up behind you tho.


Soldier: Those Jedi have been using this transport like a pin ball! Good thing they seem to have left it alone now or we'd be ripped into so much space junk soon. Are you alright, Master Hovoth?

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

LSM, What temple are you heading for?

Re: The Revanchist

ready when you are jest----------------------------------------

Re: The Revanchist

I am ready Atrox.

Jester: Raise all sheilds and power all weapons.

Captain: As you command Master.

(All sheilds raise and all weapons are fully powered)

Jester: (Com) Atrox, We are ready here.

Re: The Revanchist

Atrox:( sits in his thrown chair on the bridge of his captial ship, Irate)

Atrox: ( in ancient sith) "Vexok savaka. "

(his minions spring into action)

"Let get the blasted jedi base, and kill em all"

(minions shout)

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Com) When you are ready we will enter hyperspace and our first target will be Dantoonie.

Jester: (Laughs evilly)

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: I'm fine soldier. We hit hyperspace, but drifted off a bit... we are not where we want to be right now... I have no clue where we are. (Laughs)

(Soldier 2 walks in)

Soldier 2: Master Jedi sir, we have a prisoner down in the prison cells.

Hovoth: (Get's up) Good thing I have many loyal followers on this transport. Now then, take me to the cell block...

** Meanwhile, on a Mandalorian Cruiser **

Mandalorian Leader: (Walks into bridge) This is strange... skars upon the space.

Mandalorian Soldier: Sir, our shields are operating at 100.0%!

Mando. Leader: Good, they've recharged... we can hit hyperspace and plan... or contact... anyone who's still alive.


I honestly don&#39;t remember the Mando. L&#39;s name... >_<

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Soldier: Right away, Master Hovoth. *aside to Soldier #2* Are you sure we have the ship in lock down? I wouldn&#39;t want a few stray rebels surprising us&#33;


*Daan and Carth rush into the bridge. Carth quickly shoots several of the troops, while Daan kills the two Dark Jedi who are standing guard over the technicians.*

*A Sith leader jumps in and attacks Daan. The two lock lightsabers and commence dueling*

Daan: Onasi&#33;&#33;&#33; Get the bridge locked down&#33;&#33;&#33; Don&#39;t let anyone else in here&#33;&#33;&#33;

Carth: Right away,.......... *two troopers jump up from behind a control panel and open fire on Carth*

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: Captain, Take us into hyperspace and head for Dantoonie.

Captain: As you command, Mi Lord.

(The Ajunta Pal, The Devenger and the rest of the fleet jump into hyperspace heading for Dantoonie)

Captain: ETA at Dantoonie is 2 hours.

Jester: Very good and make sure all sheilds are up and all weapons are fully powered up.

Captain: Our sheilds are at 100% and all weapons are fully charged. Mi Lord, We have 4 transports already packed for the ground assault.

Jester: Very good Captain.

Jester: (Force) Atrox, In 2 hours we will be knee deep in jedi blood.

Re: The Revanchist

(in a stern voice)

" I will meditate, then, contact me when we break out of hyperspace."

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Force) Atrox, I will let you know when we reach Dantoonie.

Captian: Mi Lord, We are 5 mins out.

Jester: Very good, When we come out of hyperspace begin firing on Dantoonie and destroy any ship that trys to leave.

Captain: As you command, Mi Lord.

Jester: (Force) Atrox, We are 5 mins before we exit hyperspace and I will be on the first wave that lands on Dantoonie, Are you going to join me on the ground?

Jester: Captain, You have the bridge and I am heading down to the transport to lead the ground assualt.

Captain: I understand, Mi Lord.

Jester: (Walks to the hanger bay and boards the lead transport)

Jester: Men, Board the transports&#33;&#33;

(40 Soldiers board the 4 transports and prepair for the battle ahead)

Re: The Revanchist

(opens his eyes, and summons his minions)

" Prepare a forces for the ground assult, and set up a blockade"

Minion Leader: "it will be done my lord"

Gets on his gunship along with his best dark jedi, and begins his decent)

Re: The Revanchist

(The 4 transports leave the bay and make there way down to the surface of Dantoonie)

Jester: (Com) Atrox, It is time to make the jedi fell the power of the Darkside.

(The transports set down outside of the courtyard)

Jester: (Gets out and ignites double bladed black lightsaber)

Jester: Soldiers, Front and center&#33;&#33;&#33;

(All the soldiers jump out of the transports and line up infront of me)

Jester: It is time to make the republic and the jedi fear us from this day forth.

(All the soldiers pump their blaster rifles into the air and yell "Death to the republic and Death to the jedi"

Jester: (Com) Atrox, Land at this location and we will bring the jedi to their knees together.

Re: The Revanchist

(atrox and his 20 transports land at jesters location)

"Alright 10 battalions stay with, the other 10  go to the other side and await my signal"

(the do what he says)

Dark Jedi Leader : "Zhol kash dinora"