Re: A New Begining

Pilot: They bypassed our minefield, sir.

Jaak: Tell X'ud to circle and get behind them. While X'ud is circling send an SOA Fleet around using the InVers technology.

Pilot: But, sir, it's not-

Jaak: I heard the techs. It will work for what I have in mind.

Pilot: Yes, sir.

Jaak: Tell X'ud to link up with SOA behind the Republicans and then move in for a full assault. Tell them to hit the Republic bastards with everything they've got.

Pilot: Yes, sir.
(issuses orders)


(the Mandalorian SOA fleet fires up its engines and then suddenly enters hyperspace from a dead standstill... or so it appears)


X'ud Captain: You've got your orders,  men. Let's kick some Republic ass!

X'ud Squadron: For Mandalore!

Re: A New Begining

I will wait until Prince returns to start this rpg again.

Re: A New Begining

Um... Danny?

Re: A New Begining

Yes, That is my first name. How did you know?

Re: A New Begining

I was actually calling Prince.

Re: A New Begining

Oh, My bad.

Re: A New Begining

well now you dont have to wait for him he got banned.

Re: A New Begining

I know that now, So dose this rpg end or do we keep going?

Re: A New Begining

Damn... you mean this whole thing has to start over?  sad  We had a good story going...

Re: A New Begining

I was really getting into this one... oh, well. Ready when you boys are.

Re: A New Begining

I am ready to start again.  big_smile  B)

Re: A New Begining

I'm ready. do ya'll wanna try to pick up where we left off or just start over?

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

We can just start where we last left... I think we all know what we were doing... I just can't remember some of my character names: Dann (hope I got it right) was with Ashni and Rotel(think that's what it was), holding them until Revan and Alek could get there. Xvan is about to fight with Jasen and Thor who are trying to reach Lori; Kilax left Amos for dead (Amos died not to long after the Mandalorian left, ruining the Kovasn's hope of a slow and painful death for the Republican) and just linked up with Akson(renamed him); Daar(also renamed) was doing something with Mandalore's crew sent to fix the problems that the Republicans and the Kovasn were causing. Zorvon is somewhere doing something that right now no one knows about. big_smile   Revan and Malak are on their way to Apollyon; Ivesa touched down in Apollyon a few minutes ago; Kyra and Jatne are as of now controlling the Mandalorian fleet since Lasn(Apollyon's pilot) and Mandalore are currently dealing with the problems on the ship. Moravn, the Elite Leader, is currently still patrolling the ship looking for the Republicans. LSM you've got some other characters but I never really understood what was happening there and Jester same goes for you. Think that about covers it right? Add anything you like boys.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Jasen)

Thor: What is our next move?


Saul: (Looks out the window on the bridge of the Republic ship at the battle)

Saul: Carth, What is the statis of the fighters?

Carth: (Truns around and looks at Saul)

Carth: Sir, The mandalorian fighters out number our fighters 3 to 1 and we have lost 15 fighters already.

Saul: Get all fighters off this ship and into the fight or we will lose.

Carth: Yes Sir.

Carth: (Over Com) All fighters enter the battle!!!

(All the fighters left on the ship enter the battle and brings the odds up to even)


Thor: We need to find Lori before it is to late.

Re: A New Begining

Right, the only other character i had was Col. Norad, who is in charge of the Republic reinforcement fleet. But right now they're in a stand off with the Mando's and not engaging each other.


Jasen: (to Thor) I think Amos found Lori before he died. He handed me this datapad.......*examines the datapad*.............It's a security holocron...........There she is!!! Alright, this looks like it's in Security sector 13.......go figure, in the heart of the security wing. You got any ideas on how to handle those new Mandalorian troopers?! The place is crawling with them and they are pretty much invincible!


Daan: (to Ashni and Rotel) As I said, I am not here to kill you. I am only here as the herald of Revan and Alek. They have followed my movements through the force, and are now on their way to this location. *uses the crystal to create a blue force shield around him* And now, we wait.....

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvan: (activates two Kovasn blades)
(evil chuckle) I'm gonna enjoy this.
(as he moves towards them the security terminals spark and the loose cords begin to move about Thor and Jasen like snakes)

...Apollyon; lower decks, security hanger bay...

Ashni: They won't make it on the ship... and even if they do how will they ever get past my guards. You did not escape one... what can they do against seven? My pawns are invincible... and even though Revan sees herself that way, she is mere mortal. She is prone to weaknesses. (evil smile)

Rotel: (activates two Kovasn blades)

...Apollyon, unknown location...

Zorvon: (looks around) Where's that damned switch?!
(pulls a dead Mandalorian body off the terminal, still looking around)

...Destiny's Pawn, bridge...
Man: Your ship is ready, mi'lady.

Revan: Good. The sooner we get this over with the better. Come Alek, let us settle this once and for all.
(begins to leave the bridge)

...Apollyon, bridge...

Lasn: Sir?!

Mandalore: You heard me. Tell all ships to fall back to Malachor V.

Lasn: But, sir, we're Mandalorians-

Mandalore: You heard what I said, Lasn! You have no right to question my orders! (calms down) I have a little surprise waiting for them there.

Lasn: (sighs) As you command, mi Manda'lor.

...Kyra, bridge...

Maks: He wants us to what?!

Communicator: Orders came in clear, captain. Get prepared to punch it.

...Apollyon, unknown location...

Zorvon: There the damned thing is.
(pulls a switch down)
(the Apollyon's shields shut down)
Boo yah.

...Apollyon, upper decks...

Kilax: (listens) What the hell was that?

Akson: What was what?

Kilax: (hears a clanking sound) That.

(the clanking sounds soon become the sound of footsteps)

Kilax: (pulls Akson into a room, activating a Kovasn blade)
He's mine.
(waits for the man to get near the door)
(jumps out a makes a jabbing motion only to be blocked by a Kovasn blade)
(looks up to see Daar, covered in blood)

Daar: You better be lucky I'm faster than you. You would have paid for a new stomach.

Kilax: (deactivates his blade)
Looks like you had a little fun.

Daar: Just ran into an old friend.

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: Blast. you again. We just can't seem to stay away from each other. *notices the power coils* haha, even the cables get nervous when you're around, you must have quite a reputation.

*places a charge on the wall behind them*


Col. Norad: What's going on?

Lt. : Sir, the Mandalorian fleet is reforming. It appears they are maneuvering for a jump into hyperspace.

Col. Norad: Mandalorians leaving a battle? What kind of ploy is this? Contact the Destiny's Pawn for orders.

Lt. : Will do Sir!


Daan: I said I wouldn't kill you, Ashni. But I said nothing about killing your slave. You believe them to be invincible, and so they have been up to this point. But the power of these crystals surpasses anything you could have possibly experienced.

*a white flame forms in his hand*

Don't force my hand. Let us wait for Revan. She will be here soon. Until then I suggest you call off your guard dog.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Ashni: (growls) Your masters taught you well... but they didn't teach you everything. You are young, Jedi, and for that naive. You know not of what lies beneath Coruscant's streets, of what moves about in the deepest shadows of Kashyyyk, or of the darkness I have tamed. The Jedi always thought they were better than everyone else...

Zorvon: (opens the door that leads to the ship)
(pauses, starring at Daan)

Ashni: (smiles) I'm going to prove them wrong. They're going to wish they had killed me when they had the chance.

Zorvon: (looks over at Ashni and Rotel) She is on her way, Ashni. I have cut the shields and the rest of my squad is making sure there is no one to stand in her path. I have sent one of my best to keep Mandalore at bay until the time is right.

Ashni: (glances at Zorvon and then looks back at Daan)
You know, Mandalorians are so hard to control. They are extremly loyal but they can go into... killing fits. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to stop one of those from happening.

Zorvon: (activates two Kovasn blades)

Rotel: (says something to him in Mando'a)

Zorvon: (replies, nodding)

...Apollyon, bridge...

(there's a pounding sound at the bridge door)

Lasn: Republicans?!

Mandalore: (growls)

(the pounding continues, the bridge doors beginning to dent)

Mandalore: Traitors.
(looks at Lasn)
Tell all ships to jump now.

Lasn: Yes, sir.
(over comm)
Orders from Mandalore: all ships jump to the given location now.


(the Mandalorian fleet makes a sudden jump into hyperspace shortly after Revan's personal ship, Prisoner of Hope, lands onboard Apollyon)


Destiny's Pawn Captain: (over Republic comm) All ships are ordered to follow the Mandalorian fleet. Destination is Outer Rim. 24.52 parsecs inside the Malachor System. Planet destination is unknown.

I realize that a parsec is actually a unit of time but just roll with it. After all, Han Solo calls them parsecs. smile

Re: A New Begining

haha, no problem, i got it. i mean, how else do you tell distance in deep space? there's no latitude and longitude.


Daan: I am aware of your wanderings and experiments with the dark side. But you have not tamed it. The force is never tamed. The Jedi have many faults, but they know that the nature of the darkside is not something that can be controlled. It will give the appearance of being tamed at first, of allowing you to control it. But in the end, you will succumb to it's will, and it will tame and control you past the point of recognition.

*turns to the Kovasn*

Daan: As for your pawns, they hold no fear for me. The power of the lightside is my ally; it protects me, it becomes my weapon. The difference between us, Ashni, is that I recognize that I am not powerful, but that it is instead the force that is powerful through me. And in that sense, the force is more powerful that your Kovasn slaves could ever dream.


Col. Norad: What are our orders?

Lt. : We are to pursue the Mandalorian fleet to the Malachor system.

Col. Norad: Malachor? Are they insane? Check it again.

Lt. : I did, sir, twice. This is for real.

Col. Norad: I hope Revan knows what she's doing. *over comm* All ships, assume hyperspace formation. Set your coordinates,..........for the Malachor system. Repeat, assume hyperspace formation and set your coordinates for the Malachor system. This is not a drill.

*to Lt.*

Col. Norad: And God help us when we get there, or no one will be coming back again.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Jasen)

Thor: The only thing that I can think of is to go for their legs so that way they will not be able to fallow us.