Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(they arrive at the battle scene to the Northeast)
(thousands of Verto soldiers lie dead, their life force drained, their bodies now no more than scrap metal)
(the remians of vehicles and weapons lay shattered among them)

Fortis:  (picks up a Verto's helmet)
The murderers shall pay for the innocent they have slaughtered here today.

Annuo Squad: (looks ahead)

(no more than 500 yards away a battle is waging)
(flying above the Verto warriors that still remain are what look to be dragons, but they have lost all flesh and only bones remain; on the battle field they fight large beasts that carry huge hammers, axes, etc.)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: what is this... new devilry?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Proprius: This, fleshling is the the work of the Vante himself... creatures born from the depths of karan. The Morsus' pride.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: was starr with this group?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Velox: At one time...

Ardeo: She was the Vante's best soldier... his right hand. She controlled everything.

Rector: His legions, his fleets-

Proprius: His soldier began to fear her more than him.

Fortis: He could only give them eternal damnation after death. She could give them hell on earth.

Ardeo: I suppose that's why he got her... to make his men fear him more...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: we should keep moving.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Velox: He speaks the truth. Our siblings will not last long against those creatures without assistance.

Rector: Would you like to take the lead, Proeliator?

Ardeo: If you think I can do any good... my powers haven't matured yet.

Fortis: Let's just have a go at it shall we, eh?

Proprius: Agreed.

Ardeo: Very well.
(activates four lightsaber)
(runs towards the battle)

Annuo Suqad: (activates weapons)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(a large black whisp of cloud is seen coming from behind them rapidly)

logan: ah...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: (remains beside Logan)

Fortis: (activates two very large canons)
(fires at the creatures)

(the shot seems to hit one of the creatures, yet it has no effect)

Proprius: Well that was weak.

(the creatures continue to kill Verto soldiers)

Fortis: (deactivates his canons, crossing his arms over his chest)
Wait for it...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(the whisp stops directly in logan's face, growling)

logan: not even the darkest parts of korriban could erect what i can...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(the creature that Fortis shot begins to glow)

Fortis: Might want to take cover.
(activates shields)

Ardeo, Proprius, and Velox: (do the same)

(suddenly the creature explodes, causing the seven creatures near it to also explode)

Velox: (whistles)

Fortis: (looks at Proprius)
And you call that weak?

Proprius: I must admit... nice.

Rector: (to Logan)
You plan to fight demon with demon?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: yep, that's my plan. now let's find starr and the others.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: Your demons will not last very long.
(shouts orders in Kilish)

Ardeo: (nods)
(says something to Proprius)

Proprius: (smiles)
(twirls his blades)
I've got it handled.

Fortis: (shakes his head)
(transforms, leaves)

Ardeo: (grabs Propriu's right shoulder)
The Force be with you brother...

Proprius: (grabs Ardeo's right shoulder)
And with you. I fear you'll be needing it more than I.

Velox: (his radar begins to beep rapidly)
(looks at it then at Rector)
I've got an unknown inbound from the sky-

(a bright flash appears, blinding everyone)

Rector: (grabs Logan, activating his shield)

Annuo: (activates shields)

(an explosion, like that of an atomic bomb, takes place)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(the dragon absorbs the blast, growing larger)


logan: he says is that the best they've got?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Annuo: (deactivates shields)

Fortis: (flies back up, transforms)
What the hell was that?!

Velox: (his eyes grow light blue) Scanning.
(moves towards the extremely large cratar)
(his eyes turn back to their normal green-ish color)
Oh, s**t.
(jumps into the cratar)

Ardeo: (looks into the cratar)
(jumps down to help Velox)

(the rest of Annuo follows except Rector who stands on the edge of the cratar)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: what is it?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: Corruo... well, what's left of him.

Velox: (looks over Corruo's body)
His armor's frozen up. Until we get it unlocked I can't do anything.

Proprius: Not like you can do anything anyway... look at what they did to him.

Fortis: (grimances) I didn't know we could twist like that.

Ardeo: At least they didn't get his amor.

Velox: Yeah, but still... I doubt I can do anything. I'm not trained for this.

Rector: If you can keep his amor intact and working we can move him, find the Commander and get her to fix him.

Velox: Are you kidding me?! I move him and he'll shut down completely and no Solus will bring him back.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: forget about a dead comrade; let's move.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: (glares at Logan)
He's not just a comrade. And he's not dead. Wasn't it you humans who said "no man gets left behind"?

Velox: I'll stay here. Make sure his vitals stay clear. You must press forward. The Commander and the Morsus await.

Ardeo: (looks at Rector)
Velox is right. Threre is nothing we can do for him now but stop the Morsus and bring the Commander back safely.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: you keep talking about moving but are we? no. let's go!