Re: Taris Restoration Project

what does it look like i'm doing? lol

Re: Taris Restoration Project

can we please continue?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Darth Jester,Dec 18 2008, 04:37 AM wrote:

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Well, You can not say that her whole race was destroyed because many of the young people joined us when we visited her planet before Nihilus destroyed it.

Jester: (Looks at Visas)

Jester: Yes Visas, You heard me and it is the truth because many of your people are still alive and fighting for Darth Revan and the Sith.

Jester: (Looks back at Atrox)

Jester: Atrox, Do you remember that one that kept talking about Visas? He kept sayin that Visas would come and save him and after awhile that got on my nerves and so I killed him by first cutting out his tongue then cutting off his head.

This is what has happened so far and so lets start back with the rpg.

Darth Atrox,Dec 18 2008, 04:48 AM wrote:


" Yes i do recall that jedi, we dumped his body in the shreders"

Darth Jester,Dec 20 2008, 01:23 AM wrote:

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: It is funny that Visas is a "so called" POWERFULL JEDI and she could not sence that people of her own race still lives.

Jester: (Starts to laugh evilly)

Darth Atrox,Dec 20 2008, 11:23 PM wrote:

( laughs and looks at the jedi)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

it's too late; i'm too confused

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: "Your taunts are empty, Atrox. I hunted down and killed each of those assassins one by one, and now the man that gave the order is the last one left alive. But do not think that lust for vengeance will bring me to the darkside. My strength is not in my passion or hate, but in my skill and control of the force.

Renedel (to both Jester and Atrox): "You wish to become more powerful? Then prepare to be made one with the force!"

*swings his sabers at Atrox*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(smiles, and ignites his lightsaber)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Turns on lightsabers and steps back)

Jester: I see the jedi will let anybody who can hold a lightsaber join their order.

Jester: (Starts to laugh)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: *laughs* Perhaps you Sith do not know Juyo when you see it. I have mastered all seven of the lightsaber forms, even this, the most difficult and demanding form Juyo. I have learned to combine it with Jar'Kai and Shein, so you will find me a most able and dangerous opponent.

*flourishes lightsabers, and begins combat with Atrox*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(atrox and renedels lightsbars meet)

" yes i see you techinique, you are teaching it to me as we speak"

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: "That's good, cause you're about t get schooled......."


I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: Renedel, Why do you hold yourself to only the fighting styles that the jedi teach when you can join the SITH and fight anyway and everyway that you want.

Jester: (Walks around the battle between Atrox and Renedel)

Jester: Renedel, I am also learning your style but I have found a weakness in it.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: Every style has a weakness, Jester. It depends on the skill of the fighter how well that weakness is defended. And when it comes that, my ally is the force.

Visas: Enough, fallen Jedi. Let us see what the power of the darkside has really done for you.

*Visas ignites saber and engages Jester*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Ignites 1 lightsaber)

Jester: Visas, Sence that the darkside is still inside you but you fight it instead of bending it to your will.

Jester: (Uses force lightning on Visas and it drops Visas to her knees)

Jester: Visas, Do you see and feel the power of the darkside and what you can have if you just give into the darkside within yourself.

Jester: (Ignites second lightsaber and walks around Visas)

Jester: Join me and become my apprentence and I will teach you how to rise above the force and grow more powerfull then even the most powerfull jedi master of your order.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(swings his lighsaber very hard and knocks renedel to the ground)

Atrox: " You have dearly underestimated me"

(Uses force storm)

(electricity pulses through renedel)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: *absorbs the force energy, staggers to his feet* The same old strategy. Haven't you Sith learned anything new?

*Force attacks Atrox with Malacia, a force power which alters his motabalism and causes severe dizzyness and nausea*

Renedel: Honestly..... *controls the lightsabers thru the force and fights Atrox without holding them*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(smiles, and purges the malacia out his body)

"Two can play that game"

( uses Crucitorn on himself, and uses Kinetite on renedel)

(force orbs form in his hand and are thrown at renedel)

0CC( thease cant be deflected by lightsabers) only with special training, can the be blocked)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: Visas, Have you made up your mind yet?

Jester: No, Then this will help you think better.

Jester: (Uses force lightning on Visas again until she drops to her chest)

Jester: WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER!!!!!!!!!

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: VISAS!!!!!

*Renedel raises one of his lightsabers above his head and slams it to the earth. A blinding force shockwave knocks them all back, white light searing their eyes. By the time Jester and Atrox are able to see again, both Renedel and Visas are gone. The shock of the force waves begins to crumble the tunnel supports.*

*Renedel stumbles thru a passageway blindly, holding Visas' limp body.*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (As my sight comes back I notice the tunnel starting to cave in)

Jester: Atrox, Renedel and Visas has ran like rats from a sinking ship to the upper levels and we must go NOW!!

(Jester and Atrox make their way through a secert passage that leads to the upper level just as the tunnel fills with rubble)

Jester: (Force) Visas, Tell me where you are and become my new apprentice.

(Jester and Atrox walk out into the main level and see all the dead jedi students and a group of dark jedi walk over to them)

Jester: You have done well and know you will be known as Dark Jedi.

(The Dark Jedi bow to Jester and Atrox)

Jester: (Force) Renedel, Their is noway out of the academy and we will find you soonner then you think.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel *to himself*: Blast, I can't see a thing. The sensors in my helmet must have been damaged when I fell.

*bows his head, and feels his surroundings thru the force. He finds that he and the still unconcious Visas are in the area where Jester and Atrox discovered the holocrons. The effects of the force wave are still being felt throughout the entire foundation of the Academy, and the ceiling begins to give way.*

*He creates a force field around them, sheilding them from the falling rocks and earth*

Renedel: So, this is the secret Jester and Atrox mentioned. It seems they have stripped away all the crystals and holocrons. But there is still a dark presence here. There's a way to take care of that tho.

Renedel (to Jester): Haha, do you really think I'm that much of a fool?! If there's no way out of a situation, I'll make my own way out!

Renedel (to Atton): We'll meet you outside the Academy. get out of here as quickly and carefully as you can.

Atton (thru the force): Already gone, a group of students tried to come down this way behind you. They won't be going anywhere again. I'm almost to the front door already, you soon.

*Renedel begins meditating, gathering strength, drawing in the force that surrounds him, both light and dark.*

I Am Jedi