Re: Out Of Curiousity...

I agree with you Atrox but I have not smoked any weed in about 1 year.

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

Congratz Jester!

Keep it up!  B)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

It was good when I was younger but as you get older it is not that fun anymore.

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

Ya. I have a friend that used to smoke pot, but now he's got a wife and two kids and he told me "Man I wouldn't touch that stuff again if you paid me, it ain't worth it." B)

good job Jester, keep it clean! big_smile  B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

I will.  big_smile  B)

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

Lightside Master,Dec 17 2008, 09:37 PM wrote:

lol, the way you said that makes it sound like they're drugs or something......... lol  lol  lol

scientifically speaking it's not so much the way i said it as much as it was the way you interpreted it. (i'm smart)

Darth Jester,Dec 17 2008, 09:41 PM wrote:

Vodka for me.  big_smile  B)


Darth Atrox,Dec 17 2008, 11:18 PM wrote:

im underage, and i drink alcohol, and i smoke that kush. I said ide never do it, but here i am.

yeah rite. you know yo mama would break out that belt if she saw you smokin or drinkin.

Darth Jester,Dec 19 2008, 09:26 PM wrote:

I agree with you Atrox but I have not smoked any weed in about 1 year.

so, you're not a crackhead? you could've fooled me.

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

I think Wine is only 10%-15% alcohol (sp?).

I bet some of you knew that.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

mmhmm. that's why it's my favorite drink.

drink without getting drunk

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

Prince of the light side,Dec 21 2008, 09:12 AM wrote:

scientifically speaking it's not so much the way i said it as much as it was the way you interpreted it. (i'm smart)
yeah rite. you know yo mama would break out that belt if she saw you smokin or drinkin.
so, you're not a crackhead? you could've fooled me.

haaa your right prince, ide be a dad man, but my mom thinks im the perfect little son hee heee lol

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

you sly devil....

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

The only people who drink wine is women, french people, people from Italy and fags.

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

so what you sayin kyle? you callin me a fag? you callin my whole f***in family some fags? huh?!

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

I was just stating a fact but you can take it anyway you want to take it.

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

My dad drinks wine Jester, what'cha trying to say??

** Removes knife from cutting board **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

uhoh, sharp pointed objects have entered the discussion. Hovoth is now armed and considered dangerous......... B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

Darth Jester,Dec 22 2008, 09:22 PM wrote:

I was just stating a fact but you can take it anyway you want to take it.

exactly. so you callin me and my family some fags then if "it's a fact".

obviously it's not. why? because my family arent faggots. the grown men are all married and the children have girlfriends. get it straight.

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

Everyone on this site are [size=21]FAGS[/size] alright?


Re: Out Of Curiousity...

Do you know what fag means in the American cultural context, Spartan?

I Am Jedi

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

yea spartan,  do you know what you just said.

Re: Out Of Curiousity...

Anyways, I see that Darth Catrus was on here last night but did not post anything.