Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

then i wasn't talking to you.

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

Okay, Cool.  big_smile  B)

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

so, gentlemen...

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

How's the weather up in Detroit?

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

from 3pm tomorrow to 12pm friday it will be snowing ittl be snowing in chicago, and i live up north and i will prob get 10 inches.

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

Darth Jester,Dec 17 2008, 09:19 PM wrote:

How's the weather up in Detroit?

it's friggin cold!!

Darth Atrox,Dec 17 2008, 11:28 PM wrote:

from 3pm tomorrow to 12pm friday it will be snowing ittl be snowing in chicago, and i live up north and i will prob get 10 inches.

yeah, some of us michiganders are gettin up to 15 inches.

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

oh ouch, snow day hopefully for me.

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

It's freezing over here, but it usually never snows. Usually we got a good amount every year, but now it just get's freezing this time of year.

BTW I will be gone Monday for some end of the year party, and gone Wed/Thurs - Sun next week, going to be a Knoxvill Tennesse. So, I'll be gone for a while. ^_^

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

have a fun trip Hovoth, we'll miss you on here!

Hate to bust ya'lls bubble, but it's 67 here. big_smile B)

I Am Jedi

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

well that&#39;s just great, lsm <_<

on monday i think, we had like the coldest weather since the early 1900&#39;s: -18&#33; gah&#33;

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

Great Dow&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; thats insane&#33;&#33;&#33; lol

I Am Jedi

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

Today it was 64 and Saturday it is going to be no higher then 28.

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

It&#39;s times like this, you want to live in Hawaii or Florida.

It&#39;s always Hot or warm there, never cold.  B)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

That is true.

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

Darth Jester,Dec 19 2008, 08:38 PM wrote:

Today it was 64 and Saturday it is going to be no higher then 28.

Monday the high will be 32. lol

I Am Jedi

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

Maybe because there is another cold front comming through this weekend and they are talking about snow.

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

even though winter is kinda ugh sometimes, it&#39;s nice having a variety of weather. like today, it&#39;s gonna be a high of 12&#33; yipee&#33;

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

the lowest canada had was -30 degrees celcius.


Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

It&#39;s always cold in Canada, eh?

I never like it up there. I like warm, and Hot - but cold I can survive. I usually don&#39;t wear my Pullover, and people are like "Dude&#33; Aren&#39;t you cold??".


Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: This Forum Is Dedicated To Darth Jester

Hovoth,Dec 20 2008, 01:40 PM wrote:

I never like it up there. I like warm, and Hot - but cold I can survive. I usually don&#39;t wear my Pullover, and people are like "Dude&#33; Aren&#39;t you cold??".

lol people ask me the same thing sometimes&#33; when it&#39;s in the 40&#39;s or 50&#39;s i typically wear shorts but people think i&#39;m insane&#33;...or am i? tongue  lol