Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Force) My apprentices, It is time to prove yourselfs to me. Now come to the lower levels but first kill every jedi that you come across from student to master and the ones that make it to me we have shown that they belong with the Sith.

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Slvar is awake and I sence the darkside in her but time will tell if she is on our side or not.

Jester: (Activates lightsabers)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(ignties his double bladed saber, and starts walking.)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

so we got a tough guy wanna be (atrox) a damsel who goes into pathetic self inflicted distress (starr), a person who can't act for his life (jester) and another guy who stands alone trying to do the "right thing" (LSM)

what have you done to my RPG is a question who's answer eludes me.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

It stopped being your rpg when you quit this rpg so GROW UP!!!!!

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Prince of the light side,Dec 15 2008, 01:01 PM wrote:

so we got a tough guy wanna be (atrox) a damsel who goes into pathetic self inflicted distress (starr), a person who can't act for his life (jester) and another guy who stands alone trying to do the "right thing" (LSM)

what have you done to my RPG is a question who's answer eludes me.

If you actually LOOK at this thread, we asked you to stay. And as to me being a stand alone, what do you want me to do when all the lightsiders leave? huh?&#33; no one&#39;s stopping you from posting, we wanted you to stay in this thing. you&#39;re the one that left <_<

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Starts walking with Atrox to meet Renedel head on)

Jester: I sence that their is a battle taking place above us between the jedi padawans and the dark jedi.

(As Jester, Atrox and Renedel are in the lower levels of the academy the students of the academy break into a full civil war. As the jedi padawans do battle against the newly turned dark jedi.)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Visas: A battle rages over us. The students have turned.......

Renedel: ...I know, I&#39;ve sensed it as well. But we must leave them for now. The real threat lies ahead.

Renedel *thru the force* Slvar, a choice lies before you. The lines are drawn. Will you side with us, or will you fall into the power of darkness?

*Moves ahead. After a distance, they dimly see the gleam of lightsabers down the tunnel.*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Stops walking)

Jester: Atrox, I sence that Renedel and Visas is just infront of us.

Jester: (Force) Renedel, I see that you have brought Visas with you. Do you think you can trust her as I have been in contact with her for many months now.

Jester: (Force) Visas, Renedel is going to kill you because he dose not trust you so you could join me and Atrox and become a Sith. What do you say?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: Visas, you have already tasted the darkside, and you know the lies that it can use to cloud your mind. They will try to turn you against me.

Visas: Renedel, I&#39;ve known of you for a long time. You were one of the few Jedi that my master, Darth Nihilus, feared, and with good reason. The power of the light is strong in you. I know that you could not be twisted as they say you are. Do not fear my falling.

Atton: The battle above still goes on, and is moving closer. You go on ahead, I will stay behind and make sure that no one comes this way to interfere.

*Renedel and Visas move ahead, and soon can see the figures of Jester and Atrox clearly*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Steps forward)

Jester: Renedel, I know you have senced that the students are in a battle and I see the Atton has stayed behind to make sure now body comes up from behind you.

Jester: (Walks back and forth and starts to laugh)

Jester: Did you really think that was the ONLY way down here. There are 2 secret ways down here and all my new Dark Jedi know of them and I told 5 of them as soon as the battle begins on the main level to find the secret passageways and meet me down here.

Jester: (Reads Visas&#39;s mind and learns a secret about her past)

Jester: Visas, How can you follow the lightside when I have read your mind and found out a secret about your past.

Jester: (Walks closer to Visas but still out of the range of her lightsaber)

Jester: Tell me, How did it fell when you struck him down? Was their anger and rage? Can&#39;t you remember the felling of POWER that you felt when you gave into the DARKSIDE that is still inside of you.

Jester: (Walks back and stands beside Atrox)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel *turns to Visas* : The past is the past, Visas. But if this Sith wishes to bring it up, remember all of it. Remember the power of the darkside to it&#39;s fullest extent, and the attocities commited by those who followed its path.

*turns to Atrox* You&#39;re still alive. I can&#39;t say I&#39;m glad to see it. The last time I saw you, you were trying to convince me to follow Revan on the path of the Sith. The day I was nearly killed by your assasins, and my family was murdered. Tell me, was it your master Revan that ordered the attack on me and my home, or did you give that order yourself?

*Renedel&#39;s dual lightsabers gleam on his helmet, and he drops his Jedi cape.*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: I see that the one&#39;s that fight with you Renedel were to weak to be a REAL SITH and so went back to the jedi.

Jester: (Force) Apprentice, Go to the com center and call for Revan and tell him that the Academy will soon be ours.

Apprentice: (Force) As you command, Master.

Jester: Renedel, I sence that the battle above us has ended and the Students that followed your way are dead or turned to the DARKSIDE. That leaves just you 3 out of 100 students and masters.

Jester: (Starts to laugh)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(Looks at renedel)

"( in a quite and mocking voice) " No I ordered it, does it make your angry jedi, do you want to strike me down?"

(looks at visas)

" you know i brought the intelligence to nuhulius, about the little jedi meeting on katarn. Does it make you angry that i had a hand in wiping out your pathetic race"

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Well, You can not say that her whole race was destroyed because many of the young people joined us when we visited her planet before Nihilus destroyed it.

Jester: (Looks at Visas)

Jester: Yes Visas, You heard me and it is the truth because many of your people are still alive and fighting for Darth Revan and the Sith.

Jester: (Looks back at Atrox)

Jester: Atrox, Do you remember that one that kept talking about Visas? He kept sayin that Visas would come and save him and after awhile that got on my nerves and so I killed him by first cutting out his tongue then cutting off his head.

Re: Taris Restoration Project


" Yes i do recall that jedi, we dumped his body in the shreders"

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: It is funny that Visas is a "so called" POWERFULL JEDI and she could not sence that people of her own race still lives.

Jester: (Starts to laugh evilly)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

( laughs and looks at the jedi)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Darth Jester,Dec 15 2008, 08:38 PM wrote:

It stopped being your rpg when you quit this rpg so GROW UP&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

my name still holds as topic starter. therefore, it is my RPG.

Lightside Master,Dec 15 2008, 08:41 PM wrote:

If you actually LOOK at this thread, we asked you to stay. And as to me being a stand alone, what do you want me to do when all the lightsiders leave? huh?&#33; no one&#39;s stopping you from posting, we wanted you to stay in this thing. you&#39;re the one that left <_<

there&#39;s no excuse, jon. you could&#39;ve waited for me to come back from suspension.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Danijel, We did not know that you were suspened at that time so we just kept going on with the rpg and it was not until Atox told us about 3 days in of your suspension. We are sorry or at least I am sorry and would you PLEASE join us again in this rpg.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

all you have to do is start posting........... <_<

I Am Jedi