Re: Obama Has Become President!

my boys and i had a discussion about the worst-case-scenarios of the presidential candidates and they're VPC's.

john mccain: heart attack, dies, palin takes over, it ends there.

barack obama: bullet in the head, dies. biden takes over.

joseph biden: heart attack, dies, pelosi takes over as president, hillary clinton is VP

which do you think is worse

Re: Obama Has Become President!

Great scotts!

C'mon you all! Everybody is thinking the worst will happen, always looking at the negativity of this event. I'm just hoping Obama and Biden step down somehow, or come out of office - and hopefully somebody who is better prepared can step up, and get this country back on the roots.

And great scotts! All of my foreign friends are glad Obama is President!

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Obama Has Become President!

osama isn't.

Re: Obama Has Become President!

ya, foreign people just love Obama, .......cause they know he&#39;ll bend over backwards to make them happy, and then destroy America in the process. <_< jerk

I Am Jedi

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;


Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

I really don&#39;t care because I do not plan on living in the USA all my life.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

but you were born here. no matter where you go... you&#39;ll always be an american

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

And what happens here will affect the rest of the world. We aren&#39;t an island.

I Am Jedi

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

How many parties are in america?
like is obama and bush the same or different, sorry.. i&#39;m not in the U.S.


Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

two major parties. Democrats (Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, etc.) and Republican (Bush, McCain, etc). Also there are some other parties, but they rarely get a senate or house seat, and have never had a good showing in the presidential race. These include the Libertarian and the Constitutional parties, and I believe a couple others. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

Lightside Master,Dec 13 2008, 02:48 PM wrote:

two major parties. Democrats (Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, etc.) and Republican (Bush, McCain, etc). Also there are some other parties, but they rarely get a senate or house seat, and have never had a good showing in the presidential race. These include the Libertarian and the Constitutional parties, and I believe a couple others. B)

yea lsm summed it up for you.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

Yeah, LSM summed it up all right.

I was sorta hoping on moving to another country for a couple of years until everyone runs Obama out of the country (if their smart enough).

Got enough room for another person, Jester??  lol

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

not really.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

Their is plenty of room Hovoth.  big_smile  B)

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;


Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

Don&#39;t cry Prince, We will be back.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

hehe, from what I hear, Communist China and Socialist Europe are making better economic decisions than the US right now. They&#39;re actually cutting taxes&#33; lol B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

if mccain were the president elect, he&#39;d do the same.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

** Get&#39;s in rocket ship **

Jester: We&#39;re taking a rocket?&#33;

Hovoth: Yes we are&#33;

** Starts engine **

Jester: You know how to fly this?&#33;

Hovoth: Well, nop--&#33;

** The rocket explodes **

R.I.P. : Hovoth & Jester


Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

(organ plays)