Re: Taris Restoration Project

Slvar: (levitates off the ground)
(holds her arms out as light blue orbs form in her hands)
Let the Sith come.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: Slvar, are you ready to stand against the darkness that comes. It will take the combined strength of the Jedi to remove this disturbance, and I must know that we can trust you.

Renedel: (to Visas).............they are Sith. They have finally come. It seems that I arrived none to soon. One of these Sith is very strong, a former follower of Revan. Can you see what they are doing?

Visas: They are searching for something, but what it is remains hidden from me.

Atton: They just put the Academy in lock down. Apparently they aren't interested in leaving.

Renedel: Something is still not right about this. Why are they here, alone? Call me a fool, but I don't trust any of the Jedi here. The Sith and the dark spirit we faced earlier were able to enter the Academy too easily. I do not sense the darkside in the students, but that means little. Darkness has a way of hiding in the most obvious places.

Atton: What do you suggest?

Renedel: hmmm............ Visas, try to follow the Sith's movements through the force. I need to see the Academy archives. Perhaps something there will help explain why these Sith are here now.

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(atrox and jester arrive at there destination)

Atrox: " this door is held together with the force, it is obvious that they didnt want us to be in here. No matter i can open it"

( shuts his eyes, The academy starts shaking, Finaly the door comes loose and falls to the ground.)

Atrox:(looks around)

" Banes scriptures, this will help us"

( looks around a little more)

" Get the digger ready, load the all the holocrons, and crystals, anything of sith value and put it on"

(Holds banes scripures and writings in his hand,)

" I think we just found are army"

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: We have found more then just a army, We have found the secerts of the true power of the darkside.

Jester: (Walks over to the wall and places a hand on the wall)

Jester: This is why I came to this academy.

Jester: (Pushes the wall and it opens to show a stature of Ajunta Paul)

Jester: The great Sith Lord Ajunta Paul came here many years ago and hide the secrets of the true power of the darkside. I have traced his movements all over the galaxy and learned that he came here and hide his greatest secret here and the jedi never knew what was in the walls of their jedi academy.

Jester: (Walks into the room and feels the true power of the darkside go into me)

Jester: I feel stronger, faster and smarter in the ways of the darkside. No jedi will stand a chance against me and once again the darkside and the Sith will rule the galaxy.

Jester: (Steps out of the room)

Jester: Atrox, I saved you some and as soon as you have your fill we will go on a great hunt.

Jester: (Picks up some of the Sith crystals and places them in the hilt of my lightsaber.)

Jester: (Though the force) Visas, I can see you every movement but you will never see me. (Makes Visas blind to the darkside and makes her think that we have left the academy)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Visas: They have blinded me. I think that they are leaving, or have left already.

Renedel:.....hmmm............that seems too easy. It's not like a Sith to infiltrate a Jedi Academy, let us know that they are here, then suddenly leave without a struggle or fight of some sort. It's all wrong.

*continues reading archives*

Renedel: Master Jedi, what is this entry here. One of your students had an altercation with a weapons master?

Master: Jester, yes, that is correct. We sensed something was wrong at the time, but he has past through the disciplinary process and has since shown himself very capable and promising.

Renedel: A student, yet he had no trouble defeating a Jedi weapons master? What do you know of him?

Master: Very little I'm afraid. He's newly arrived. Very eager to learn, and active with the other students.

Renedel: Where is he now?

Master: I'm afraid I don't know. And I don't see that any of this is really your business. Jinn is the master of this academy, and you are a Jedi outcast. You may be friends with Jinn, but you have no authority here.

Renedel: I could not care less whether you think it's my business, Jedi. i'm here to stop the Sith, with or without your help. Visas, Atton, follow me, we're going down to see what we can find. This Jester student may be the cause of this disturbance, or not, but I am going to do my best to stop it.

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(walks in the room

(feels the dark side pulsing through him, making him strong with each passing moment)

(walks out)

(upgrades his light-saber, with the power crystals they discovered)

"Lets get to the drill"

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (looks at Atrox)

Jester: I have a plan to flush out the jedi and if it works then they will walk into a trap.

Jester: (Through the force) Renedel, I saw some students enter the trainning room and I fear that they are up to something. I am going to check it out but I fear that I am no match for all 5 of them, Can you help me for I do not wish anything to happen to this academy because this is my home.

Jester: Atrox, I have asked for help from Renedel as I acted like a weak jedi student and asked him to meet me a the trainning room. We will spring the first trap their and if he lives to fight again then I still have a bag of tricks.

Jester: (Sits down and through the force connects with Visas agian. As I cloud her mind I trick her into seeing 100's and 100's of Sith in the academy but their are none)

Jester: (Stands up)

Jester: I am having fun with this one because her mind is weak but her connection to the force is strong. After all of this is done we should take her for trainning, Well if she is still alive after all this.

Jester: (Starts laughing evilly)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

( laughs but gets serious )

Atrox: " This plan of your better work, Revan will be furious"

Re: Taris Restoration Project

i might as well just leave this rpg...

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Prince, Don't leave because you have LSM and Starr on your side in this rpg against me and Atrox.

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: If my plan works then Revan will not say anything because I am more powerfull then he has ever been and will ever be.

Jester: (Walks to the door)

Jester: It is our time to rule and it is time that Revan step down as Sith Lord or I will make him step down for good.

Jester: (Starts laughing evilly)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Prince of the light side,Dec 8 2008, 04:20 PM wrote:

i might as well just leave this rpg...

na man, no reason to leave, you didn't miss much, just Jester and Atrox goin into some caves and putting some pretty glass in their saber hilts. no biggie! lol  big_smile


*Renedel, Visas, and Atton make their way towards the entrance to the lower levels of the Academy*

Renedel: "I recognize that presence. The Sith have grown strong in the force and in doing so one of them has revealed himself. It is Atrox. He was one of the younger Jedi when I was a member of the council. He learned much from Revan. He may prove to be a very difficult and dangerous opponent.

Neither of you should attempt to fight him, he is too strong. Leave Atrox to me."

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(stops walking)

(looks at jester)

" They know who i am now, i do not sence that they are aware of who your are"

(Alarms sounds)

(jest looks at his monitor)

Jester: " there at the entrance to the lower of the academy "

Atrox: " Then lets bring the welcoming committee"

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: I sence that they do not know what that I am Sith and that could work for us.

Jester: (Through the force) Renedel, I see Atrox and he looks strange some how.

Jester: I am ready for this fight but these jedi will not know what hit them.

Jester: (Starts to laugh evilly)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: the student Jester is speaking to me...........but i have a strange's as if his words are distant and cold.

*continues and find the entrance to the lower section of the Academy, the door sealed*

Atton: Looks like they're still here.

Visas: There's a tension in the air. It feels like all hell is about to break loose.

Renedel: These two aren't alone then. There are others, perhaps even among the students..........

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Through the force show Renedel and Visas who I really am)

Jester: I am tired of hidding who I am to these jedi and I hide no more.

Jester: (Force) Renedel, I have been looking forward to killing jedi ever since I came to this academy. I how ever came alone to this academy but I have found Atrox and I have turned 23 students to the darkside but you do not know witch ones I have turned.

Jester: Atrox, It is time to bring the fight to the jedi and the fun will begin.

Jester: (Laughs evilly)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Renedel: You know little of what it is you are about to attempt, Jester. I am no mere Jedi; I am not the weak Jedi weapons master you attacked. Neither you, nor Atrox, nor your student followers cause me fear.

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Force) Renedel, Good I want a fight and not a slaughter like I have with my old jedi master. I have came more powerfull since I came here and found the secrets of Ajunta Pual that was hidden in the walls of this academy for years and you jedi never knew it was here.

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jester: Are you ready to show these jedi the true power of the darkside?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

( Opens, eyes)

" Indeed the time has come"

channels the darkside through himself, and ignites his lighstaber)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Slvar: (suddenly the blue light coming from her eyes turns a deep red and the orbs of power in her hands turn black)

(reappears where are, however, the light no longer shines in her eyes and the orbs have disappeared)

Slvar: Sith? You call yourselves Sith?! You have much to learn before the time comes.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

*Force wave, stronger than any the Sith had expected, blasts open the locked doors leading to the lower levels. Renedel and his two companions quickly enter the passage in search of the Sith.*

*ignites sabers*

I Am Jedi