Re: Polo Krim

Polo: ugh, dern clone assasins

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

ppolo: I love to kill...

(mercenaries come in)

m1: we are here to kill you.

polo: you wont. *ignites saber**

m2: He's a jedi!


Re: Polo Krim

:unsure: wow, where'd he get the lightsaber? did he take if off of the "Sadok" double?

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

Spartan039,Nov 28 2008, 05:16 AM wrote:

ppolo: I love to kill...

(mercenaries come in)

m1: we are here to kill you.

polo: you wont. *ignites saber**

m2: He's a jedi!


Don't know where the mercs came from... but okay...  :huh:  :unsure:

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Polo Krim

polo: *kills both mercs**

(real saddok comes)

saddok: you killed my brother.

polo: uh-oh...

(rakghouls come out of no where)


Re: Polo Krim

Polo sits up, sweating. He's in a close, dark alley.

"A dream............ah, it was all a dream!"

(voice) "Careful, Krim, slowly, don't over do it."

Polo looks up and sees the old man, Zaasheer standing beside him.

"Where did you come from?"

Zaasheer: "Oh, I never left you. It's a marvel how well stealth field belts work; but then,, as a spy, you already knew that I'm sure."

Polo: "You've been following me this whole time? *shakes his head* I've had happier thoughts than that"

Zaasheer: "If I hadn't been following you, you would probably be in the hands of the Sith by now!"

Polo: "What happened, how did I end up here?"

Zaasheer: "You were spotted by a Sith patrol while you were helping the Ithorian. They shot you with a tranquilizer dart, and you blacked out. Fortunately, they weren't able to take you far, if you catch my drift. You've been out for almost an hour"

Polo: "Figures. Well..........I guess I should say thank you for saving me the trouble of having to escape on my own"

Zaasheer *frowns* "Are you always this arrogant, or did you just never learn how to say 'Thank you'? But there's no time for that. The Sith know that you are here, and they are after you. They'll stop at nothing to get you and the information you carry."

Polo: "How did you know about that?!"

Zaasheer: "I may be old but I'm not stupid. Republic spies like you don't end up on a Sith planet by accident."

Polo *sighs*: "Alright. I was supposed to meet Bastila in the Tarris system and deliver the battle plans for a Sith invasion of Manaan that's in the works. I arrived several days early and decided to do some recon while I was here. Then the planet went into lockdown, and Bastila's ship was destroyed. I don't even know if she's still alive."

Zaasheer: "She is alive. She was found by your friends from the Undercity. You should find them and get off off this planet as quickly as possible!"

Polo: "I have a friend that found a way off. Actually, we're supposed to meet that 'friend' soon anyway."

Zaasheer: "In that case, you'd better go. Be careful!"

*Polo turns to go*

Zaasheer: "Krim, don't waste time. You all need to leave as soon as possible. ..........Malak has arrived and is looking for Bastila. The search has already taken too long, and I fear that he will not wait much longer before taking drastic actions. Remember what he did to your home world of Telos."

Polo *frowns* "You needn't remind me. .......I'll hurry"

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

Hovoth,Nov 26 2008, 12:29 PM wrote:

Well, he killed one of my key characters of the story so... I don't think I can continue... -_-

ok, this fixes Saddok being dead. all that happened between here and the Ithorian was a dream. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

( Atrox and his sith soldiers scour the undercity )

Captain : No sign of them masta

Atrox: "Keep searching, i sense her. ( looks around again, I sense another presence as well."

( mutants show up)

(Atrox uses beast control,and brings them under his control)

He wispers " Find them"

Re: Polo Krim

This rpg has lasted longer then I thought it would.

Re: Polo Krim

Darth Jester,Dec 2 2008, 03:04 AM wrote:

This rpg has lasted longer then I thought it would.

I know, right?


** Polo get's near the Cantina door, and hears steady footsteps ranging from slow steps, to quick steps - repeating over and over again **

Polo: *Thinks* Looks like trouble...

Voice: There you are.

** Fire balls emerge through the end of the tunnel, and travel the air to Polo's position **

Polo: Wow... I sure am popular.

** Polo jumps up, and kicks up a metal debris door **

Polo: ...

** He Blocks the incoming fireballs that attack him, with the metal door **

Polo: Who's there?!

** A sith soldier in gold plated armor comes from the darkness, with a flamethrower around his waist **

Sith: ...

Polo: Who are you?

Sith: ...

Polo: What are you doing here??

Sith: ...

Polo: Great - I'm talking to myself...

Sith: ... Kill.

Polo: So the beast talks... Wait... I've heard about you guards. Your a cleaner down here right? That gun is mostly used to burn creatures off the vents... But why are you attacking me?

Sith: ... Kill.

Polo: This is pointless!

Sith: ** Fires Flamethrower at Polo **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Polo Krim

polo: *gets struck**

sith: kill.

polo: *almost b.b.q**

sith: pitiful.

polo: *Dodges**


Re: Polo Krim

( atrox Walks in)

" Hold you fire"

( atrox looks at polo, and picks him up and throws him against the wall)

" So you are what i sensed, where is bastilla?"

( starts chocking polo)

Re: Polo Krim

Polo: (Poops in his pants and the smell starts to stink like a dead bantha in the desert heat.)

Re: Polo Krim


(looks angry.)

" Did you soil your self"

Re: Polo Krim

Polo: No.

Polo: (Starts to laugh)

Re: Polo Krim



Polo: ** Looks down, and closes his eyes **

Atrox: What are you doing?

Polo: ** Shoots out a blast of blue energy **

Atrox: GAH! ** Get's pushed back **

** The energy seems to create unbreakable electricity around Atrox's arms and hands, and this does the same on his guards **

Polo: ** Picks up vibro blade **

Atrox: How... How did you do this??

Polo: ** Walks off, then snaps in the distance, and makes the shock cuffs dissapear, and volt the sith soldiers and Atrox with enough to knock them out **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Polo Krim

mkay to you to,


Youve failed me for last time captian"

( summons mutants, and they tear him apaprt)

( throught force)

" You think were dont dont you, No.. Weve just begun,

Re: Polo Krim

Jacen used to say MmKay all the time when he was on here.

Re: Polo Krim

Looks at LSM

Re: Polo Krim

what, what'd I do? who, what, where? :blink:  B)

I Am Jedi