Re: Obama Has Become President!

where did spartan go?
*walks out of court, sees him*
spartan, that's a tennis court, silly tongue

Re: Obama Has Become President!

HAHA ROTF!!!! nice big_smile  B)

now for any who actually care, i laughed at this cause she made it a joke! if it had been something like "that's a tennis court dumb a**" or worse, that's more like an insult and not funny. that's FYI in the future posts. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Obama Has Become President!

it's amazing what you consider an insult.

you must be like, REALLY sensitive...

24 is back in January.

Re: Obama Has Become President!

dont worry i'm not insulted.
I actually went to the food court


Re: Obama Has Become President!

lol nice one, spartan. very nice

Re: Obama Has Become President!

wow, that wasn't funny.

24 is back in January.

Re: Obama Has Become President!

i know, right?

Re: Obama Has Become President!

nedles,Nov 25 2008, 06:53 PM wrote:

yes *uses mind trick on hovoth*
hovoth: i saw everything!!

Hovoth: ** Counters mind-trick **

Nedles: I... am... guilty.

Hovoth: Lock'er up!

** Puts Nedles in the "padded" room **


Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Obama Has Become President!

well, i tried...good one hovoth
no no no! not the *gets tranquilized* awwww :blink:
*gets taken away*

Re: Obama Has Become President!

wha wha wha whaaaaa.

Re: Obama Has Become President!

Spartan039,Nov 26 2008, 07:36 AM wrote:

dont worry i'm not insulted.
I actually went to the food court

HAHA, ROTF!!!! nice one Spartan!!!!! big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

if people want to use that between themselves, whatever. but I&#39;ve never heard dumb ass be applied as a compliment, and it should especially not be used to a kid. <_<

I Am Jedi

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

who are we talkin bout?

24 is back in January.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

what i mean is that Prince and Jester and them can throw dumb ass and whatever else around amongst themselves if they want, that&#39;s their decision. but i don&#39;t think it should be used to someone like, say, Spartan or another kid. it&#39;s demeaning to them and doesn&#39;t set a good example

I Am Jedi

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

oh, please. the way he came on kickin and screamin...

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

i know. but that&#39;s a kids antics. it doesn&#39;t mean we meet them with the same antics. that&#39;s juvenile. try to set the example for him and others by being mature. besides, it only eggs him on.

I Am Jedi

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

fine, i&#39;ll use genius.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

ROFL lol

Happy ThanksGiving&#33;  B)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

Yes and happy thanks giving to all.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

next up. the most wonderful time of the year.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

couldn&#39;t have said it better myself.

my best friend&#39;s birthday.

24 is back in January.