Topic: Barriers

Just wanted to share some interesting barrier glitches that I've found through the KOTOR I game. Anyone else who wants to please share as well, whether for KOTOR I or II.

First, in the Tarris undercity, when you open the door to the isolation cages and the people mutate, the Rakghouls can't go past the door. The guard is so worried that they're goin to infect the village, and they can't walk through an open gate. lol, which means you can stand there and blast away at them all day and not get hurt.

Second, on Dantooine, whilst fighting the Albino Kath Hound or whatever it is on the Sandral estate, if you run towards the bridge back to the house the Kath Hounds can't follow you. you don't even have to get on the bridge, the hounds dance around a few meters from the bridge then turn and run back to the rock and forget you're even there. hehe, so next time just chuck a few flash grenades from that position and they won't know what hit them! lol

Now ya'lls turn...........

I Am Jedi

Re: Barriers

I was playin on Korriban and I was going into the academy and I got stuck in between the front door for a few seconds and then it loaded and I was in the academy.

Re: Barriers

haha, ya, a couple doors did stuff like that.

I Am Jedi

Re: Barriers

when i was in tatooine some tusken raiders were chasing me, and as i got to the outer area of the field, they run away and dissapear


Re: Barriers

as in, they ran off and left the level?!  :huh: haha, that'd be funny to see!!!! big_smile

I Am Jedi

Re: Barriers



Re: Barriers

I ran right before the game loaded, and my person was on the other side of the map.  lol

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Barriers

lol that's great!!

Re: Barriers

haha.......i hate it when you&#39;re trying to run somewhere, especially on Manaan, and one of the other characters falls behind and gets stuck in a corner........... <_<

I Am Jedi

Re: Barriers

Yeah, I hate when that happens.

Re: Barriers

Not a glitch or barrier, but i figured out how to give Bastila the outfit she had on when you first meet her on Tarris. after you pick up a Dark Jedi robe, equip her with it. later, set clothes/armor to none, and she&#39;ll have on that black outfit from the Swoop track............. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Barriers

That&#39;s cool.