Re: Secretary Of Defense

*Finds a concealed knife in LSM's pillow*

Hovoth: Hmm...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Secretary Of Defense

So that's why that pillow was so uncomfortable! I honestly have no idea how that got there......................................nedles?! :blink:  big_smile

I Am Jedi

Re: Secretary Of Defense

Nedles: (Tosses pillow full of grenades at LSM)


Hovoth: (Walks over to LSM's body parts) *Takes off hat*


Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Secretary Of Defense

well alrighty, then...

Re: Secretary Of Defense

LSM: uh,*expires*

*force revitalize, stands up shaking head* wow, that was weird! um, i'd like my hat back....... big_smile

I Am Jedi

Re: Secretary Of Defense

jeez.. *takes bowling ball and throws at LSM*


Re: Secretary Of Defense

*throws a jumbo pillow and knocks out spartan dead cold*

Re: Secretary Of Defense

aagh... cant get up..
5 hours later..
can i have some grapes??


Re: Secretary Of Defense

*rolls eyes*

Re: Secretary Of Defense

*eyes pop out of sockets*


Re: Secretary Of Defense

:ph34r: uhhhhh ok

Re: Secretary Of Defense

Who would win:

Spartan, with 5,000 death stars, and 12 billion jedi


Chuck Norris' fists

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Secretary Of Defense

Chuck's fists..............cause before the fight even starts, all of the Jedi would turn on Spartan, take the ships, and blast him into oblivion! lol

I Am Jedi

Re: Secretary Of Defense

Here's how it would play out in KOTOR:

1st turn: Spartan attacks with all his fleet.

Effect: -0 HP (Cause Chuck Norris is too awesome to lose health)

2nd turn: Chuck Norris punches.

Effect: Spartan and his units perish into Oblivion.

(Oblivion:TES is owned by Bethesda softwares, and is copyrighted, and any copying or mention of game without official permission is against the law, and punishable by taxes)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Secretary Of Defense

LOL ROTF, punishable by taxes! that's hilarious man!!!! big_smile

I Am Jedi

Re: Secretary Of Defense

big_smile that's awesome

Re: Secretary Of Defense

but not too far from the truth. $20 says it happens in two years' time.

Re: Secretary Of Defense

at which point, we will hopefully vote in a Republican majority in the House and Senate!

I Am Jedi

Re: Secretary Of Defense

Gun sales have come up since Obama was announced prez, I'm sure most of you might know...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Secretary Of Defense

haha, not surprised. got to get them while the getting is good&#33; not that he won&#39;t take them away later............. <_<

I Am Jedi