Re: Polo Krim

polo: ok, lets go
canderous: crud, its calo

calo nord: what do you want?

polo: getting bounties..

canderous: shut up. uh.. we're here to scout the apartments.

calo nord: well if youre here for the bounty i already got it.

canderous: i can get others.

VVZZTTVZT.....<<datapad: come now canderous and polo too .from:davik>>

canderous: lets go.

(soon a gang of crazy ithorians rush by)

polo: just a bunch of losers.

calo: (throws detonator and kills them immediately) another bounty.

polo: they were on the list?

canderous: i dunna know.

polo: c&#39;mon davik&#39;s calling us


Re: Polo Krim

Marko Polo  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

Re: Polo Krim

:The two enter Davik&#39;s office. Davik motions the security guards to leave the room:

Davik: I want you two to assemble a team and go down into the Undercity.

Canderous: You can&#39;t be serious&#33;

Davik: Listen, a few hours ago there was a battle over the planet between the Sith fleet and a Republic ship. The Republic ship was destroyed, but several escape pods landed in the Undercity. Go find them and scavenge anything of value.

Polo: That&#39;s a big risk for a couple spare parts, isn&#39;t it? There&#39;s something here you aren&#39;t telling us.

Davik: What I&#39;m about to tell you can&#39;t be repeated, even to the men you take with you. My sources tell me that a Jedi named Bastila was on that ship. She&#39;s not high in the Jedi order, but she is very influential and might be a good bargaining chip with the Sith. This blockade is ruining my business, and I need to find a way to cut a deal with the Sith leaders.

Canderous: I still don&#39;t think it&#39;s worth it. The swoop gangs will probably have stripped those pods clean before we even get there, and the Sith may even send some of their own soldiers to investigate.

Davik: I didn&#39;t hire you to be my advisor, Mandalorian&#33; I hired you to do what you&#39;re told. Now you two get a team together and go find that Jedi&#33;

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

polo and the mando enter the freakin undercity


polo: cmon lets slaughter some swoop gangs

canderous: very tenacious...

polo: look out&#33;

(blaster fire attack them)

canderous: what the hell is goin on?


Re: Polo Krim

:Polo, Canderous, and the other hunters with them power up their energy shields. Through the haze that perpetually fills the undercity, Polo sees a Sith patrol gathered ahead of them.:

:Polo whips out a blaster and fires at the troops, dropping one with each shot. Canderous opens fire with his repeater and soon the squad lies dead:

Canderous: Wouldn&#39;t you know they&#39;d get here first. Blast, there&#39;s nothing left here.

Hunter: Sir, the troops don&#39;t have anything with them.

Polo: The swoop gangs must have gotten here first.

Canderous: Comon, there&#39;s nothing here for us.

:Again they hear blaster fire, but this time farther off. Polo walks towards it and sees two men and Twi&#39;lek girl locked in combat with a group of hideously misshapen creatures:

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

Canderous: Forget them. Let&#39;s get outta here&#33;

Polo: Wait, they may have something.....

:Polo draws his vibro blade and slashes his way through the creatures. Within a few moments, all is still again, the last of the beasts lying at Polo&#39;s feet twitching:

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

** Canderous, Polo, and the hunters come forth infront of the group **

Hunter: Don&#39;t move&#33; I&#39;m not afraid to use this blaster if I have to&#33;

Canderous: Hold it, kid, it&#39;s bad enough I have to watch over you guys, but we don&#39;t need to waste more men in a useless fight. I know your down here the same reason we are, let me give you some advice - Forget about it, there&#39;s nothing worth taking.

Person (lead): Why?

Canderous: Why? The Vulkars already stripped anything of value down here, I&#39;m just giving some good word.

Polo: Uh-Oh... Canderous we&#39;ve got more of them coming this way.

Canderous: Get those Blaster&#39;s ready boys&#33;

** 5 Rakghouls charge across the grassed ground, towards Canderous&#39; group. **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Polo Krim

:Rakghouls charge the group. Polo and Canderous quickly dispatch most of them, but not before one of the hunters falls:

Canderous: Ugh, let&#39;s get outta here. This is a waste of time.

Lead Person: Wait. We&#39;re looking for a wookie named Zaalbar. We think he was capture by Gamorean slavers. Have you seen him?

Polo: Never even heard of him.

Canderous: If you lost him it&#39;s your own fault. Come on Krim.

Lead Person: Can you help us find him? We might be able to make it worth your while.

Canderous: No way. Get lost.

:Polo pauses and looks at the three strangers:

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

Polo: Uh... I&#39;ll meet you back at the Estate.

Canderous: Fine by me. I&#39;ll take the boys back also.

Polo: ** Waves goodbye **

Lead Person: So... you helping us?

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Polo Krim

Polo: If it involves kicking Gamorean tail, I&#39;m in. Where do you think they took him?

Twi&#39;lek girl: They went to the sewers. I think they have a hide out there.

Polo: That sounds about right for a Gamorean to hide in a cess pool like that. How do we get down.

Lead Person: There&#39;s an entrance behind that pile of rubble. We&#39;d better hurry before more rakghouls show up.

Polo: Sounds good. What should I call you?

Twi&#39;lek girl: I&#39;m Mission Vao. And this is Carth Onasi.

Polo: I&#39;m Polo Krim. And you are?

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

Lead Person: It&#39;s not important. You can call me Naver if you would prefer.

Polo: Naver?

Naver: It means &#39;Hero&#39; in Huttese.

Polo: Ah, okay.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Polo Krim

/////nice; we need to bring Sadok and Zasheer back in at some point&#092;&#092;&#092;&#092;&#092;&#092;

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

polo: forget it, u better do a good job or ill slaughter you myself


Re: Polo Krim

Naver: Alright, let&#39;s move guys...

Polo: So, you say your friend is down in the sewers?

Naver: Ye--

Mission: Yeah&#33; I&#39;m gonna make those slime pigs pay&#33;

Carth: Don&#39;t get to ahead of yourself, Mission.

** Heads down the sewer ladder. **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Polo Krim

Polo: (Sits down and starts to cry)

Homeless Man: (Walks by and laughs at him)

Re: Polo Krim

Polo and the others begin to thread their way through the sewer passages. The air is humid and rank, and through the dim light they catch glimpses of moving figures. Creatures flit in and out of the shadows in front of and behind them, snarling and hissing. Mission pulls a lamp out of a pocket in her vest, but the light seems to die away in the haze of the sewers. Cautiously, they make their way through the maze of sewers until they reach a partly open door. Listening closely, Polo can hear voices above the splash and swirl of the sewer sludge.

Polo: *whispering* Gamoreans&#33;
.................sounds like we found your friend, they&#39;re discussing where to take him next.

Carth: There can&#39;t be more than four or five of them in there. We can take them.

Polo: They&#39;re getting ready to play a game of Pazaak. Now&#39;s our chance, weapons out&#33;

Drawing their vibroblades and blasters, the four rushed into the room. The Gamoreans were taken completely by surprise, but proved to be fierce opponents none the less. One of the Gamoreans grabbed Mission by the throat and began to strangle her; with one sweep of his vibroblade, Polo severed the back of the Gamoreans neck, and then thrust the blade through his armpit and into his chest. Turning, Polo dodged a blaster shot from the lead Gamorean. Leaping forward, he knocked the blaster from the Gamorean&#39;s hand and thrust his vibroblade through the leather armor, through the Gamorean&#39;s body, and embedded it in the plasteel wall behind him. As the Gamorean struggled against the blade, Polo picked up the Gamorean&#39;s blaster, and shot him throught the forehead. As he removed the vibroblade from the dead Gamorean&#39;s body, he turned and saw that the others had dispatched the remaining Gamoreans.

Naver: Is everyone alright?

Carth: I think so. For all their brute strength, those thugs can&#39;t use their weapons very well.

Mission: Zaalbar must be on the other side of this door. It&#39;s an older lock, but I think I can get through it.

Within moments Mission had picked the lock and the door slid open. The growl in the darkness told Polo that they had found the wookie that they were after.

I Am Jedi

Re: Polo Krim

Very nice  big_smile  B)

Re: Polo Krim

Zaalbar: *** Your a sight for sore eyes, Mission. ***

Mission: It&#39;s good to see you too&#33;

Zaalbar: *** Who are these guys with you? ***

Naver: "(Speaking)"


Carth: Thanks for the help.

Polo: No problem, I&#39;m much in the apartment of a mercenary. I&#39;m no threat.

Carth: Well, for that you have my thanks.

Polo: Send my regards to them, after their done. I have to be back at somewhere, or I could get in trouble.

Carth: Okay, I&#39;ll tell them.

Polo: I might see you later... bye.

** Polo leaves into the fog, and he could see Carth giving a wave in the deep fog. **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Polo Krim

polo: *runs back to the wookie* i hate wookies..


Re: Polo Krim

After reading this I want to play KOTOR 1 now.  big_smile  B)