Re: Telos Planet

fried you one time!

logan: am i in trouble, or...?

Re: Telos Planet

lol Sorry... wrong RPG. tongue

Re: Telos Planet

fried me one time!

logan: which is?

Re: Telos Planet

Canderous: (spits blood)
I'm a Mandalorian, Jedi. I'm trained to withstand more pain than any other human or maybe any alien species can even hope to. I ain't just gonna give you all the answers you're looking for. You're gonna have to pull 'em out of me... (grins) and I doubt you've got what it takes.

Re: Telos Planet

logan: or i could leave and let you do them. then i'd know wouldn't i?

Re: Telos Planet

Canderous: You're not making much sesne for a Jedi.

Re: Telos Planet

logan: that's why i'm not a jedi

Re: Telos Planet

Canderous: Well you sure as hell aren't a Sith. You're cowardly, weak, pathetic...

Re: Telos Planet

logan: who said i'm sith? i'm just a guy who knows how to use the force and a lightsaber.

Re: Telos Planet

Canderous: Kill me, torture me, or let me go: I don't really care; but don't waste my time with your "I'm not a Jedi" bullshit.

Re: Telos Planet

logan: (smiles)

(turns around)

let him go. (walks away)

Re: Telos Planet

Ga'lih: What?! We just can't let him go! Do you realize what it cost us to catch him?

Re: Telos Planet

logan: that's what you get. if you had gone with my plan, you wouldn't have lost what you lost.

Re: Telos Planet

Ga'lih: Oh, and now what? You suggest we bomb their HQ while they're all there?

Re: Telos Planet

logan: that would've been fitting.

Re: Telos Planet

Ga'lih: No it wouldn't have. First of all their base is on a non-Republic planet, we don't have any rights there. They could shoot us all dead in the street and that government wouldn't give a f**k. Secondly their base is within a highly populated area. Countless civilians would die. And third: how exactly were we supposed to go about bombing their base when the whole thing has AAVs surrounding it and a shield?

Re: Telos Planet

logan: anything can be penetrated with the proper tool...

Re: Telos Planet

Ga'lih: No they-

Canderous: (chuckles)
I'd like to see you try and get past my shields.

Re: Telos Planet

logan: (walks away)

Re: Telos Planet

Canderous: (chuckles)
(looks at Ga'lih)
See ya on the outside, Jedi.

Ga'lih: (growls)
(follows Logan)