Re: A New Begining

amos: i got their radio signal!

jasen: jam it! and thor, concentrate your fire on that shuttle!

Re: A New Begining

Mandalorian Pilot: (looks back at the Mandalorian Leader) Orders, sir?!

Leader: Power to sheilds, cloaking, and engines. Power the shields to hold them off while the cloaking device warms up, then cloak and get us the hell out of here.

Mandalorian Pilot: Yes, sir.
(turns back to the ship's controls)

Leader: (faces the Elite Leader)
(quietly) If all else fails I want you to take the emergency shuttle and escort the soldier to Mandalore. Understood?

Elite Leader: But, sir, what about you?

Leader: I'll keep their attention on me.

Elite Leader: No, sir. If you're captured they'll get our plans. We can't afford that... I'll stay here with my men. You must take the woman to Mandalore.

Leader: (places his hand on the Elite Leader's shoulder)
You are brave and fearless, Gor'e. I will assure you that your name and the names of your men be forever in the Book of Tal'i.

Elite Leader: It is my duty, sir, both to you and Mandalore.

Leader: (nods) But let us not talk of it as if it were so. They have yet to harm us.

Re: A New Begining

amos: signal jammed. and infrared indicates that they're transferring the majority of their power to shielding.

jasen: it's only so strong... contact the nearest cruiser and tell them that this is a direct order from lieutenant commander jasen antilles: fire on the shuttle of the given coordinates.

amos: working on it.

Re: A New Begining

Mandalorian Pilot: Cloaking device ready.

Leader: Punch it.

(the Mandalorian shuttle disappears)

Re: A New Begining

boring? tongue


Re: A New Begining

jasen: god dammit to hell! dammit!

amos: cowards...

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (over com to Jasen) Sir, I had my men to put a locator on the shuttle when they first boarded the ship. I am sending you to signal now and we can still fallow them.

Thor: (Thor and the squard forum up on Jasen's fighter and wait for orders)

Thor: Jasen, You have some damage to your right wing and there maybe problems when you bank to the right at high speeds.

Thor: (Over com) Squard, Make sure your fighters are ready to fly when LT. Commander is ready to go.

Squard: (Over com) Yes Sir.

Re: A New Begining

jasen: i'm fine.

Re: A New Begining

Leader: Let's hope we don't run into them again.

Elite Leader: (nods)

Leader: How long until we reach Mandalore's ship?

Pilot: Ten minutes, sir.

Re: A New Begining

amos: thor, launch that beacon.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: Yes Sir

Thor: (Launchs the beacon)

Thor: Jasen, The beacon is launched.

Re: A New Begining

(the Mandalorian shuttle docks with a very large, beautifully crafted Mandalorian Otron((Mando'a for "Soul Destroyer"))-class Flagship)


Leader: (picks Lori up, throwing her over one of his shoulders)
(proceeds to the bridge followed by the Elite Leader, ten SOATs ((Special Operations Assault Troopers)), and five Elites)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: Jasen, Are we going to go find Lori?

Re: A New Begining

jasen: that would be up to your beacon, thor.

Re: A New Begining

(As the beacon flaots in space it starts to send a signal to the fighters)

Thor: Jasen, The beacon has picked up the location of Lori and the Mercs.

Thor: (Sends the location of the singal to Jasen's fighter)

Thor: Jasen, I have sent you the location.

Re: A New Begining

(the Mandalorians walk onto the bridge)
(they all bow with one knee on the ground and the other bent)
(they bow their heads, so they're looking at the floor)

Leader: Mandalore... we have done as you asked.

Mandalore: (is watching the Mando-Republic space battle through the bridge windows)
(turns to face the Mandalorians)
(deep voice) Good.
(approaches the Mandalorian Leader followed by his bodyguards)

Mandalorian Leader: (stands, taking Lori off his shouder)

Bodyguard 1: (takes Lori)
(walks away)

Mandalore: (places his hand on the Leader's shoulder)
You have done well, vod.
(faces the space battle again)
Soon the Republic shall have a real taste of what we Mando'ade can do.

Mandalorians: (stand)
(Mando'a batle cry)

Mandalore: (chuckles)

Re: A New Begining

jasen: it looks shielded but, take a few pot shots anyway.

amos: it's well defended, sir. but there maybe shield projectors protecting it.

jasen: check your sensors, thor. there may be a shield projector dish. find it and destroy it.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Over com) Yes Sir.

(Thor and 3 fighters heads to find the dish and destroy it)

Thor: I have the dish in my target range and on my command all fighters open fire on it.

(All the fighters get in range and arms missles)

Thor: FIRE!!!!!!

(The fighters open fire and destroy the dish)

Thor: (Over com) All fighters return to the rest of the fighters.

(Thor and the fighters meets back up with Jasen and the other fighters)

Thor: Jasen, The dish is destroyed and the sheild is down.

Re: A New Begining

amos: wrong. my sensors indicate that there are two more slave sattelites powering the ship's shield.

jasen: which means we don't have to destroy its defenses. find the rest of the satellites and destroy them!

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Over com) DAMN IT!!!! Understood Jasen.

(Thor and 5 fighters head out to find the 2 satellites and destroy them)

Thor: (over com) Fighters, When need to take them out so the sheild will drop. Give me 2 fighters and the other 3 go find the other one.

Fighter: Yes Sir.

(3 of the fighters go and find the other satellite and destroys it while Thor and and the 2 fighters fly up to the last satellite)

Thor: Okay, On my signal Fire with all you got so we can get on that ship.

Fighters: Understood Sir.

(The 3 fighters stand ready)

Thor: FIRE!!!!!!!!!

(As the 3 fighters fire on the satellite it starts to smoke and blows up with a hugh fireball)

Thor: (Over com) Fighters, We have completed our mission and now head back to the main group of fighters.

(Thor and the fighters return to the main group of fighters)

Thor: Jasen, The satellites are destroyed and NOW the sheilds should be down.