Re: Obama Has Become President!

i h8 bush


Re: Obama Has Become President!

Bush most likel h8s you too.

Jester's so selfish.  lol

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Obama Has Become President!

use hate, anger.
those are features of the dark side


Re: Obama Has Become President!

Darth Jester,Nov 5 2008, 11:24 PM wrote:

The reason that I voted for Obama was that he can make this country strong again and I did not vote for him because he was black. Also you must be born in the USA to run for President and Obama was born in the USA. It is not a law but more like a rule that they made many many years ago. If Obama dose run this country into the ground then I really do not care because me and my future wife Amy are moving to Ireland in about a year.

he's gonna make this country worse.

and you still gotta show me that picture.

Re: Obama Has Become President!

i dont care about politics unless everythings cheaper!!!


Re: Obama Has Become President!

that's not gonna happen.

Re: Obama Has Become President!

oh... come on!


Re: Obama Has Become President!

it won't.

Re: Obama Has Become President!

Yeah, it won't. Careful observations of the last few years, in certain aspects, can show forth the answer to that statement. From cost of fuel, to cost of simple essentials need for everyday life.

Although, in theory I believe everything might cost more, as day by day everything is aging - and most things are getting newer, and more advanced by the year. Most certain cases of this happening are from the invention of the car, to the correct asspect of cars today, becoming newer, better, faster, and gettig very advanced in the day to day feel.

But, enough about that. Things are happening, and we'll just have to watch and observe what will happen in 2008... something is happening.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Obama Has Become President!



Re: Obama Has Become President!

As soon as I get a picture on my computer I will send you 1.  big_smile  B)

Re: Obama Has Become President!

spartan how old are you?

Re: Obama Has Become President!

very very young, no jk.


Re: Obama Has Become President!


Re: Obama Has Become President!

20... 19?

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Obama Has Become President!


Re: Obama Has Become President!


Here's a random question:

Why do people say 'no offense' when it actually is offensive?  :huh:

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Obama Has Become President!

What Obama's planning to do:

1. Pull all the troops out of Iraq.
   Result: Gas prices sky rocket to $7 a gallon and the Iranians invade Iraq again.

2. Make abortion government funded.
   Result: Abortion rates go up.

3. Unban (is that a word?  :unsure: ) partial birth abortion.
   Result: Do I even have to say it?

5. Fire 1/3 of the military.
   Result: Um... hello? Are you f**king insane?

6. Lower military payday.
   Result: We're risking our live to protect the US and you want to lower our all ready sucky 16k (Private pay) paycheck? Again, are you f**king insane?!

7. Stop military funding.
   Result: The troop aren't as well equipted, their training is slacked because some of the better officers have been fired off (yes, Obama's a Democrat so the really good guy will be the first to go).

8. Make g*y marriage legal.
   Result:  <_< So sick.

9. Make hate crime laws.
   Result: A pastor cannot preach on homosexuality being agianst the Word of God. The military must begin accepting homosexuals into its ranks.

10. Take money from the middle class and upper class to feed those lazy asses who can&#39;t get up and find a job.
   Result: Anyone see the word Communist here?

Need I go on?


Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

i completely agree. this man is completely socialist and no one is gonna tell me a damn thing otherwise. and that&#39;s what these people (especially black people) fail to see. all they see is black man, so they vote for him.

that&#39;s what fuels my theory that blacks truly are the dumbest most ignorant people on the face of this planet. they don&#39;t think before they act.

and that&#39;s why i love to hang around whites. even if it&#39;s wrong, at least they have a justification for doing things. blacks just come out of nowhere and do the absolute dumbest s**t&#33; and i can&#39;t stand it&#33; i absolutely hate it&#33;

i know this sounds racist, but it&#39;s not as much racist as much as it is true. how do i know? BECAUSE I AM BLACK&#33;&#33; i see everything that these "niggers" do and 9.9 percent of the time it&#39;s stupid s**t for no reason.

and now look: we have a dumb ass premature-for-president black man bout to be in the white house "leading" this country.

i&#39;ll tell you this much: change is comin. it ain&#39;t the bullshit change that barack is hopin for, but change is comin.

Re: Obama Has Become President&#33;

I agree with everything you two said.

The WHOLE reason why Obama is president - is because of Ignorant: African Americans, TEENAGERS, and women...

When they realize how ignorant their acting, I&#39;m going to laugh...  <_<

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?