Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Lowers weapon)

If you let Lori go then I will let you leave this bridge and return to your shuttle then you can return to your ship.

Thor: (Looks at the men)

Soldiers, Stand away from the doors.

(Soldiers clear away from the bridge doors)

There, The way off this ship is clear now do we have a deal?

Re: A New Begining

jasen: great... well they have their orders.

(docks with lori's ship)

Re: A New Begining


(As the fighters stay in their positions the main ship reappears with 2 small cruisers. The 2 cruiser each take 25 fighters and position thereselfs on each side of the large capital ship.)

Re: A New Begining

(Lori's ship open fires on the Republic's main capital ship)

Mandalorian Leader: (chuckles) I don't think so, soldier.


Mandalorian: I think someone just docked.

Mandalorian Elite: Well then go check it out.
(pushes him towards the bay)

Mandalorian: (growls)
(enters the docking bay)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Raises his weapon)

Men, Shoulder your weapons.

(Soldiers raise their weapons and points them at the Merc leader)

This is your last chance to surrender.

Thor: (Turns to the Squard)

Men, When I give the order I want you to fire at the ships control panels.

Soldiers: Yes Sir.

(Soldiers point their weapons at the control panels)

Thor: (Looks back at the merc leader)

If you will not surrender, Then nobody will have control of this ship.

Squard, FIRE!!!!!!!!!

(As the squard fires at the ships controls then ships systems start to brink off and on.)

Squard, HOLD YOUR FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!

(The ship goes completely dark until the backup lights come on but the ship control and all systems are destroyed)

Now we are all in the same boat because this ship is dead in the water.

Thor: (Steps forward)

This is your last chance to surrender or we will take you by FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: A New Begining

(just as the soldiers fire, amos and the rest of jasen's squadron enter into the hangar)

amos: (gets out of his fighter)

jasen: how many?

amos: fifty, all armed.

jasen: alright, let's move.

Re: A New Begining

Mandalorian Elite Leader: Engage active camoflague and follow me.

(Mandalorian Elites engage active camo and enter the hanger)
(kill off maybe ten of Jasen's men with vibroblades)


Mandalorian Leader: Mandalorians don't surrender. Surely you would have known that by now.
(drops his rifle)
(as he does he drops some kind of smoke bomb)

(no one can see or hear anything)
(when the smoke clears, both the Mandalorian Leader and Lori are gone)
(all but one of the pilots are dead)

lol I had to do it ninja style! big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Sees that the mercs and Lori is gone)

Everybody to the hanger bay because this ship is dead in the water.

(Thor and the squard run to the hanger bay)

We need to get in the fighters and follow them.

Thor: (Gets into a fighter)

Men, Pick a fighter and get in.

Thor: (Looks at Coln. Jasen)

Coln. Jasen, The merc leader has taken Staff Sargaent Lori and we are getting ready to follow them. The ship is dead in the water and everybody else on this ship is dead.

Thor: (Looks straight ahead)

Lets start them them up and wait for Coln. Jasen's order.

Soldiers: We understand Sargaent.

(The fighters stand ready to take off and we wait for Coln. Jasen's order)

Re: A New Begining

jasen: they're cloaked!

amos: EDT!

(throws a mini EMP-like grenade)

Re: A New Begining

Mandalorian Elite Leader: (shouting orders in Mando'a)

(the hanger bay doors that lead into the ship begin to slowly close)


Mandalorian Leader: (throws Lori down on the floor)
Take care of her.

Mandalorians: (picks Lori up and drag her to the back of the ship)

Mandalorian Leader: (walks up to the pilot)
Let's get out of here.

Mandalorian Pilot: Yes, sir.
(fires up engines)


(the darkness of the hanger bay is now replaced by a large, birght light as the Mandalorian shuttle's engines come online)

Re: A New Begining

(As Thor and the squard sit in their fighters they see Lori and a merc in the back of the bay)

Thor: (Jumps out of the fighter)

There is Lori!!! Give me 2 soldiers now!!!

(2 Soldiers jump out of their fighters and joins Thor)

We have to move fast before that merc kills Lori.

(Thor and the 2 soldiers run to the back of the bay)

Soldiers, Watch my back.

Soldiers: Yes Sir.

Thor: (Walks up behind the merc and shoots him in the head)

Staff Sargeant Lori, Are you okay? We need to move and get off this ship because it is dead in the water.

Re: A New Begining

jasen: sorry staff sergeant...

(detonates a proton core, creating a large hole in the ship leading directly into space and is rapidly sucking out oxygen)

jasen: (in his fighter)


amos: right with you. let's go!

(the fighters fly out of the hangar)

Re: A New Begining

Um, Jester... Lori is inside a Mandalorian shuttle with the ML. So, it's impossible for you to have shoot them. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

(the Mandalorian shuttle is sucked into the vastness of space)

Mandalorian Leader: What the hell was that?

Mandalorian Elite Leader: Someone activated a proton core inside the ship. It sucked us through the hole, sir.

Mandalorian Leader: Get us operational.

Mandalorian Pilot: Working on it, sir.

(Mandalorian shuttle engines come online again)

Re: A New Begining

jokes on you sucka!!!!!!

jasen: alright, regroup and attack the nearest capital ship.

amos: what about the staff sergeant?!

jasen: if we chase them, they'll kill her!

amos: if they captured her, she must be of some importance!

jasen: besides what? typical prison camps?!

amos: she is a staff sergeant! she knows our ranks! if we let them get away with her, you're next!

jasen: if it wasn't for my skin... (sighs)

all units, pursue that shuttle!

Re: A New Begining

Seriously what is it with you two? I just can't understand it.

(the Mandalorian shuttle finally is operational)

Mandalorian Pilot: All systems green, sir.

Mandalorian Leader: Move back to Alpha Base.

Mandalorian Pilot: Yes, sir.

Mandalorian Elite Leader: (comes up beside him) What possible use is this Republic underling to Mandalor?

Mandalorian Leader: We shall see.

Re: A New Begining



Re: A New Begining

(jasen's unit fires on the shuttle)

Re: A New Begining

I must have read it wrong Starr and sorry about that.

(Thor and the squard take off and are in close behind the shuttle)

Thor: Men, FIRE on the shuttle when in range but only to take out the engines.

Squard: Yes Sir.

Re: A New Begining

jasen: thor, you handle this, i'm going to track their signal to the capital ship. cover me.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: I understand Jasen.

Thor: Fighters, Open fire on any ship that is not a republic ship.

Fighter: Yes Sir

(Fighters brake off formation and start firing on every non-republic ship)

Thor: Jasen, That will keep the merc fighters busy while you track down Staff Sargeant Lori.