Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?
dragon (growls)
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dragon (growls)
Corruo: Do not worry. It is only an Avis.
(as the object comes nearer it is visible that it is a very large, metal, bird-like creature)
logan: a bird?
Ardeo: Not exactly.
(the Avis suddenly catches on fire and turns swiftly towards the planet nearby)
logan: hm.
(it seems to enter hyperspace mode and goes completely around the planet, encircling it in aring of fire)
Mort: (chuckles) They get better every time.
logan: i guess he's serious about this, eh?
Maximus: Just watch.
(the ring of fire seems to effect the Pantema and the Morsus' fleets cloaking device, thus revealing the entire fleet surrounding the planet)
(the Avis turns, heading back towards Corruo and them)
logan: who has the drop now?
Ardeo: Wait, human.
(suddenly a platform appears not to far away from them)
Avis: (lands on the platform)
(the flames on it slowly burn out)
You are early, Captain.
Corruo: Am I?
Avis: (heavy breathing) Indeed. Maioribus had us informed you were not to arrive for some time.
Corruo: You can thank Maximus for the early arrival.
Avis: (looks over at Maximus)
Maximus: (smiles)
Avis: (looks back at Corruo) Very well. I will inform ground forces of your arrival. My men and I will clear a way past the fleet for you.
(looks at Logan's dragon)
I hope the Recro's pet is faster than it looks.
dragon: only my voice is gentle... robot.
Avis: (seems to chuckle)
We shall see, dear beast... we shall see.
(flies off the platform at a high speed)
(becomes once again ablazed with fire as it dives towards the planet below)
logan: can i finally kill someone?
Maximus: Don't get your panties in a knot, fleshling.
Exitialis: Good things come to those that wait, fleshling.
logan: is that how i got stuck with you guys?
Ardeo: Boys, you best stop pushing the human. One day he's gonna out talk you.
logan: (smug smile)
Appar: (nudges Atra)
That'll be the day, won't it Atra?
Atra: (frowns)