Two giant Cannoks come out of the jungle and attacks the first officer. It rips him up a little and drags him into the nearby rocks.
"Jann, Noo!" yelled the other.
Yojimbo pulled a 4-pointed shuriken and threw it in the general direction. It curved around the rock and went into the gap.
"Did you hit?" asked Bob, the officer in the blue uniform.
"" replied Yojimbo
The cannok came jumping out of the rocks. Bob fired his phaser at the creature and it disentagraded completely.
"That will put the fear of GOD into them!" Yelled Bob.
Yojimbo just shook his head.
Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.