Re: A New Begining

I missed you too Starr.

Thor: (Shoulders his rifle)

Okay men, We are going in and we must take control of the ship.

Tomco, Take 6 soldiers and you will be the first wave.

Tomco: Yes Sargeant.

Corp, Throw smoke bombs onto the bridge to give the first wave some cover.

Corp: Yes Sir. (Throws 4 smoke bombs onto the bridge)

First wave, Move in and take cover.

(First wave moves in and takes cover)

Thor: (Steps up to the doors)

Me forum on me, Lets move in.

(Thor and the other soldiers move onto the bridge)

Merc leader, You are surrounded and if you do not give up then we will open fire.

Thor: (Holds up my hand and gives the soldiers a signal to get ready to fire)

(As Thor and the soldiers hold and wait to fire behide cover a large ship joins the battle. It is not of the Republic and nore is it of the Mandalorians and it is twice the size of a capital ship. The strange ship starts to charge weapons and sends out a wave of fighters but the fighters stay around the ship but do not attack.)

Re: A New Begining

amos: cloaking devices...

jasen: engage infrared.

Re: A New Begining

(there is still no sign of the Mandalorian fighters)


Mandalorian Leader: (holds his gun to Lori's head)
Let's see if you've got guts kid...

(looks at the Elites)
Splatter them all over the wall of the brig.

Re: A New Begining

jasen: engage EMP.

amos: it's ready.

jasen: deploy it and clear the area!

amos: (drops the EMP)

(the fighters immediately scramble)

Re: A New Begining

(still nothing)

Re: A New Begining

amos: hold on, those fighters came from one of our cruisers!

jasen: name?

amos: staff sergeant lori mysta.

jasen: can you patch me through?

amos: i'll try.

Re: A New Begining

(suddenly the Mandalorian high grade fighters reappear behind them)
(open fire on them)

Re: A New Begining

jasen: we give away our position; every man for themself. Go!

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Holds up 3 fingers to tell the men to stun the mercs and kill them later when we have control of the bridge)

This is your last chance to surrender, No okay.

Thor: (Points straight ahead)

Open Fire!!!!

(The squard opens fire on the mercs and stuns them all but the learder)

Hold your fire!!!!!

Thor: (Stands up and so do the soldiers)

Switch from stun to kill and kill the stuned mercs and surround the merc leader.

Soldiers: Yes Sir.

(Soldiers kill the stuned mercs and surround the merc leader)

Merc, You may still have S.S. Lori but you are surrounded and either way this ends you will die today.


(The strange ship that came into the battle sits and watches the battle. All of a sudden a bright beam of light comming from the ship shins on each ship in the battle. The ship uses the beam like a scanning device and just as sudden as the beam apeared it was gone. As the the group of fighters wait infront of the ship another wave comes to join the the others. A total of 50 fighters just wait as if they are waiting for some kind of signal.)

Thor: (Looks at the merc leader)

There are 3 ways this can end, The first way is that you kill Lori and we kill you. The second way is that you surrender or the third way is that you look at the strange ship that has showed up and join us to fight it and when they are destroyed we can start this battle over again.

What do you say?

Re: A New Begining

wow... we really are posting it up, arent we?

24 is back in January.

Re: A New Begining

Jester, don't kill of the Mandalorian Leader, I've got a plan for him.

(the fighters destroy one of Jasen's squad member)


Mandalorian Leader: Oh, you think you're so clever do you, soldier? You think you've got us, The Mandalrians, in a hole? Surrounded and cornered like animals?

You are so wrong.
(pushes his blaster into Lori's head)

Re: A New Begining

jasen: s**t!

amos: (destroys one of the fighters)

jasen: come on, mandalorian punk!

Re: A New Begining

(the fighters fire special-grade explosives at Jasen's squadron)

Re: A New Begining

logan: break!

(the fighters go in various directions)

Re: A New Begining

(suddenly the Mandalorian fighters disappear again as the explosives explode)

Re: A New Begining

jasen: (spins through the flame)

Re: A New Begining


Re: A New Begining

jasen: alright, all fighters, dock with staff sergeant mysta's cruiser.

Re: A New Begining

I understand Starr.

Thor: (Looks at the squard)

Men, Lower you weapons.

(The soldiers lower their weapons but stand ready for anything)

Thor: (Looks back at the merc leader)

What do you want with Staff Sargeant lori?


(The strange ship starts to move closer to the battle and then stops all of a sudden. The fighters start to forum up in small squards of 10 and move to different points around their ship. As the 5 squards of fighters take their positions, the strange ship disappears just like it appeared. Although the main ship looks gone the fighters still hold their positions like they are waiting for a sign, a order or just a weakness to attack.)

Re: A New Begining

Mandalorian Leader: I've all ready got what I want. I would have let her go, but you had to rush in here trying to be a hero didn't you? Now we're all gonna die on this ship.


(suddenly a strange signal breaks their communications)