Re: A New Begining

(As the 2nd squard moves down the left hallway they stop and noticed that it is blocked by the structure of the ship has fallen in from the attack)

Thor: (Points at 2 soldiers to come to the front and scout ahead)

Everybody else hold here.

(As the 2 soldiers scout ahead the 2nd squard comes back around and joins back up with us)

Corp: Sir, The left hallway is blocked and their is no way through without blasting.

Okay, Forum back up and we wait for the scouts to return.

Corp: Yes Sir.


The noise grows from the bay with screams to strange banging noises. All of a sudden the noises stop once more and in the faint distance you can hear what sounds like weapons fire and orders being given out.

(1 soldier returns from scouting but drops when he returns to the squard)

Thor: (Knees down beside of the soldier)

What happened out their and were is the other scout?

Soldier: We were scouting ahead when we came to the bodies of the me that you sent to find Staff Sargent Lori. As we checked on the men we where ambushed by mercs. we got off a few shots and took out 2 of them but Jasion was hit and dropped. I managed to destroy the datapad and was hit in the back. I through a smoke bomb and made my way back here and........

Medic: Sorry Sir but he is gone.

Thor: (Stands up and removes helment)

Take Fanza to a room and take any ammo he has and cover him up.

Corp: Yes Sir (Takes Fanza to a room)

Now we will move forward and take these sons of bitches down.

Thor: (Puts helment back on)


Soldiers: YES SIR!!!!

Re: A New Begining

Mandalorian Leader: (bends down to whisper in Lori's ear)
You know... you're in high demand.

Lori: Kill me or release me, but do not waste me time with talk.

Mandalorian Leader: Oh, so brave are we?
(forces her to stand)
(shouts orders in Mando'a)

Mandalorians: (grabs hold of Damix and his men)
(lead them to the boarding shuttle)

Mandalorian 4: (walks up to take Lori to the shuttle)

Mandalorian Leader: No, this one stays with me... I've got a rather important job for her.


(all the escape pods are launched from the Mandalorian cruiser)

Re: A New Begining

Starr, Since we are on the same ship I am tryin to get to you as you are my commander. My squard and I are on the way but we run into strange things on our way there.

(Thor and the squard make their way down the right hallway and come upon the dead soldiers and mercs)

Police the bodies for ammo and weapons and hide the bodies.

Soldiers: Yes Sir

Thor: (Walks and looks around the cornner)

Men, I can see the bay doors but it looks like they have been ripped open from the inside out. I want 3 teams 4 now, I will be the leader of team 1. Corp you are the leader of team 2 and Tomco you are the leader of team 3.

Thor: (Looks at Tomco)

Tomco, The medic will be in your team and your orders are to watch are six as we check out the bay.

Tomco: Understood Sir.

Corp., Take your team and set up at the bay doors and my team will go in the bay.

Corp: Yes Sir.

Thor: (Takes the team to the bay doors and enters the bay)

What the f**k........?

Thor: (Points to the team to spread out)

Private: All clear

Okay, Bring in the other 2 teams.

Private: Yes Sir (Gose and gets the other 2 teams and they enter the bay)

It looks like they built some type of weapon or drill to get though the bay doors. They left their shuttle here so they are looking for something or someone.

Thor: (Looks at the Medic)

Find some blankets and cover up the dead.

Medic: Yes Sir.

I have a feeling that the mercs will be back to get their shuttle so I want the shuttle to be locked and mines to be placed all around it.

Soldier: Yes Sir, I will get right on it.

Soldier: (Locks the shuttle up and places mines all around the shuttle)

Soldier: It is done Sir.

Good, Now lets move out and find these mercs and learn what they are looking for.

(Thor and the squard move out and head to the bridge)


(A group of 6 mercs head to the bridge to find a Lori but they do not know that their are mercs already their and have her)

Re: A New Begining

jasen: attack those pods; you never know if mandalore himself is in one of them.

(the team opens fire on the escape pods, destroying several of them)

Re: A New Begining

(sudden a large sonic impulse is sent out from the Mandalorian cruiser as a bright light flashes blinding Jasen and his team)


Mandalorians: (arrive at their shuttles)

Mandalorian 1: Wait a second... I didn't lock the shuttle.


Mandalorian Leader: (escorts Lori to the bridge followed by three elite Mandalorians)
Blow the doors to the brig.

Elites: Yes, sir.
(plant explosives on the bridge door)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Stops and tells the men to hide)

(4 Mercs walk by comming from the bay and speaking in their language)

Thor: (Points at the mercs and makes a cut motion across my thoat)

(The squard jumps up and starts to fire on the mercs and dosen't stop till the last merc hits the ground dead)

Okay, Make sure they are dead and police the bodies and hide them in that room.

Tomco: Yes Sir. (takes 4 soldiers and pulls the bodies into the room and locks the door)

They must have reallized that the shuttle was locked and returned to the bridge.

Corp., I want you take 2 men and go place trip alarms on the bay doors and hook flash mines to go off when the alarms go off.

Corp: Yes Sir. (Gose and places the alarm and mines on the doors)

Corp: The doors are all rigged to go off if anybody crosses the beam or tries to disarm it with the right code and hand scan.

Great job, Corp.

Thor: (Walks to the front of the squard)

Okay soldiers, Let's move out and get to the brigde because I have a bad feeling that S.S. Lori needs are help.

(Thor and the squard move out and head to the bridge)

Re: A New Begining

amos: (laughs)

jasen: (laughs along)

i can see the light! (laughs harder)

amos: (does the same, fires a delayed seismic charge)

oops! clear out!

jasen: (still laughing)

(the charge explodes, severing the cruiser in half and destroying more escape pods)

amos: (in squeaky voice) did i do that?

Re: A New Begining

(Thor and the squard reach the doors of the bridge)

Okay, Soldiers spread out and set up a clear line of fire.

Soldiers: Yes Sir.

(As the soldiers spread out and set up a base in front of the bridge doors)

Corp: Sargent, The doors to the bridge are rigged to go off if it is opened.

Thor: (Walks over to the doors)

Is their anyway to disarm the door?

Corp: No Sir.

DAMN!!!!!, We need to find another way in their.

Tomco: Thor, Their is another way in but it will take us a couple of hours because we have to go down 2 levels to reach the hatch.

Where dose this hatch come out on the bridge?

Tomco: It comes out in the weapons room on the bridge that is locked from the inside and only can be opened with a ranking soldier's code.

Okay, We have a plan and that only leaves us to get their.

Soldiers, Front and center.

(The squard forums up and waits for orders)

Listen up, We have to go down 2 levels and up through a hatch to get to the bridge.

Soldiers: Understood Sir.

Lets move out and stay on guard.

(Thor and the squard move out)

Re: A New Begining

(they blow the bridge doors)

Re: A New Begining

jasen: okay, get back in formation!

Re: A New Begining

(As the bridge doors blow it knocks down Thor's squard)

Thor: (Stands up)

Everybody, Take cover and be ready to fire.

Soldiers: (Get up and take cover behide whatever they can find)

Tomco, You stay here with 6 of the soldiers and watch our backs.

Tomco: Yes Sir.

Corp, Take 4 soldiers and set up around the doors but watch out for fire.

Corp: Yes Sir. (Goes and sets up around the bridge doors)

Thor: (Walks to the side of the bridge entence)

I want to talk to the Merc leader, Their is no way off the bridge and we have the only way off the bridge guarded. I wish a audience with your leader to get your demands to release Staff Sargeant Lori and her soldiers.

Thor: (Stands and waits for the Merc Leaders answer)

Re: A New Begining

amos: alright, more inbound fighters at ten-thirteen!

jasen: accelerate to attack speed and take em.

Re: A New Begining

Corp: Sir, Why don't we just storm the bridge?

Thor: (Looks at the Corp.)

The reason is because if we do that the S.S. Lori could be hit or any of our own soldiers on the bridge. Another reason is that the mercs could kill everybody before we can take control of the bridge.

Corp: Okay, Go point.

Just be ready for anything because you can never know what these mercs will do next.

Corp: Yes Sir.

Merc Leader, I wish to talk for the release of the soldiers and S.S. Lori.

Re: A New Begining

jasen: ugh! stay in formation!

amos: they're trying to break our lines!

jasen: keep on em!

Re: A New Begining

Well, I see you boys don't need me.

Elites: (walk onto the bridge holding detonators in their hands)
Anyone moves and we blow a couple capital ships to pieces.

Pilots: (motionless)

Mandalorian Leader: (comes onto the brdige leading Lori hand cuffed)
(walks up to the Commander's chair)

Now, we had this talk, missy. Do it.

Lori: (growls)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Points to Tomco and the other soldiers to move up)

Men, Get ready because if this merc dose not answer me this time we are storming the bridge.

Soldiers: (Puts up thumbs to signal okay)

Merc leader, If you do not tell me your demands then we will storm the bridge. What is your answer?

Re: A New Begining

i do

jasen: these guys don't quit. break and attack!

Re: A New Begining


(suddenly Lori's ship begins to move towards one of the main Republic capital ships)
(a group of fighters are released from its bay, however, they are Mandalorian high grade fighters)

Re: A New Begining

amos: look at that!

jasen: i see it. we done here?

amos: yeah.

jasen: alright, form up and attack those fighters!

Re: A New Begining

(the fighters move towards Jasen's group)
(however, as they near it, they suddenly disappear)