Re: The New Jedi Order

"Why dont you ask the Exile?...i heard he hung with her for a while"Said Gregin calming down

no matter who call them selves jedi, the sith will conquer. Everything wants, hurts, and is a way of life, and a way of the sith.

Re: The New Jedi Order

"Well then he will will have to go catch him before he leaves" Aliana said.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Meanwhile......on the Enterprise

The first Officer was staring at the monitor on the elevated part of the Bridge. The eyes lay concealed behind the light refelecting off the glass. Then the screen turned green and then to yellow. A perplexed look hit his face like a shell hitting the ground.

"Sir, I'm picking up a energy flux right in front of us."

Yojimbo was on the floor doing sit-ups and the captain was at his chair just tinkering with the various switches and buttons on the panel.

"Cause?" Picard questioned.

"I don't know sir, this abrieation has never been documented in the star logs. You might want to take a look at this."

Picard briskly got out of his chair to meet the officer at the screen. They both stared at it for a time and the ninja continued with his exercise without interuption.

There was a small hum was heard from the starboard side of the ship.

Picard quickly went to the comm link "Engineering....what was that?"

All was quiet and calm despite the severity of the quake.

"A random flux in the warp engines sir." replied the crewman at enginnering...static starting to enter the comm link.

A larger quake hit the Enterprise and Yojimbo Quickly got up from his position and tied his sword to his back...a false sense of security. Picard had fell to the ground.

"All stations, red alert, this is not a drill. All deck officers report to the Bridge immeidiatly." The enterprise was a galaxy class vessel and housed thousands of people. When the red lights started flashing and the alarm whining off, the entire ship went busy like a hive that was jounced from and outsider....a big outsider.

"What is the cause of the disturbance?" asked Yojimbo bracing himself on the nearby Number 2 chair.

"We don't know, but the apparation is getting larger and coming at us at a high velocity" Picard yelled back.

The officers ran out of the elevator...but with a strong professional clam. They had been in situations like this before.

"Sir, the Light is heading at us at an increased rate. The speed is tripling every picosecond."

Yojimbo stood in front of the Head window. The light was coming at the ship like a missle homing into a target.

It hit the enterprise. The light filled the window and all Picard could see was Yojimbo's black figure against the light,

and soon...nothing but white.

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aliana ran fast from the academy to the ship she stole and went to Yojimbo's ship to see what was going on.
      When she got there headed to the bridge to get to Yojimbo and help, but when got in she said " Sorry for stealing a ship but I had to I ho-". Aliana collasped on the floor for a unknown reason.

Re: The New Jedi Order

*She woke up and saw everyone dead. Yojimbo was piked against the wall and Picard was splattered all over the walls.*

She woke up on her own ship.

"Computer....why am I on my ship?" she asked.

"You never left Aliana." repiled the computer.

"search for traces of the Enterprise!"


The computer had numbers flying across the screen and stopped.

"The Enterprise is not her at this present location and it is not in any systems 40 lightyears from here."

She sank back into her chair. How could this be? She had to call the others. She had a force vision...

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Tualk fell to his nees when this had happened, and said"I I I can feel the light, running through my vains like a fire."
he tried to pull himself back up, but fell to the ground.

then he blacked out
while he was out he had heard a whisper in his head, "Tulak, i am the one who had took you away for ten years, and i will tell you, only you, my true form. For i am not the force i am...........
...................after he had heard what the voice had to say,m he then woke up.

"The jedi are nothing more than the sith, they fear to love because love is a weakness, and jedi strive on strength"
-RonLogsdon (Darth Nihilus)

Re: The New Jedi Order

The desert was filled with death....nothing lived here.

The cave was dark. Like the gaps between the stars in space. It got darker. what could be called a figure crept up from the inner reaches of the cave. it sat there unabiding. Staring over the landscape.

"Semper arratus defacturoom." said the figure from behind.

The figure turned to other slowly

"Dos numiny patches opur jedi?" it replied.

"kasum....Malachor fryutora. Chiste gano wezarus."

The first figure shook it's head up and down.

"All of them....they must be awoken and unleased."

"Kwareq Jedi yutreopum?" asked the second figure.

"Because I was one...many eons ago...we all were.

There was a long silence.

"Tre varus, war is upon us..."

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aliana ship crashed into Telos and she was thrown out.   The crash could be heard for miles around.  Aliana laid there knocked out and and bleeding.  She woke up and limped towards the Academy but she fell when she almost made it to the end of hall way when she met by a old women in a black robe with the end of the end of the hood covering or eyes. Aliana instantly realized who this was, she used force push to knock her down to get to where everybody was.

Re: The New Jedi Order

They asked her what had happened but she was to weak to speak. The woman was at the door as Aliana fell to the ground. She pushed the others aside but not killing them. She dragged Aliana to a ship that looked like the Ebon Hawk...........

     Aliana woke up but with a whisper in her mind.
  "Do not fear me, do not try to run away. You are like the Exile." 
  Aliana used the lightsaber that Tulak gave her to get off the ship.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Alaina ended up on tulaks hidden ship in space, it was near tatooien.


Back were tulak was he had woken up and was in a medbay on some strange ship.

"The jedi are nothing more than the sith, they fear to love because love is a weakness, and jedi strive on strength"
-RonLogsdon (Darth Nihilus)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aliana focused on the ligjhtsaber to make it take her to Tulak. She was there when she into Darth Traya on the ship, the Ebon Hawk refixed. Aliana drew her lightsaber ready to attack Traya, and then she struck but met blades with Traya. Traya cut Aliana with a bothan stunner.

Re: The New Jedi Order

His body ached. More so than ever before. He was still on the bridge as far as he could tell. The crew was scattered all around him. No entry wounds or blood on any of them. He slowly got up. Picard was by his chair, and Yojimbo tryed to wake him. Picard opened his eyes, then closed them again.

"Picard, WAKE up!" and with that, he finally sat up and looked around. "Relax Picard, we are alive. But everyone else is not."

"and all of the people in the saucer area?" Picard questioned.

Yojimbo just shook his head. A no. Something he really didn't want to here.

"How did we survive, and the crew didn't?" ASked Yojimbo to himself.

"Because we were meant to live..there other explination." Picard stood up and looked around. He went up to the control panel and pushed the dead officer's corpse from the control panel. "We are not on any known planet in the star charts."

"What would you expect?" replied Yojimbo with smirk. He went to the panel next to Picard. He started to press buttons and his eyes flashed around like reading a critical part in a story. "There is oxygen, nitrogen, traces of carbon,'s just plain air."

"Open the visual." said Picard.

Yojimbo briskly hit several buttons and turned around to see what was outside the ship. The planet was decimated. Buildings were toppled over and crushed. The streets were made of bricks and ancient traveling, were scattered all over the place and several were on fire. The sky was dark and ominous. The clouds moved so rapidly, it seemed like they were moving through time.

"I need to get out there." said Yojimbo.

"Why?" but before he could get an answer, Yojimbo jumped up and grabed the ebb of the ventilation shaft. Got one of his shuriken from the gee and started to undo the screws.

"As captain of this ship, I must lead the away team...I'm coming with you." Said Picard with strong resolve.

"I wouldn't expect anything less." Replied Yojimbo.

He dropped the cover on the floor and crawled in. lowered his hand and Picard jumped up and grabbed it. Yojimbo pulled him up but slowly.

"You need to loose some weight Picard." smirked Yojimbo

"Why do you say that?" asked Picard.

"That pull up, actually hurt me."

"Perhaps you should work out some more then."

"right." Yojimbo crawled through the various passages and tunnels that made up the Enterprise's ventilation system.

"There!" yelled Picard. "That hatch should lead out of the hull."

Picard climbed up the ladder and met the hatch. He tryed to simply open it but was forced to start ramming the door. It finally nudged open and Picard wen through, Yojimbo closely behind.

"My god."

Yojimbo saw what he was talking about. No signs of war...or craters.

"Whatever happened here...was a long time ago..." the expanse was in all directions.

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aliana woke up on a strange planet. "Oh my god" Aliana gasped. Her arm still hurt from the stunner, probably broken she thought, and she was right. But she was suprised to see Traya laying there knocked out. In the distance she saw a figure with a lightsaber, so she quickly turned hers on. She turned hers off because she saw a ship in perfect condition, so she got in it and tried to leave but there was a force blocking the ship causing it to crash near Yojimbo's ship. She was thrown out of it once it hit the ground.

Re: The New Jedi Order

"What the hell was that?" asked Picard.

"looked like a ship. Who else would be out here? And worse...there appears to be some sort of disrupter field in the area. Trapping everyone in the vicinity." Yojimbo replied.

*They stared at the crash. The dust disturbed the entire block. Like a bomb that went off. Going through the buildings.*

"I think that we should check it out." said Yojimbo.

"Agreed. I don't care what is on this planet...I'm setting my phaser to kill." Picard was the first to grab the rope he brought and slung it over the side of the enterprise. He climbed down Military style. Yojimbo just stood for a while and just jumped down. All that was heard was a small brisk of air. When he landed he didn't make a sound, and posed for awhile.

As he was looking foward, there was a small critter that scurried across from one car to another.

Picard finally reached the ground. uncoupling the rope, he stared at Yojimbo. His eyes were fixed on something, though he could not tell what was happening. He never saw the ninja this alert.

Yojimbo then spoke up "There is something here...prepare yourself."

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aliana used force heal on her wounds, and they got rid of the minor wounds. She thought she saw some one there but she wasn't sure.
     "Hello! Can anybody hear me!" Aliana yelled at the top of her lungs.

Re: The New Jedi Order

*Yojimbo drew his sword*

"Picard, Pre-" but before he could finish the streets filled with large insectoid creatures...some looked human with serious disfigurments. A small four legged creature jumped at him but was met in the air by a phaser bolt and the figure disentegraded.

"Into the building!" yelled Picard

They scrambled inside. Yojimbo started to move a dresser in front of the door.

"It'll hold, but not for long." The window in the upstairs broke. Scrabling was heard throughtout the room. "I'll check the upstairs."

Yojimbo ran up the stairs, Picard just aimed his phaser at the door "I'm getting to old for this crap."

The area was quiet. Yojimbo walked silently through the corridor, resembling a canon shaft from old warships. The glass from the window was broken in and a door was smashed. It stood there. It had the absence of eyes, which was most noticable. Without warning it jumped at Yojimbo. He quickly dropped stepped and the creature hit the floor and slid from the floor's polish.

Yojimbo placed the sword in front of him and started to run towards the creature, it turned around only to be met by the ninja's sword in his face. It grabbed the sword in a desperate attempt to take it out but then died. Yojimbo's eyes squinted.
He slowly turned around Two more figures were in front of him...there would be no rest for him...or Picard.

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aliana heard slashing sounds in the distance wondered what it was..

Re: The New Jedi Order

As Aliana was walking down the street, the noise became louder, and louder. Then there were phaser shots. She looked up at the rooftops and saw a Creature fly out of the window and land on the street right before her. It outstreched it's hand and then died.

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: The New Jedi Order

"Did you lose them?" snapped gregin at Baanul
"No sir they have landed on some strange uncharted planet"
"Well take us ther!" gregin replyed


Landing on the strange planet they saw a smal transport vessel and some deformed bug-like humans banging on a door,they went to investigate....weapons drawn

no matter who call them selves jedi, the sith will conquer. Everything wants, hurts, and is a way of life, and a way of the sith.

Re: The New Jedi Order

SIon in space is wondering where everone went but he spoke to soon his ship was plumeting to the plannet****as yojimbo and gregory and aliana were searching they heard a loud noise and huge explosion is heard the  run over to the crash site