Re: The New Jedi Order

Doing real good Greg, keep it up.

*The Ebon Hawk carrying Roy, Atton, Visas, Brianna, and Atris arrived at the Ice Academy on Telos quicker than expected. That is where Yojimbo resided and trained Ninjas. It had been vacant ever since the "disapperance" of Atris and the Handmaidens. They walked through the frigid corridors of the academy to the formerly meditation chamber where they found Yojimbo.*

"We seek healing of these two. As quick as possible. That one may not have much left," announced Roy as he pointed to Atris.

"I'll get someone on it right away," said Yojimbo.

"We also have other business," declared Atton,"The woman that you were busy with on your ship - wait - speaking of which, when did you get a ship? I was always under the impression that you never had one. Anyway, we have more important matters. Aliana, where did you find her? Hours before we discovered she was with you, Roy and I failed in retrieving her. A dark Jedi, called himself Tulak Sadow or something such as that, was harrassing her, and threw us off his ship. The guy had like 5 arms! What do you know of Sadow, and what have you learned of Aliana. I am afraid we are going to have to take her back to the enclave with us. Please, quickly also, it has been a busy day."

If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.
- Mitch Hedberg

Re: The New Jedi Order

sion arrives at the academy wit four jedi knights i know something about this sadow he said he born form the blood og nago sadow  and he is stalking every one looking for AN anciant holocron i offer my assistance

Re: The New Jedi Order

Tulak arrives at the ice acadimy an telos.
when he gets tere he is surrounded by sion, roy, atton, yojimbo, and visas.

"I am looking for Atris, she is my former master, I have been missing for the past 10 years" said tulak.

Yojimbo"but we just rescued Alaina from you and your master, What is going on here"

"The jedi are nothing more than the sith, they fear to love because love is a weakness, and jedi strive on strength"
-RonLogsdon (Darth Nihilus)

Re: The New Jedi Order

"I sense that we need to go to telos" Gregin said to his wookie companions
"Why?" Asked Kaalod
"Because i just have a feeling that we need to go to the ice academy ther."replied gregin. "bannul, set coarse for the ice academy."
"Yes gregin" replied the reluctante wookie


*Gregin and his wookies arrive on telos*

"See these ships?" asked gregin.
"yes" replied the wookies.
"That one is the ebon hawk, of the new jedi order. the others look familiar but i do not know them. Kaalod your mission is to see if you cant enter the ebon hawk ok? and if you do radio me and prepare her engines. Bannul, if he succesfully enters the ship you run back to the lurker and prep her engines an we will take off with two ships, understand?"
"yes gregin" they replied.
" now you guard the enterance Bannul".and gregin entered the ice academy.


He was wondering the academy when he came to the door of the meditation chambers, he thought he should avoid it for now because he knew who was in there....but he also felt that he was being watched......but not by a force sensitive being...

no matter who call them selves jedi, the sith will conquer. Everything wants, hurts, and is a way of life, and a way of the sith.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Picard watched through the computer screen as Gregory Entered the ice academy....and all the others.

"Ensign." barked Picard.

"Yes sir!" the ensign came running from the elevated level

"Tell Yojimbo that everyone is at the academy now!" with in a second the ensign ran to the elevator.

*Aliana was fascinated by the way Yojimbo looked without the charade, the mask. She opened her mouth to say something but an officer bumped passed her and ran right up next to Yojimbo.

*All she heard was unitelligable whispers*

*yojimbo got up and ran out of the 10-Foward, ignoring her.

On the Bridge he stopped right next to Picard. The stared intently as the computer screen lighted their faces a dull green.

"Activate the program." He said to Picard.

*Picard just looked up at him...

"Please?" he added

Picard looked back down to the monitor and pressed a small tirangular button on the panel

They all stared at each other for a moment.

Yojimbo spoke up " now wah-zzzstt" Yojimbo started to fade in and out, as if being pulled to another plane of reality, the back again.

"All of your destinies have come entertwined with one another's." said Yojimbo.

*Roy just stared at him then moved his hand through the figure...he wasn't here.

"All of you come to seek answers from Atris, but she needs to be healed. And the holobanks here are wiped clean."

His figure turned to Tulak

"your mind and body was taken from you for ten long years, though you do not remember a thing. You came seeking a holocron created by Kreia, dealing with memory recovery. Very clever of knew that when Revan defeated Malak, he remembered her and sought her out. She restored his memory and kept record of their sessions. He recollected something he had to deal with and left. Kriea went looking for the Exile in order to train him. She did, and died. You are the one with searching for a new life"

His figure turned to Sion

"You came hear, hoping to destroy whatever was left of the sith, hunting two things....Tulak......and the holocron. You are the Hunter.

His figure turned to Roy

"you have fought many men to get here...but for your friends, and answers. Why have all of us come together? the answer will come. You are the warrior."

Then turned to Gregory in the shadows. His figure moved foward to meet his part in this.

"You hunt the last all of the Jedi....seeking to destroy Visas perhaps? In any case, you have survived the battle...bent those to your will, and now seek your own goals....You are the Slaver."

"You may have guessed it but this one man has planned your fates since the begining...Set up these starnge set of coincidences, and sparked the anger of the sith. He needs warriors like all of you for the trials to come. "Revan" will need all of you for the trails to come."

All stared into the holocron....the thoughts bolcked from all....the internal struggle.

"I am aboard the U.S.S Enterprise and will remain hidden until the time is right. Your destiny....whether you choose to accept to go to the outer regions and aid Revan his fight...and he will aid you. It is that simple, but you must choose."

His figure faded out.....along with the answers to all........

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: The New Jedi Order

"What?!" Gregin groweld"I have to work with you........jedi?"
"Who is this ninja guy anyways, and why should we-" he was cut off by his comlink, it was Kaalod
"Gregin is everyth9ing ok in ther youv been ther a long time." the wookie blurted
" im fine...infact you two come down here, i might need your muscle soon"
and at that  the wookies started down to the meditati0n chamber.

"So...." he continued, glaring at Visas and the other jedi. "What happens now?"

no matter who call them selves jedi, the sith will conquer. Everything wants, hurts, and is a way of life, and a way of the sith.

Re: The New Jedi Order

u have no choice replyed sion

Re: The New Jedi Order

"who says i have to do what the ninja guy wants?!" Snaped gregory in defience
"i dont even know who he is!" and the wookies entered the room, weapons drawn.
" calm down Bannul, Kaalod, we still have some things to work out before blood sheds" and gregory looked at visas."so what does Revan want with us anyways?"

no matter who call them selves jedi, the sith will conquer. Everything wants, hurts, and is a way of life, and a way of the sith.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aliana stopped the officer that just talked to Yojimbo before he left. "Where did he go sir" Aliana said trying to get him to tell her. "U-mm Telos Academy" the officer said. "Thank you,b ut where can I get a ship " she asked him. He told her where to go to get one. She went to the hangers to get a ship, she finally found a ship to get in.

    She left to go to Telos because she new somthing was going on.

    She just arrived at Telos Academy. Good thing she brought stealth units with her, because she couldn't be caught sneaking around. Sombody was nearby,just when her stealth unit started to go out. She hoped they would not notice her.

Re: The New Jedi Order

alliana was sneeking into the room when sion announces****we seem to has a visitor****aliana was very supprised that sion had senced her she turns off her steath

Re: The New Jedi Order

"Who is this!? What is happening!!!??? I wabt some answers!" Gregory yells in agrivation

no matter who call them selves jedi, the sith will conquer. Everything wants, hurts, and is a way of life, and a way of the sith.

Re: The New Jedi Order


no matter who call them selves jedi, the sith will conquer. Everything wants, hurts, and is a way of life, and a way of the sith.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aliana turned off her stealth unit after being caught by Sion. She was waiting for sombody to talk.

Re: The New Jedi Order

"im still looking for answers" gregory blurts

no matter who call them selves jedi, the sith will conquer. Everything wants, hurts, and is a way of life, and a way of the sith.

Re: The New Jedi Order

"Do you expect me to know?" Aliana asked hatefully.

Re: The New Jedi Order

"I do not know about this. To all of my knowledge, Revan has once again turned to the darkside. But Revan is a curious one. It is like he has complete control over the force. He can go from a Sith to instantly a jedi. Maybe he even took Bastila with him. You know how close the two are. That would indeed be good news. But when one has associated with one like Revan there is almost a half and half chance for your destiny. Roy, are you willing to take that chance? You would train with one of the greatest Jedi the galaxy has ever seen. Roy you are strong, maybe even you can put some light ack into Revan's soul. So I will ask again, are you willing to take that chance?"

"I would be honored, master."

If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.
- Mitch Hedberg

Re: The New Jedi Order

"Sorry to intrude in your little meeting but what are you talking about" Aliana asked while crossing her arms.

Re: The New Jedi Order

"The Ninja Overlord Yojimbo has given this man a quest, along with all of the others in this room. To help Revan in the war-effort. Since you are so confused and lost, getting tied up with the wrong people. I will offer you to travel with him, along with Gregin, and Sion. I feel this will be for the best. If you will be on the same fighting side, you should become acquainted with eachother. All four of you can teach eachother in the ways of the force, make eachother stronger. Do any of you accept?" advised and question the Exile.

If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.
- Mitch Hedberg

Re: The New Jedi Order

I think I understand

Re: The New Jedi Order

"Fine" gregin reluctantly replied. He turned to his wookie companions, "They check out...for now, keep an eye on them though" and they nodded

no matter who call them selves jedi, the sith will conquer. Everything wants, hurts, and is a way of life, and a way of the sith.