Re: Dsf Revan

Police Chief: (catches it)
(looks at it)
If they move. Shoot 'em.

Police 1: Yes, sir.

Police Cheif: (goes back to his car)

Maddox: (shifts under the weight of the man)

Police 2: (shoots at him)

(the bullet bounces off his armor and comes back at the policemen)

Police: (duck)
(stand back up, growling)

Maddox: (chuckles)

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: (growls)

Re: Dsf Revan

Police Chief: (comes back still holding Logan's badge)
What's your business with this... (looks at Maddox with disgust)
Bounty hunter?

Maddox: (growls)
(takes a step forward)
I ought to kill you right now, Qu-

Police 2: (shoots him again)

Maddox: (the bullet again bounces off his armor, but he takes a step back anyway)
(angry growl)

Police Chief: (watches Maddox)
(looks back at Logan)

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: he was sent to assassinate the chancellor; i caught him before he could complete his objective.

Re: Dsf Revan

Police Chief: Really?
(looks at Maddox)
Still killing for money, I see.

Maddox: (hateful tone) Same as you...

Police Chief: (glares at Maddox)
(looks at Logan)
Well, we'll have to take him back to HQ. Lock him in for a bit, find the crimes against him, write up a report, and then he can be released back into your hands to be persecuted.

Maddox: (through the Force to Logan)
I don't like the thought of being in that man's grip again... but I can't protect you much in a situation like this.
(stops and thinks)

Tell them you'll release me into their hands for the time being... but when they tell you to get in the car... get in and don't look back.

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: if they kill you, it's your fault.


Re: Dsf Revan

Police Chief: (smiles)
(looks at the two other policemen)

Maddox: (drops the man he was holding)
(to Logan) Keep him. Don't let him get away, don't kill him, don't let him die, and don't get yourself killed. I'll be back.

Maddox: (uses the Force to push the two policemen back into their cars)
Come get me yourself...

Police Chief: (growls)

Re: Dsf Revan

Bb sometime later tonight. Around 8, 9, maybe 10 your time.

Re: Dsf Revan

hangin out without me, eh?

logan: (force grabs the man he was holding, puts him in force perma-stasis)

Re: Dsf Revan

See what'd I tell ya? 10... well, close to it. Us girls just wanted to do some minor shopping. big_smile Nice new avi... I like it. A lot.

Police Chief: (walks towards Maddox)

Maddox: (deep growl)

Police Chief: (puts Force cuffs around his hands, and a Force collar around his neck)
(pushes him towards the police cars)

Maddox: (to Logan)
Go. Now.

Re: Dsf Revan

thank you big_smile

have you ever seen our downtown skyline?

(gets in the car, drives off)

logan: i sense these... people are not to be trifiled with; i hope you know what you're doing...

Re: Dsf Revan

if not then here it is

Re: Dsf Revan

(Chief pushes him into the backseat of the police car)

Chief: (gets in the frontseat)

Maddox: Do not worry about me. I gave you my word and said I would protect you. My word is my life.
If you run into trouble you cannot handle while I am... occupied... go to the rundown warehouse near the center of the small town of Ar Ruth just twenty miles East of here. You'll run into a few friends of mine. Tell them I sent you.

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: yeah, i doubt that will happen...

Re: Dsf Revan

Maddox: With the bounty on your head... I think you'll take me up on my offer. Good luck, sir.

Re: Dsf Revan

Sweet picture, Prince.

Re: Dsf Revan

i know.

logan: (smirks)

Re: Dsf Revan

Sometime later, at the "Police" HQ

Police Chief: (throws Maddox into a cell)
You wait here... I've got someone who wants to finish some business with you.

Maddox: (growls)
I can't wait.

Police Chief: (closes the cell dorr, and activates the Force shield around it)
(walks off)

Re: Dsf Revan

This rpg is getting really good and I hope it keeps going.

Re: Dsf Revan

teresa: now what?

logan: i don't know... we wait for him i guess...