Re: A New Begining

(gets up, force pushes jester)

Re: A New Begining

This rpg is getting lame when it is only you and me posting on it.

Jester: (Stands up)

That was pretty good.

Jester: (Gets back into battle stance)

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (pounces on Jester, pushing him to the floor)
(bares his teeth at him)

Never turn your back to an enemy.

Re: A New Begining

logan and troy: (attack the takata)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Looks at Kanasa)

Kanasa, You weigh more then you look.

Jester: (Starts to laugh)

I can feel the anger inside of you, Kanasa.

Jester: (Uses force wave and shoves Kanasa into the air and I stand up)

Look, I did not know dogs could fly.

Jester: (Starts to laugh even harder)

Re: A New Begining

troy: (uses the force to catch kanasa, brings him back down to the ground)

logan: (uses force grab on a takata and throws it a jester)

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: My anger... is righteous anger.

Re: A New Begining

logan: really?

(dodges an attack from the takata, kills it)

i thought that was an oxi-moron?

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (growls)
(pounces on a takata)
(kills it)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Uses force to catch the Takatas and sets them down beside me)

You have a good controll over the force but you still need to work on it.

Jester: (Leans down and places my hands on the Takatas and transforms them into 8 feet tall Takatas that can resist force powers)

Takatas, Now go and destroy our enemies.

Jester: (Starts to laugh)

Have fun with my pets as they will have fun with you.

Re: A New Begining

(cuts their legs off, followed by their heads)

troy: (does the same)

logan: that's it?

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (sniffs the body)
(looks at Jester)
Sai could do better than that, Sith.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Starts to laugh)

I knew you all would fight and kill them that is why I did it but it also gave me the time to set up the next fight for you.

Jester: (Draws upon the darkside of the Temple)

Have fun with these pets.

Jester: (Releases the darkness within me into the walls and floor)

Grow my pets and attack!!!!!!

Jester: (The walls and floor starts to shake and right before everybodies eyes 5 black rock monsters appear with red glowing eyes)

I have gained a great amount of darkside powers since our last battle and now you have the honor to learn first hand what I can do.

My pets, Attack and have fun.

Jester: (Sits down and starts to laugh)

Re: A New Begining

logan: the hell with this bullshit...

(draws heavily upon the force, creating a massive force shockwave)

(leaps toward jester)

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (two large spikes grow from his shoulder)
(attacks one of the rock creatures)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Stands up and uses force lightning on Logan)

You show a good controll of the force but you have angry inside you, I can feel it. Let it out and join me and I can show you the true power of the force.

Jester: (Over com... Captain kill everything on the surface and surround the Temple)

Captain: (Over com... As you command my Lord)

Their is no escape for you all unless you join me.

Jester: (Sits down and uses the force to forum a sheild)

I will sit here and see how you do against my pets.

Jester: (Draws upon the darkside within the Temple and the sheild grows larger and stronger)

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (growls)
And their shall be no escape for you, Sith...
(walks straight through Jester's 'shield')

Your time has come... the depths of Ha'sia call your name and beg for your soul.
(draws heavily upon the darkside of the Force creating a shielding around the Temple and everything within its two mile radius)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Stands up and looks at Kanasa)

Then strike me down and when my body falls so will you fall to the darkside.

Jester: (Turns off lightsabers and puts them away)

Kanasa, My body may fall but my SPIRIT will become one with the force and then I will be unstopable.

Jester: (Starts to laugh evilly)

Take you shot because it will be your last moments in the light because after that you will walk in the darkness forever.

Jester: (Keeps laughing evilly)

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: I am the Guardian of the Ha'sia, Sith. To me, there is only darkness and nothing more. When I devour your soul there will be nothing left of you but a shell... a weak, pathetic shell of a human who thought he tasted power.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Looks at Kanasa)

That is big talk for such a small pup that thought he could hunt with the big dogs but should have kept his ass on the porch.

Jester: (Starts to laugh)

Don't get me wrong, This is not the first time I have came across your race before. It was about 20 years back when I first meet a member of your race. Her name was Toshla and she became my first Master as I learned the about the darkside from her.

Jester: (Sits down)

Toshla, Was like a mother to me and I a son to her. She showed me many things that my sith teachers have never seen or heard of. So in the love of my mother/ first master, That is way I have a hard time trying to kill you because you are of her race.

Jester: (Reaches into pocket and pulls out a picture of her)

Kanasa, Do you really know why I came to this Temple? It is not for this so called true power but to find Sai and kill her for she cut my mother's leg off for teaching me the ways of her race. But Sai was doing the same thing here in this Temple so I come for REVENGE.

Jester: (Stands up and looks at Kanasa)

If you still wish to kill me then I will not stop you but I have only 2 things that I ask of you. I first one is that you kill Sai and make her sufur. The second one is that you let me return hope to see my mother or if you kill me then talk my body home to Tollin to my mother Toshla.

Jester: (Closes eyes)

Kanasa, I am ready for what ever you choice as my fate.