Re: New Sith Apprentaces

A rook who was on the old site, perhaps?

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

Yes, but who are they talking to? And who where they on the old site?

"Semper Paratus"
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"


Re: New Sith Apprentaces

Its cin05, he used to on the old site as cin05. I think it was Sith Lord who was his master at the time. This was happening about Novemberish (2005 to idiots who ask)

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

That would be why I don't remember him/her. I was in other regions then.

"Semper Paratus"
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

that explains it  wink

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

I had business in the Unknown Regions where I first studied. I could not be bothered at that time.

"Semper Paratus"
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

i understand

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

Right, and I was just a young ninja back then. Heh I was in prison for trying to grab a twilek dancer's head tail when I was on an all night tarisian ale drinking binge. lol

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

Nice. If it where me, I just would have shot you on the spot.

"Semper Paratus"
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"


Re: New Sith Apprentaces

Funny Yojimbo. No need to be so evil Gabriel. He was only having a lads night out.

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

so if he was stealing his girl i bet he wouldve

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

Yeah, I was dating that Twi'lek at the time.

"Semper Paratus"
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"


Re: New Sith Apprentaces

Matar,Mar 16 2006, 06:46 PM wrote:

Its cin05, he used to on the old site as cin05. I think it was Sith Lord who was his master at the time. This was happening about Novemberish (2005 to idiots who ask)

He was my apprentice. Is sith lord even on this site?

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

I do belive that I have seen him on here. Have a mod or admin check the member list.

"Semper Paratus"
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"


Re: New Sith Apprentaces

Nah I haven't seen Sith Lord. He'd stop posting for a while before BS finished. So maybe he hasn't come back on since then.

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

yea i miss him

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

It would be nice if he came back.

"Semper Paratus"
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"


Re: New Sith Apprentaces

Well he might come back. Perhaps he is posting in The Sith Empire forum.

Re: New Sith Apprentaces

pherhaps u are right


Re: New Sith Apprentaces

I wasn't posting on there when I was there a while ago. sad Maybe his internet messed up or summat. Or he had to move house.

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.