Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: see if you can get a piece of that sand crawler.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Riyad: What are you doing?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: we need a piece of this thing so we can identify it.

(magnetic field intensifies, increasing stress on the sandcralwers)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?


(a sand storm begins to form in the distance)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: for god sake...

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

(the second sand crawler releases its grip on the gunship, falls to the ground, and sinks into the sand)

(the first, however, refuses to let go and continues to try and pull the gunship towards the ground)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: concentrate the magnet on that one.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

(the sand crawler climbs up the side of the gunship and stands on the roof)
(leaps onto another gunship)

Kharr: Clever beast.

Starr: (nods)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: why won't this thing die?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Riyad: You cannot kill something made of sand.

Starr: It is clever and knows when you prepare to shoot it. Only when it is unprepared for the blow, will it hit and take effect.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: that's it!

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Savo: What's it?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: turn the magnetic attract off. then fly away.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Starr: Exactly.

Riyad: Wh-? Oh, wait... (thinks)
I get it.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: let it take the gunship. we need to do this inconspicuously.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?


(the gunship begins to lose altitude)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

(men begin to jump out of it)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

(the second sand crawler appears, grabs one of the men, and then disappears back into the sand)

(the gunship hits the ground and begins to sink)


Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: (to starr) you're callin the shot on this one.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Starr: You don't happen to have some kind of cloaking device do you?