Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: Don't test it.

Re: A New Begining

(turns around to face him)

logan: you want the round-about of things? fine. these bitches will kill you with no remorse unless you have my help. they mean more to me than they do to you. i have more reason to kill them than you possibly ever could. and since i am the ranking officer of this mission that means you are under my command; if you don't like it, i believe you can go to hell... because you're not going anywhere else. thompson... let's go.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Kanasa) I am Sith and that's the way we fight. I dose not matter if you we are face to face or you have your back turned, either way we Sith attack and you die.

Jester: Master, You must gather yourself for they are drawing near.

Jester: (Asha) Report

Asha: (Jester) Master, From what I have seen these soldiers are well trained in the ways of battle but are weak in their minds.

Jester: (Asha) Very good, Keep me informed.

Asha: (Jester) As you command, Master

Jester: (Returns to mediatating infront of the door and I can feel the darkside fill me up inside)

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (gets very close to Logan's face)
Watch your tongue, vode... you must remeber that you may not have been here if it were not for the Elder and myself. The jungle is a dark place and it takes many victims... you were just another corpse, along with all your men.

I have fought many in my day... I have tasted the blood of thousands of Sith, many more powerful than these... and the witch's blood has burned my tongue as well. If they kill me so be it, but I will give them one hell of a fight before they do.

And you wish to be in command?! (mocking laugh) How many are your battle years?! How many compliment your tactics?! How many men have you lost?!

Did you even know where you were going...? you followed the Sith here, which is the only reason you made it here. Do you know the hallways of the Temple or the secrets it holds?!

Can you prepare your men or even yourself for what comes? Can you withstand the darkness like I have? Can you reject the power as I have...? Can you fight the witch and her dogs... and come back unaltered as I have?

When you are able to answer my questions with correct answers... then you can be in command of me. Otherwise... narir hettyc.

(stands back up and walks back to the enterance)

(to Jester) I will not die in this battle.


Lina: (listens)
(says something in Mando'a to the two behind her)

(they go around the Temple, heading for the front enterance)

Lina: (looks at Troy) As much as I wish to see those two killed and the Elder freed, I cannot let you pass through the south gate.

Re: A New Begining

( opens his eyes, fueling with the dark side)

" What has happened", ( reaches for his lightsaber)

Re: A New Begining

thompson: ignore him. he knows nothing about you. and no one said you had to explain anything to her.


troy: listen. this is part of a flank manuever. i must get through.

Re: A New Begining

(the two Ado'mas come around to the front of the enterance and approach Kanasa)

Kanasa: I know more than you think, ner vode.


Lina: No. Many dangers await in the Temple, and you are unprepared for those that lie beyond this gate.

Re: A New Begining

man: i wouldn't say that.

troy: jones!

jones: how you doin kid?

troy: good sir, we were just about to enter in.

jones: seems like we have a gate guard keeping us from doing that.

Re: A New Begining

(one of the Ado'mas speaks)

Ado'mas: You speak of the Guardian Lina.

Kanasa: (surprised) She still guards the south gate?

Re: A New Begining

logan: (walks into the temple)

Re: A New Begining

(creatures begin roaring)

(hissing and growling)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Looks at Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, The mut and his toy soldiers are entering the Temple.

Jester: (Stands up and walks to the side of Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, The darkside grows within the Temple as more and more soldiers enter the Temple.

Re: A New Begining

logan: (smiles)

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (to the Ado'mas)
Inform Lina that the ner vode must not pass through south gate.

Ado'mas: At once.

(they leave)


Lina: You should return to the front where the Black Guardian will escort you in.

Re: A New Begining

troy: (looks at jones then back at lina, laughs)

there are two sith lords in here that need killing. that can't be done if we're all bottle-necked through the front door.

Re: A New Begining

Lina: (growls)
If you go through here you will not even reach the first door before you are the only one left standing!

(the two Ado'mas come back around the Temple)

Re: A New Begining

troy: why don't you help us? we could use all the reinforcements we can get.

Re: A New Begining

Lina: Only few of our kind can withstand what lies beyond these doors... I do not wish to test myself.

Re: A New Begining

troy: then let us test ourselves.

Re: A New Begining

Lina: You may can withstand the temptation, but you will not survive the darkness.