Re: A New Begining

troy: (fires)

(soldiers fire)


logan: hold here. you hear that?

(low rumbling)

Re: A New Begining

(a much larger one steps out in front of them, becoming covered in metal-like plating, blocking the two behind it from the fire fight)
(it speaks in a gentle, yet harsh and loud voice)

We seek not to harm you, ner vode...


Kanasa: (growls)

Re: A New Begining

(ships are heard landing)

logan: the calvary has arrived! (runs back outside the temple)


troy: hold your fire.

Re: A New Begining

(the plating seems to sink back into the creature's skin)
(approaches them)

Lina: I am Lina, high member of the Jatne Vode... what is your purpose here, ner vode?

Re: A New Begining

troy: we are here looking for two very powerful sith.

Re: A New Begining

Lina: You seek the two that came before you in search of answers?


Kanasa: (looks down the hallway before following Logan outside)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Kanasa) You believe that my Master and I are the ones that you hunt but this Temple is full of darkside creatures that are hunting you and the soldiers that are with you.

Jester: (Stands up)

Jester: Master, This Temple is full of secrets.

Asha: (Master) Master, A small group of soldiers have passed by us and are comfused because they have no idea where they are going and they are starting to disappear from the group.

Jester: (Asha) Stay in stealth and keep your eyes on them and keep me informed.

Asha: (Master) As you command, Master

Jester: (Kanasa) I hear that your soldiers are disappearing left and right.

Jester: Sai, I see that this Temple has more secrets then we where lead to believe.

Jester: (Sit's back down and begins to meditate and feed on the darkside in the Temple)

Re: A New Begining

Sai: There are many things you do not know... many, many things.


Kanasa: Do not act like I am stupid, Sith... I, along with the Elder, have come to this Temple before which is why the witch knows of our kind. We have walked these hallways more than any, and watched as the witch's creatures sunk back into the darkness, afraid to even look us in the eye. We... have passed the doors by which you sit and beg of enterance. And we have tasted the witch's blood.

As for the disappearance of the soldiers... the jungle takes many victims, and that I cannot help. However, this will not stop me. Even if I come along I will taste yours and your Master's blood... and you shall watch as the witch dies.

Re: A New Begining

logan: captain thompson...

thompson: commander logan...

logan: and the legendary jedi master antilles. good to have you with us.

antilles: good to be with you commander.

logan: did lieutenant smith give you his coordinates?

thompson: yes, i have three hundred on their way to him now.

logan: and the rest?

thompson: i could only bring five thousand. they figured a quarter of a mill was too much for this.

logan: (sighs) how many are here?

thompson: seven hundred fifty. the rest wait in orbit.


troy: we're here to kill them.

Re: A New Begining

(the soldiers behind Thompson and Antilles step back and raise their weapons as Kanasa approachs Logan)

Kanasa: (roars)

Re: A New Begining

logan: relax, before you shoot in your pants... all of you.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Kanasa) You make yourself and the others of your race to be all powerfull but in the end it was way too easy to catch the Elder.

Jester: Sai, Why do you let these muts talk about you in this way?

Jester: (Stands up and walks to the door)

Jester: Master, Are you ready?

Jester: (Kanasa) Are you affraid to come alone and get the Elder back? You have all these soldiers with you and many more are on the way but that is a disadvantage to you because they will be less room to move for you and more victims for us to slaughter or to turn to the darkside.

Jester: (Sit's back down)

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (bares his teeth at them)
(to Logan) We must move, vode... but only take few along. I fear the witch's cretures lie in wait for those that may stray.

(to Jester) I fear not you, your Master, or the witch. You are but cowards in my eyes, and cowards shall always be the same. You lie in wait for the weak and strike when you are unexpected. Why don't you come face to face with your opponent...? Because you are afraid of them.

At least when I kill you, you shall see my face. My eyes shall burn into your soul and you shall die in fear.

Re: A New Begining

logan: i'm bringing my seven fifty.

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: That may be unwise.

Re: A New Begining

logan: (whispers in his ear)

no game of dejarik can be played without pawns, and this may prove to be a very long game.

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (growls)
Well, I suggest you watch where you move your pawns... because the witch is an artful player.

Re: A New Begining

logan: that's why they are a built up wall.

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: You will lose many in this battle, vode... I can almost guarantee that.
(walks back towards the Temple enterance)
(looks back at him)

The hallways are narrow and the ceilings high. If you miss you may not live to regret it... tell your men to make sure they don't miss.

Re: A New Begining

logan: keyword: almost.