Re: A New Begining

logan: yeah, i think that would be best for everybody. troy you have your orders.

troy: yes sir. let's go my squad!

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (growls)
Be silent and swift.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Uses the force to sence Kanasa's location)

Jester: Master, They draw near but I believe that when they enter the Temple that they will have trouble resisting the power of the darkside.

Asha: (over com) Master, I have reports in that soldiers are surrounding the Temple.

Jester: (over com) Very good Asha, Now stay in stealth and I will take care of the soldiers outside.

Asha: (over com) As you command, Master.

Jester: (Uses the force to contact Kanasa) I sence that you are drawing near but the darkside is strong here and I don't think that everyone in your party will be able to resist the power of the darkside.

Jester: (over com) Captain, Send 3 Death Squads down to the Temple but tell them to attack only on my order or my Master's order.

Captain: (over com) Yes my Lord.

Jester: Master, I have sent for 3 Death Squads to take care of the soldiers surrounding the Temple but I told them to wait for my orders or wait for your orders to attack.

Jester: (Sits down and starts to meditate until the arrival of Kanasa and the soldiers that are with her)

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: Perhaps you are right, Sith, but you must take into account that few of these warriors can even sense the tiniest glimpse of the Force.

I do not fear the darkside... I have resisted it time and time before and shall have no trouble doing so again... as for those her who can hear the call of the Force, I fear not for them either. We Ado'mas are stronger than you and your Master think.

Now, with that taken care of I only have one question to ask you, coward: can you, and your Master withstand the light?

Re: A New Begining

" You cant beat us here"

" The Dark Side is to strong here, it fuels me, and jester, and there are powers beyond us"

Re: A New Begining

logan: (taps kanasa, points ahead)

(makes a motion with his head to his troops )

(they begin running to within 300 yards of the temple)

logan: this is REC commander Jason Logan requesting a large withdrawl of two-hundred fifty thousand soldiers.

man: this is one-adam-brown twelve. commander, please state your reasoning

logan: a sith temple crawling with dark jedi and sith soldiers. see if you can get some jedi knights with those soldiers as well.

man: very well, dispatch of two hundred and fifty thousand elite commando accompanied by three hundred jedi are twenty minutes out.

logan: thank you. troy come in..

troy: Smith, here.

logan: hold your current position. reinforce ments in twenty.

troy: sir, yes sir, but i'm only a hundred yards out.

logan: fall back to within three.

troy: copy that, falling back...

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (to Atrox) There is a reason your Master fears us, Sith... do not underestimate us like so many of your predecessors did.

(activates Force camo)
(to Logan)
I will take the enterance.

Re: A New Begining

logan: we'll follow you in. troy change of plans. move in. repeat move in.

troy: moving in.

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (moves forward towards the enterance)
The hunt begins...

Re: A New Begining

( starts manifesting the dark side around him)

Re: A New Begining

logan: i need five on sniper positions.

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (to Logan)
Tell your men to stay low and still. I will take care of those blocking the enterance.
(begins to run towards the enterance)

Re: A New Begining

logan: hold here.

man: sniper positions set up. equipped with silencers.

logan: good.

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (runs up the stairs leading to the Temple enterance, still in camoflague)
(as he nears the Sith guards he deactivates his camoflague and lunges onto two of them, killing them)

(the other Sith move to attack him)

Kanasa: (faces them)
(as he roars the skin on his shoulders begin to split as his shoulder bones grow turning into large spikes)

Re: A New Begining

logan: they're gonna crack 'n run... watch.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Uses the force to talk to Kanasa) You say that you will not fall to the darkside but I sence that someone in your group has already taken their first steps into the darkness.

Jester: Master, They will be here shortly but they are too cocky and that is the first step to the darkside.

Jester: (Uses force kill on the gaurds at the enternce of the Temple)

Jester: (Kanasa) I have made it easy for you to enter the Temple because I want you at 100% so when I defeat you nobody can say that you where in a weakened state.

Jester: Master, Time draws near as do our targets.

Jester: (Starts to draw upon the darkside from the Temple and starts to center myself for the fight)

Re: A New Begining

logan: IR signatures?

man: jammed. some type of energy. can't make it out.

logan: so we're blind...

troy: sir, my IR sigs are static

logan: as are ours. watch each others backs over there.

troy: same for you

one-adam-brown twelve: reinforcements one minute out.

logan: gametime. let's go; move in for assault!

troy: copy that.

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (to Jester) Even if I were wounded you would not escape the judgement I bring for your soul, Sith.

(his bones return to their natural placement and length, however, his flesh remains open bleeding heavily)

(to Logan) Move, vode.

Re: A New Begining

logan: i'll assume that's not insulting...

(soldiers enter the temple)


(troy and his soldiers enter the rear entrace to the temple)

troy: looks like resistance should be little to none. proceeding...

Re: A New Begining

(two dark colored creatures, much like Kanasa and Naas, but smaller; jump down in front of Troy and his men)

(approach them)


Kanasa: It depends on how you look at it.
(follows them inside)